Senior Spotlight: Lauren Sotnyk
By Dannie Gamble
When and Where: April 24, 2000, Burnsville, MN
Plans for college? Hopefully Hamline University in St. Paul for criminology and criminal justice, and play some sports
Deserted island, 3 things… spotify, coffee, and a knife
Favorite high school class: art
Favorite high school memory: Grant Schwartz’s parties
Favorite sport: my favorite sport seasons were volleyball, favorite in general to play is basketball, but I think I’m the best at softball
Favorite food: salad
Favorite animal: sugar glider
Favorite song: (after scrolling through her playlists) “Man in the Mirror” by Michael Jackson
Favorite movie: My All American, or Hidden Figures (we are halfway through watching it right now)

DL: When and where were you born?
GS: Eau Claire on October 21, 1999.
DL: Any plans for after high school?
GS: Probably come back to ILC for AA.
DL: Is the Caspian Sea a lake or a sea?
GS: Sea.
DL: If you could be any animal, what would it be and why?
GS: Hyena because they are cunning.
DL: Basketball or flag football?
GS: Basketball.
DL: PE tennis or PE soccer?
GS: PE tennis.
DL: Darth Maul or Darth Vader?
GS: Darth Vader.
DL: Wii or Playstation?
GS: Playstation.
DL: “Stretcher” or “Schwartz?”
GS: Stretcher.
Food: Pepperoni pizza
Prof: Gullerud
Class: English 11
Star Wars movie: Rogue One
Star Wars character: Capt. Rex or
Commander Cody
Place to visit: Detroit
Bible passage: John 3:16
Where do you see Grant in 10 years?
Levi Schaller: Co-starring the 20th
episode of Star Wars.
Justin Winters: Grant will be living in
southern Wisconsin while caring for
his two kids and chickens and happily
married to his wife who adores him.
By Dan Lau

Grant Schwartz: Senior Spotlight

Random Facts
The human body makes enough iron to make a three inch nail.
Play-doh was first manufactured in Cincinnati, Ohio, originally meant to be used as wallpaper cleaner.
The inventor of liquid soap became paralyzed after slipping in the shower.
The dots on dominoes and dice are called “pips.”
Half of all Americans live within 50 miles of their birthplace.
Giraffes clean their ears with their 18 inch tongue.
Kangaroos cannot walk backwards.
By Julianna Hein
Troyal: Where and when were you born?
Hannah: Houston, Texas, July 13th
Troyal: How awesome is it to drive a Saturn, knowing you'll never break down?
Hannah: It’s nice
Troyal: What will you miss most about high school?
Hannah: Chicken patties
Troyal: Any advice for the freshman?
Hannah: Don't be annoying
Troyal: Haha, that'll never happen
Troyal: What are your plans for after high school?
Hannah: UW Eau Claire for graphic design
Troyal: What's it like being friends with Katherine Reim?
Hannah: Not exactly terrible
Troyal: Why is Friday star bucks a thing?
Hannah: Jenna
Hannahs Favorites:
Prof: Rodebaugh
Color: Grey
Song: “Little One” by Highly Suspected
Movie: Gladiator
Where do you see Hannah in 10 years?
Tara: Owning an art museum that's filled with all her own art; and she'll be a billionaire.
Katherine: a successful music producer in Hollywood with two dogs and on child.
Sam Oster: 28
By Troyal Mayhew
Hannah Fox: Senior Spotlight
No, this is NOT Martin Luther. His life was celebrated all the way back in October. So don’t worry, we didn’t make a copying mistake. This is about MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR, who, as I’m sure you know, is someone completely different.
From an early age it was clear King had many talents. He loved singing and music, but he was especially known for his public speaking. Despite his many gifts, he suffered from depression quite often. He even attempted to commit suicide when he was thirteen. His hatred against the ongoing racism was even present as a teen, and caused him to become angry frequently and even to question much of his church’s claims. However, later on in life, after he became a Baptist minister, he said that the Bible “has many profound truths which one cannot escape.”
In school, he was a very smart student, and skipped both the 9th and 12th grades. What set him apart the from other students most was his public speaking ability. He excelled at speech and debate at his school, and was accepted into college at the age of fifteen. He continued his education and earned a B.A. in sociology, and later earned a doctorate in systematic theology. He married as well, having four children.
But is all of this what made Martin Luther King, Jr. famous enough to have a holiday named after him? Of course not. But these events in his life led up to what he became known for, and they ignited his fire to end segregation.
The real turning point in King’s life happened when he heard that Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama, public bus. This caused King to protest in the Montgomery Bus Boycott on March 16, 1963, and help bring about the Civil Rights Act.
After becoming involved in many Civil Rights movements and groups, including the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, King began to give speeches against racial segregation and injustice, using his persuasion skills to urge people to take a stand. Finally, after a march around Washington, D.C. on August 28, 1963, King gave his famous 17-minute speech, “I Have A Dream,” which inspired the Civil Rights movement and added fuel to the fire. This speech is considered to be one of the finest speeches in the history of American oratory.
Unfortunately, King was assassinated on April 4, 1968. However, only the day before, after he had heard about the bomb threats targeted towards him, King gave his last and final speech. He said, “I’ve been to the mountaintop...I just want to do God’s will...I am happy tonight.” It was clear that he realized that he had done God’s will and was proud of the work that he had managed to accomplish.
So what does this mean for us today? Well, for one, King proved to us that finding a healthy passion at an early age is important. By focusing on schoolwork, speech, and singing, he kept himself out of trouble and even helped him overcome his depression. Secondly, King taught us that if we want something to change, we can’t just sit idly by and wait for it. We have to work hard at our passions and goals, no matter what the circumstances. And lastly, King showed us that our goal in life should never be popularity. People don’t know what they want until you show it to them.There is a right and there is a wrong. That is what Martin Luther King, Jr. came a stand for, and that is why he is celebrated on January 15.
By Miriam Whitenight
TOP 10: Star Wars Characters
10. DJ
While breaking out of the prison in Canto Bight, this hacker really shows his smugness. DJ’s arrogance and lack of morals really make him an intriguing character in The Last Jedi. An odd habit that is repeated by DJ is a slight electrical sound along with a twitch that happens when he talks. This may be the case from an accident in his hacking history. This villian looks like “a good guy” at first, but then shows his true selfish behavior. The mystery behind DJ is what makes him such a cool character (although he only appears in half an episode).
9. R2-D2
Anyone who has seen any of the Star Wars episodes can see what makes R2-D2 great. Going from serving Padme and through the years to Luke, this droid has always been a faithful character. Famous for his beeps and “screams,” he is always in the thick of things. R2-D2 has gotten the heroes out of trouble on more than one occasion and is ever resilient.
8. Boba Fett
The son of Jango Fett, Boba is one really cool character. He serves both Darth Vader and Jabba the Hutt as the best bounty hunter around. Fett has a sweet jetpack and flies Slave 1, the vehicle he brings the captured Han Solo on to Jabba the Hutt. We don’t hear him talk much, but he has had a great impact on episodes five and six, primarily. I like how we get to know his back story as Jango’s son and see his father’s death in episode two of the prequel trilogy.
7. Rey
The past of Rey is unknown, and this is part of what makes her such an interesting character. She is first seen in The Force Awakens on her home planet of Jakku. She seems to be surviving on her own, and she is eventually taught the way of the Jedi by Luke in the next episode. Rey shows her resilience as she denies Kylo Ren’s plea for her to join him and rule the galaxy. Her lightsaber skills are impressive, and she is quite strong with the force.
6. Kylo Ren
I was worried in The Last Jedi that Kylo Ren would become a good guy, but that is definitely not the case. He is very powerful and has excellent skill. Ren’s surprising move to kill Leader Snoke is his most evil moment as he attempts to take control of the galaxy. Controlling his temper isn’t his strong suit, as he is seen destroying many things in anger in the past two episodes. He destroyed his awesome mask, so I’m guessing that is gone, which is a shame.
5. Yoda
Jedi Master Yoda is as wise as they come. He has had some sweet lightsaber duels with Emperor Palpatine and Count Dooku. He may be small and super old, but he puts up a fight. Later in his life, he showed his kooky side to Luke at Dagobah in The Empire Strikes Back. This is really where all of Yoda’s knowledge is seen as he teaches the young Jedi. His most famous words are, “Do or do not. There is no try.” I appreciate how we got to see some vintage Yoda behavior in the newest movie, The Last Jedi.
4. Han Solo
First of all, Harrison Ford is the coolest since he got to play both Han Solo and Indiana Jones. Han Solo is perhaps the most loved Star Wars character. He always delivers with the humor and is the best pilot in the galaxy. A true Rebel, Han has had a major role at the Death Star, Hoth, Endor, and Starkiller Base. Along with Chewbacca, Solo is always getting work done. His death by his own son was probably one of the biggest surprises of all the films.
3. Darth Maul
Darth Maul is just a sweet character. He only appears in The Phantom Menace, but he makes quite the impact. The death of Qui-Gon Jinn is done by his unique double-sided lightsaber. Maul is well-trained in the way of the Sith and it shows. Not only is his weapon unique, but so is his frightening appearance. Darth Maul has deep red skin and is inked with face tattoos. He also has horns. That’s a game changer. His fighting style is also quite cool as he implements athleticism with speedy moves and high kicks.
2. Luke Skywalker
Luke is quite the nerdy kid when we first see him and is often found complaining. After finding out Vader is his father and training with Yoda in Dagobah, Luke becomes perhaps the most powerful Jedi. In Return of the Jedi, Luke wears all black and gets a green lightsaber, which I find quite awesome. Many people don’t like the way the Star Wars writers made Luke behave in the most recent film, but I am honestly a fan of it. Luke acts quite a bit differently than in the original episodes. He is crankier and I like it. Also, he did the biggest trick to Kylo Ren and the First Order, and it was great.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan is definitely my favorite character. He’s a super good Jedi and has the highest of honor. His duel with Anakin Skywalker at Mustafar is perhaps the best lightsaber duel in Star Wars. His experience bests Anakin (now Darth Vader at this point) when he foolishly takes the high ground. Kenobi also has some intense encounters with Darth Maul, Count Dooku, and Jango Fett. Obi-Wan also delivers with some kicker quotes at all the right times. I’m not a huge Old Ben Kenobi (the name for Obi-Wan in episode four) fan, but he does treat the fans with a solid Jedi mind trick and true knowledge of the force.
By Dan Lau
Everyone at Immanuel has ridden the green bus that’s parked by the Garage-Mahal. It’s super cold and really uncomfortable. But select townies that don’t have their license yet get the special privilege of riding the yellow bus to school in the morning. Riding the bus in the morning is on a completely different plane of existence. Going through downtown, at least for me, is the weirdest thing ever. The people who live in the residential areas around downtown just sit on their porch steps watching the cars. Everyone I see looks like how I feel: tired, unaware, and discombobulated. However, experiences vary. I interviewed four morning bus riders who are quite opinionated about this early morning jaunt in this metallic prison. Courtney Behlmer likes the companionship, but doesn’t appreciate the early mornings and the fact that there are seat restraints on 90% of the seats. Levi Wittorp and Ben Oster agree with Courtney on the point about early mornings. Levi appreciates that he has rides to and from school for free, but he doesn’t like the inconsistent times that the bus picks him up. If they could have the perfect bus ride, there would be more heat, the bus would come later, there wouldn’t be kid seats and there would be complimentary snacks. According to Gabe Plath, his bus driver will sometimes just forget he’s still riding the bus and not even stop at his house. In my experience, my morning bus driver won’t put on the brakes until she reaches my driveway, so I actually get on the bus at my neighbor’s driveway. It’s a struggle. However, it’s free, and I’m not gonna complain about that. Also, I’m forced to wake up in the morning and stay on schedule so I don’t miss the bus. All in all, the bus isn’t that great, but it’s better than living on campus.
By Lily Meyer
80's Greaties!
These are the catchiest tunes from most of our parents’ haydays, so that you can jam with them to more than just some Michael Jackson. This playlist is pure GOLD.
So Emotional - Whitney Houston
The Way You Make Me Feel - Michael Jackson
Africa - Toto
You Can Call Me Al - Paul Simon
Break My Stride - Matthew Wilder
Material Girl - Madonna
It’s Still Rock and Roll to Me - Billy Joel
Danger Zone - Kenny Loggins
Oh Sheila - Ready For The World
Shadows Of The Night - Pat Benatar
Sussudio - Phil Collins
Dancing on the Ceiling; All Night Long - Lionel Richie
Hungry Like The Wolf - Duran Duran
When Doves Cry - Prince
What A Feeling - Irene Cara
By Cassidy Noeldner
New Year's Traditions Around The World
New Year’s resolutions are starting to become really, really OLD. Why are we expected to pick only one day out of the year to change? Well, I suppose that’s a topic for another issue. New Year’s traditions, on the other hand, are quite interesting. Because of different cultures, New Year’s traditions are varied, are unique, and probably last much longer than those resolutions of yours.
-Ringing Bells. It turns out that Japan rings bells 108 times because of their Buddhist belief that this brings cleanliness.
-Water and Talc. In Thailand, people throw buckets of water on each other to celebrate. Not only that, but they also go around smearing one another with gray talc.
-Dropping Ice Cream. In Switzerland, to celebrate the New Year, people purposefully drop ice cream on the floor. I don’t quite know the reasoning behind this, but I think we can all agree that’s a huge waste of delicious ice cream.
-12 Grapes. In Spain, eating 12 grapes at midnight on New Year’s Eve is both a tradition and a superstition. It is said that each grape symbolizes one lucky month of the New Year.
-Smashing Plates. In Denmark, many Europeans consider it customary on New Year’s Eve to throw plates on the front of your friend’s doorstep. Apparently, it’s supposed to symbolize how much you appreciate them in your life.
South America:
-Colored Underwear. I think this may be the strangest New Year’s tradition I’ve ever heard, but yes, it’s true. In some countries in South America, wearing colored underwear will determine your destiny for the new year. For instance, wearing red means finding love, gold means wealth, and white means finding peace.
-Burning Celebrities. In Panama, many people burn sculptures or models of popular celebrities and political figures to ward off bad spirits of the past year. Fake human sacrifice?
Hope you appreciated these fun, strange, and interesting New Year’s traditions! God’s blessings on your 2018!
By Miriam Whitenight
In a couple of weeks the world’s favorite sporting event will take place. No, I’m not talking about the Super Bowl; I’m talking about the Winter Olympics. From February 9-25 we will get to see the greatest country in the world compete for gold medals (Our resident Canadians might disagree on this country but they, like all Canadians, are wrong.) Every four years this set of events rolls around and there are mixed thoughts and emotions. Some people love it and some people hate it. Some people love sailing in the poopy waters of Rio De Janeiro and some people like walking the streets in Sochi with stray dogs; it’s all personal preference.
The Winter Olympics contain a plethora of events. This year’s Olympics consists of alpine skiing, bobsleigh, cross-country skiing, curling, figure skating, freestyle skating, luge, nordic combined, ski jumping, short track speed skating, skeleton, snowboarding, biathlon, speed skating, and America’s pastime: ice hockey (shot number two at the Canadians). Over ninety nations are competing this year and their athletes will be dead-set on bringing glory back to their homelands.
The Olympics are a crazy thing. Not every year does one get to see grown men sweep a floor of ice to get their “rocks” in the center of the circle. These events also take place during a hectic time of year. February can be a busy month with little time for viewing the Olympics. Some people just don’t make time for the eccentric events, and others just don’t care. They might be fed up will all the NBC reporters complaining about their flea-infested hotel rooms or pink eye. Yeah, I’m looking at you Bob Costas. On the other hand, various people from different ethnicities love the games and are elated to watch them. The devotion and love for one’s country really shows in people’s love for the games.
In conclusion, the Olympics are an exciting and interesting time of year whether you hate it or love it. It doesn’t matter whether you’re cheering for the U.S., Canada, Russia, Germany, or even *winces* North Korea. The Olympics serve as a bonding agent to keep people connected and are an enjoyable pastime to adhere drastically different people together.
(P.S. I apologize to all the Canadian readers out there. I hope that your athletes have a successful Olympic Games and take silver behind every American participant. Maybe, if we’re feeling generous, we will let you win a couple events.)
By Seth Miller
1. Dogs get presents delivered from whom on Christmas?
Santa Paws
2. What does December have that no other month has?
The Letter D
4. What do you say to a stressed snowman?
Chill out
5. A snowman on roller blades is called what?
A snowmobile
6. Why did Santa get lost?
He was mis-sled
7. What has no teeth, but bites?
8. Where does Santa keep his red suit?
In the Claus-et
9. Name two letters that describe a sidewalk that’s slippery.
10. What do snowmen ride?
11. When you cross a Christmas tree and an apple, what do you get?
12. You get what when you cross Santa with a duck?
A Christmas Quacker
13. How many seconds are in December?
One; December 2nd
14. Name two letters that describe Santa’s sack the day after Christmas.
15. You get what when you cross a Christmas carol and money?
Jingle Bills
16. What type of ball does not bounce?
17. The end of Christmas is what?
The letter S
18. What does Santa plant in the fall?
Christmas bulbs
19. When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving?
In the dictionary
20. What did Mrs. Claus say to Santa when she looked up in the sky?
Looks like rain, dear.
21. Which one of Santa's reindeer can you see in outer space?
22. What is one of the best presents you can receive for Christmas?
A broken drum, you just can’t beat it
23. How did Darth Vader know what Luke Skywalker was getting for Christmas?
He felt his presents
24. What do they sing at a snowman's birthday party?
Freeze a jolly good fellow
25. Why did Santa’s helper see the doctor?
Because he had low elf-esteem
By Megan Johnston
The boys basketball team has had a lot of trouble scoring since the resuming of the season following the Christmas hiatus. Since Christmas the team which was previously ranked 5th in state has gone 0-2, not including a tough loss in a scrimmage to Immanuel Mankato. During that stretch the Lancers have not been able to break the 50 point mark, after scoring over 50 points in every matchup besides one prior to the layoff. In fact, the team has yet to lose a game in which they score 50 points. So what has been causing the difficulties on offense? Well, it could be in part due to the lack of game experience in the last month, or could be part of the injury bug that has affected the Lancers. The second leading scorer and leading rebounder, Henry Lau, has missed both games because of a thumb injury on his shooting hand. In addition, starter Levi Schaller missed the second of the two.
The Lancers head into a game on Thursday against Melrose-Mindoro at home with Lau returning and a ton of desire to win. Although still in first place in the Small Dairyland, the Lancers need to get back to their winning ways soon. Hopefully Coach Williams will be able to get his team back on track and get his scorers on a role again.
By Josh Gerbitz
Canadian Corner
Happy New Year! It’s 2018, believe it or not, and since I rang in the new year in Canada I’d say we’re off to a pretty good start! Everyone’s heard of this little thing called New Year's Resolutions, I’m sure. Of course they are just a bunch of mumbo jumbo since so few people actually follow through with them. University of Scranton research says that just 8% of people who made New Year's resolutions actually achieved their goals. Now yes, Scranton is an American institution, but I doubt that number would change very much no matter which country one got this statistic from. Naturally, most people are lazy when faced with a task versus doing nothing. So often we take the latter, and I wish this wasn’t the case. I find myself falling victim to this very thing. Some days it seems that procrastination is my favourite activity. I promise it’s not, but I can admit I am lazy too! Let’s try to make that 8% a little higher this year, eh? What do you say? When you find yourself watching that TV show, or reading that book, while your homework is staring you in the face remember that “Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” (Colossians 3:17) If you made a resolution this year, I challenge you to follow through with it and hold yourself accountable to your new goal, for the rewards will be great! Hebrews 12:11 says, “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” So here’s to starting off the New Year right and getting our bums off the couch. Grab your battleaxe and get after it! That’s all for my little pep talk.
Signing out from Maple Leaf Rd., Moose Town, B.C. Have a great January!
By Megan Johnston
Josh Gerbitz- “Ok, so I had a kid and I didn’t know what to do with it so I took it to my parents’ house ‘cause that’s what you do when you have a kid. I bought a very large truck ‘cause that’s the responsible thing to do right after you have a kid. It was this huge white truck that had giant tow mirrors and I was backing it up and I hit someone’s back window. Then I didn’t have enough money to pay for it. That’s it. Oh, and I didn’t know who the mom was.”
Kendra Naumann- “I don’t really have any entertaining dream, OH WAIT, I MET CHIP AND JOANNA GAINS IN ONE. They’re awesome people. Actually, no, my dream wasn’t really that cool. I was just super excited about it because we were at some sort of fair thing and they were there and we were like, “I don’t know.” I met Chip and Joanna Gains and it was pretty great and then I woke up. So, maybe for real someday.”
1. “My sister’s first child was a baby.”
2. “My mom was a woman but I am a man.“
3. “My eyes are sweaty from blinking so much.”
4. “Balloons are like chickens; you’d think they would fly, but they don’t.”
5. *suctions cup to face and pulls it off* “Do I have Kylie Jenner lips?”
6. “I’m imagining you with sausage links as limbs.”
7. “There should be no nut crunks in my bed!”
8. “Shimmer and sparkle make everything farkle.”
By Brynn Schierenbeck
By Brynn Schierenbeck
Prof Lau’s Puzzles
Word Hints to Creativity
Here are your long awaited answers:
Surprise, line, birthday , . . . Party
Base, snow, dance , . . . Ball
Rat, blue, cottage , . . . Cheese
Nap, rig, cal , . . . Cat
Golf, foot, country , . . . Club
House, weary, ape , . . . Dog
Tiger, plate, news , . . . Paper
Painting, bowl, nail , . . . Finger
Proof, sea, priest , . . . High
Maple, beef, loaf , . . . Sugar
Oak, show, plan , . . . Floor
Light, village, golf , . . . Green
Merry, out, up , . . . Make
Cheese, courage, oven , . . . Dutch
Red, star, house , . . . Light
By Prof Lau
Dungeons and Dragons #4
Story: Your Gnomeness
Notes: The characters in this story are the same ones from the first D&D Flash article: “Troll Trouble.” The encounters and quotes in this portion of the story may have or may not have been modified from the original account. You may see these characters later in other short excerpts, but it may not continue where it left off.
The party (a human ranger, a gnome wizard, and a halfling rogue) had just walked into a tavern in which there was a large fight. The crowd already in there had filled the tavern all the way to the doorway. As the gnome and halfling tried to push past the legs of the taller people, the ranger jumped into the rafters and carefully climbed to above where the fight was occuring; it was a wrestle between a burly half-orc and a company of halflings. Not long after, the bartender yelled, “Break it up! Show’s over!” The crowd reluctantly disbanded and the fight ended.
The ranger jumped back down to her companions and asked, “Now what?” The other two stared at each other and answered: “We may need some muscle in our group; a ranger, a wizard, and a rogue don’t seem like the toughest group.” The ranger nodded.
“But where are we going to find someone like that?” she asked. As if on cue, a loud scream came from outside. The three adventurers ran out to the road and saw the commotion: a young nobleman, maybe a son of a nobleman, was being chased by an orc brute of a robber.
“Help me! Help me!” the nobleman cried out as he stumbled on his cloak. The gnome ran out into the street and threw a magic spell at the robber, hitting him in the back with three quick bursts of green light. The robber stopped chasing the fleeing man and turned toward the gnome. The gnome looked back for support from his companions, but he saw them climbing the side of the tavern to try to get a vantage point from which to shoot. The gnome turned back to the approaching robber and began to panic.
As the robber was about to strike down on the gnome, a tall, strong man dashed out and struck the orc. The robber stumbled, surprised to be hit so hard. He tried to hit back, but the man struck the orc again, knocking him down to the ground.
“Thank you,” the gnome said, breathless from his sudden rescue. The man simply grunted.
“Wasn’t anything,” he muttered. He looked up and saw the young nobleman running back, finally noticing that his attacker was no longer chasing him. The tall man walked into the gathering crowd and disappeared.
“Who did this?” the nobleman asked, gasping for air. His robes were dirty from tripping in the streets and there was a tear in his cloak. He looked down and saw that the gnome was the only being standing by the body. “Do you know who did this?”
The gnome looked around and also saw that he was the only one standing by the body. He cleared his throat and said with much bravado: “It was I.” The nobleman looked at him with surprised eyes.
“You… you did this?” The gnome answered “Yes.” The young human fell to his knees and began to grovel at the gnome’s feet. “Oh, thank you!” he cried. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! How can I ever repay you?” The gnome stood there surprised.
“Well,” he said, shifting his feet nervously, “it wasn’t really anything.”
“Oh, but I must repay you… your… Your Gnomeness!!” The gnome thought for a second, then asked, “How much money do you have?” The nobleman stopped worshipping his short “rescuer” and repeated, “Money?” The gnome nodded.
“How much money do you have?” he asked again. The young nobleman opened his coin pouch and estimated, “About one thousand gold pieces.” The gnome clapped his hands and began rubbing them together.
“Perfect!” he said. “That should be enough payment!” The young man, now looking forlorn, asked, “All of it?” The gnome nodded his head again. The nobleman reluctantly handed over his pouch of gold and said, “As you wish… whatever you say…” and he walked away.
The gnome looked at the gold in the pouch as his other two friends ran up behind him.
“Well, what was that about?” the halfling asked. The gnome handed him the heavy sack and said,“If only it were always that easy. Who wants to go shopping tomorrow?” The ranger took the heavy gold sack from the halfling and carried it on her back. Then the three of them walked back to the tavern to buy a room for the night.
The End of this part of the Story