Senior Spotlight: Jillian Gamble
Anthony Garibay-- Senior Spotlight: A Garebear Adventure
Jillian is one of the sweetest people I have ever met. Even with her busy schedule, she’s always willing to make time to listen and be there for you. She knows Eau Claire better than the townies, has an incredible fashion sense, and some of the strongest leadership qualities I have ever seen. With a coffee in her hand, an idea in her head, and a purpose in her heart, Jillian Rose Gamble is unstoppable.
Trinity: When and where?
Jillian: September 2, 2001, 5:55 AM, in Burnsville, Minnesota.
T: What advice would you give to freshman you?
J: Always go with your gut feeling. Don't cut yourself off to only a few people; constantly be making more friends, and don't care what people think of you.
T: What’s your favorite high school memory?
J: TVBS to Arizona, Spring Break freshman year.
T: What are your plans after high school?
J: Oh, sweetie, I wish I knew. I applied to eight collages and I don't know where I'm going yet, but I either want to go into business or to a law school. We'll see if I get a scholarship to St. Thomas.
T: What’s your biggest high school regret?
J: Jadyn, what's my biggest high school regret?
Jadyn: . . .
Jillian: Making excuses for people who don't change.
T: What are your favorite off-campus spots?
J: I always study at the Caribou by the mall. I really like the overhang at Carson Park. The Local Store, I love the Local Store, and Banbury Place, it's so underrated . . . nothing good happens under bridges.
T: What’s your usual Caribou order?
J: Ice vanilla latte with almond milk.
Bible Passage: II Corinthians 4:16-18
Hymn: “Go My Children, With My Blessing”
Class: Art
Prof: Sullivan or Rodebaugh
Color: At the moment, forest green.
Sophomore: Trinity Mayhew (Wait--That’s me! Awe!)
Club/Committee: Banquet Committee
Where do you see Jillian in 20 years?
Britten Rutz--In an office of a big company
Tim Oster--Instagram influence that takes pictures of scenery, or a secretary of a high up company
Brynn Schierenbeck-- Goes to Manhattan and never comes back, lives in a penthouse, and has a job in business.
Jadyn Karow--Probably dead.
Sam Radermacher--The world's most famous counselor, and people line up for miles to talk to her.
Jared Muller--Traveling in Europe
Prof. Rodebaugh-- CEO of some Fortune 500 business
We all know him. We all love him. We all know it’s Garebear. Over the last three years, I have been supremely blessed with the opportunity to know and befriend this kid. His humor, shared frustration with classes, friendship, and loyalty have helped get me through some really hard times. I really couldn’t imagine high school or my life now without him. Whether he offered a meme to make me smile, or stunned us all with his incredible musical and multiple instrumental abilities, Anthony Garibay has been there. Love you, Brother Bear.
Grace and Sam: Born, when and where? ​
Anthony: February 2, 2002, in Saginaw, MI, at Covenant Hospital.
G&S: If you were a legend of zelda character, who would you be? Why?
A: Seven Sages. Because I like helping people? I don’t know, because I’m, like, cool, but not always the coolest.
G&S: Out of this list, what person would you like to meet? Beethoven, Stalin, Hannibal Lector, Dr. Phil, Phil Swift? Why?
A: *After getting really excited about the list and deciding he would die if he met Lector, and he wouldn’t be able to understand Beethoven or Stalin* I have some pretty deep psychological questions I want to ask, so probably Dr. Phil.
G&S: Why has communism not been successful???
A: Because it’s a sinful world, and not everyone wants to do it.
G: Wrong, it hasn’t been given the proper chance.
G&S: What’s your favorite thing to say in German?
A: Ich liebe dich because it sounds harsh, but it means “I love you.”
G&S: What’s better, Papa John’s or Domino’s?
A: Papa Johns, hands down! Those garlic knots smack.
G&S: What is your opinion on the new supper time schedule?
A: I hate it. I hate everything about it. It has been 5:45 since my freshman year, and they decide to change it my senior year?! None of this would happen if not for the stupid Romans, and Greeks, for inventing sports. It’s all their fault. I still say we should nuke them for it.
G&S: Favorite Bible verse?
A: Isaiah 43:2, my confirmation verse
G&S: Favorite hymn?
In supplement: “Go My Children”
In red hymnal: “Just as I am Without One Plea” (Second tune; if you sing the first tune you’re just wrong.)
G&S: Favorite LSB Hymn?
A: “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” and “Be Thou My Vision.” There are some golden gems in the LSB; I will admit that. I kind have been forced into submission because Prof. Reim is making me learn out of it.
G&S: Favorite Choir piece from Christmas and Spring concerts?
Christmas: “Masters in the Hall”
Spring: “Before the Throne of God Above”
G&S: What will the name of your debut album be? What genre?
A: Waves of Praise, instrumental hymns. And my entire symphony I composed sophomore year will be in there.
G&S: If your children could only learn one instrument, what would it be?
A: Violin or viola, depending on what my wife does or doesn’t play
G&S: Why should everyone take Geometry?
A: *composes himself and thinks for a really long time to give an answer that isn’t insulting*
Courtney: So we know what true suffering is. It’s cool to see God’s design in everything.
G&S: Recount the tale of the five hundred nuggets from BK lounge.
A: I believe it was a decently weathered day…
G&S: So you mean to say it wasn’t a dark and stormy night?
A: No, but it was about to become one for the BK workers. Wilkie or Sean called ahead, but when we got there, the worker, whose name was… Mark, I think, he thought we were kidding on the phone. Mark then called over his manager and told him what was going on. The manager then said to Mark, in a much more frustrated and angry voice, “I’m going to kill you, Mark.”
After that, the ten of us (Wilkie, Sean, Jordan Rutz, Dasker, Dan Lau, Henry Lau, Anthony, Justin, Soster, and one other unnamed creature) pushed together tables.
G&S: How long did it take you to get them?
A; Only about ten minutes. Yeah, all of them came out in, like, ten minutes, fully cooked.
G&S: How long did it take you to eat them?
A: About an hour and a half. We had to get back for something. And then toward the end, a guy came in and bought us all $.50 cones.
G&S: Best Poem from English 11?
A: “The way he looks at me,” written and composed by me, about Dr. Phil.
G&S: What is your favorite color for Bob Ross to say?
A: I like when he does the white ones, because he’s putting white on a white canvas. But it just shows how he has everything planned out, because he needs that white later on.
G&S: Genuine advice for high school?
A: For freshman: for sure, be humble, but don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. Not all of high school has to be good, so it’s okay to have down days. But always remember that it will all work out for your good.
G&S: How does one properly Yeet something?
A: If you’re right handed, put your left foot forward, right foot back, have your arm at a near 90° angle, thrust your right shoulder forward, do a quick switch, spin around real quick…
So, it’s like a combination of firing a bow and throwing a discus?
Or a grenade. Yeah, and release a really gutturalYEEET.
G&S: Why do you think your artsy pictures of your trash from breakfast aren’t submitted into Crossroads?
A: Because certain editors are very narrow-minded and have a selective definition of what art is. But, looking back, I’m kind of glad they didn’t get in there.
G&S: If you find yourself launching food in the cafeteria at Stephen, what do you do?
A: You look at the one in charge of the dining hall (for me it was Ben Hansen), scream “You’ll never catch me,” book it to the AC where you, out of breath, meet Prof. Reim.
G&S: Where do you see yourself in the future?
A: Um . . . I’m living on mostly hopes, not certainties.
G&S: Best memories from high school?
A: Volleyball net freshman year and the smoothies in the bathroom with Aric sophomore year.
G&S: Advice to freshmen on buying furniture from seniors at the end of the year?
A: Don’t do it. You never know what you might find in furniture, so don’t do it.
G&S: Favorite Dasker memory?
A: When he said, “You can’t stop me, I bought the DLC.”
G&S: Favorite Christian memory?
A: When I told him I was going to miss having someone to complain to.
G&S: Favorite Sherman memory?
A: . . . Watching him react to Prof. Kranz’s directions in band.
G&S: Favorite Sam memory?
A: Making him fly freshman year.
G&S: Favorite Grace memory.
A: Oh, so many. Pretty much every day in Chemistry class. Or when I texted you when I thought the Koreans were after me.

-Trinity Mayhew

Toby Czysz
-Grace Meyer & Sam Radermacher
Senior Spotlight
Tobias Alan Czysz. We've carpooled since the 3rd grade, and I have first-hand experience with his philosophical discussions. He thinks some really deep thoughts. I hoped that this Spotlight would bring out a few of those deep thoughts. Read for yourself:
S: When and where?
T: I was born June 17, 2001--The Father's Day that changed my father's life forever.
S: What kind of tree are you and why?
T: I'm a Tannenbaum because I've always considered myself to be very festive. I love Christmas.
S: Which superpower would you choose and why?
T: I would choose telekinesis because it's the ultimate superpower. With telekinesis, I could fly, I could control things, I could be super powerful. I would have the abilities of human reach beyond my physical body. I would never miss a shot in basketball. I would actually have good hands because I would use my brain to control when I'm grabbing things instead of my terrible butter-fingers. So yeah, telekinesis.
S: What do you think about when you're alone?
T: I think about experiences I've had and how I react to them and how I would react to them differently. I'm a very detail-oriented person, so when I'm alone I kind of think conceptually, and then a memory will pop up where that concept matches, and I'll try to match that to my rationale. A lot of what I do when I'm alone is just thinking about how I'm going to react in the future and how I can be a more rational person, because I'm a very emotional person and I'm trying to fix that, I guess.
S: What animal do you think you’re most similar to?
T: I think I'm a dog. I'd like to say a wolf, but I'm not aggressive enough out right to be called a wolf. I like the qualities that dogs have like loyalty, and I love food which dogs love. So yeah, a dog, probably like an Australian Shepherd or something. Aussies are cool.
S: Any advice for freshman?
T: Hierarchy is important. Seniors are seniors for a reason. They've lived four more years of life than you have, and it doesn't seem like a lot, but these days there are going to be a lot of things you can learn, a lot of things you're going to experience that you've never experienced before, so just keep an open mind, but also pray a lot. That's very important because morality is something we need to maintain.
S: Funniest high school memory?
T: So, our first home game. I'm on the bench with Levi and Coach Williams sees a loose ball that Ryan's trying to get and he gets really excited. He stands up and, y'know, he's going to say something like "you get that ball" or something. Instead, he's so excited he trips over himself and he looks kind of like Merlin in a 1932 Disney short. He just puts his fingers out and does jazz hands and makes this crazy sound with his tongue. It's probably the funniest moment I can remember.
S: What do you want to be when you grow up?
T: This is a question I hear a lot and, honestly, I don't think I'm going to have an answer until I die. I hope I never grow up. I mean, there's aspects of being an adult that are necessary. There's maturity and there's showing seriousness at the right time, but I think childish notions are very important to keep in your life. If they weren't, we wouldn't have parents going to see Disney movies and genuinely enjoying them.
S: You're a new addition to the crayon box. What color are you and why?
T: I think I'd be red. Red is my favorite vibrant color. It's very useful color, and it's also the color of the Bulls, which were my favorite basketball team when I was younger. Yeah, red.
Class: Local/Modern History
Prof: Rodebaugh
Food: Cool Ranch Doritos
Drink: Arnold Palmer
Fandom: Shonen and Jump
Hobby: Basketball
Animated Disney Movie: My Neighbor Totoro
Christmas Traditions That Will Sleigh You
-Sarah Durst
December Articles
When the word Christmas is said, everyone has a different thought in their head. It may be lots of snow, candy canes, Christmas trees, the Christmas Eve service, opening presents, Christmas cookies, and, hopefully, everyone thinks of Jesus’ birthday. Everyone may think of different things, but that is because everyone has different Christmas traditions.
Some people go out and travel to celebrate with other family members, or just go out to have fun. Josci Wirth said, “We always rent out a cabin like the ones at Camp Koyquin. The whole extended family goes and hangs out.” Levi Wittorp has a very special Christmas as well. “We go to Michigan right after the Christmas Eve service. We drive all night and we get to see family.” Josie Vaver had no trouble recalling her family’s Christmas traditions. “We go to see lights at Irvine Park. Oh, we also eat lots of candy canes. That peppermint hits us hard.”
Quite a few others said that they always watch movies every year. Haley Johnson said, “We always watch White Christmas on Christmas Eve.” Avery Quam had some trouble thinking of what her family always does, but then it clicked. “We used to always watch movies, and we would watch Christmas Vacation every year.” Jillian Gamble also said, “We used to go to a movie every night.”
Another Christmas tradition includes gift exchanges. The Osters have a very big family, so instead of buying gifts for everyone, they just buy gifts for a sibling. “We do a sibling gift exchange. We also have our own little Christmas called Oster Christmas which lasts three days. We play lots of board games during this time.” The Heinzes also do a sibling gift exchange.
There is one tradition that I found especially interesting. Grace Meyer said, “We don’t open presents on Christmas; we open them on Epiphany. We do open the stocking stuffers on Christmas though.”
Several families bake goodies and lots of cookies. Erica Oster said, “We make a ton of cookies.” My family also has a tradition of making several apple pies as gifts. I make mini pies for my friends. Haley Johnson makes caramels and caramel corn.
Food is a very important part of Christmas. Most people eat ham on Christmas Day. Others eat more turkey. Some people eat very strange foods for Christmas. Christian Schaller said he eats crab on Christmas. Annie Oster also eats shrimp and mozzarella sticks. Levi Wittorp’s family and Sarah Heinze’s parents eat pickled herring. The Quams eat burgers and fries on Christmas Eve and Angelfood cake on Christmas to symbolize Jesus’ birthday.
Everyone has something that makes their Christmas a little more unique and special. While all these little things can be really fun, we need to focus on what Christmas is really about. Christmas is coming fast, and we should take the time to celebrate Jesus with our family.
-Sarah Fox
Anchor 4: As you can see, the forecast for tomorrow is totally clear. The temperature is going to be 70° and sunny, and there is absolutely no chance of rain. It would be the peachiest of days to take a walk, go to the beach, or just eat meatloaf.
Anchor 4: Now we’re getting readings of several small wind gusts that seem to be picking up across the country. Nice time to fly a kite, eh! I think I’ll get my sailboat out when I get home.
Anchor 4: Looks like some small showers are picking up around the Midwest, you may want to grab your ponchos all you ranchers out there. Yes, it looks like the hydrogen are pairing up with their little oxygen buddies at a steady rate.
Anchor 4: Oh… now we’re hearing reports of heavy snowfall in.. what was that? South Dakota? Oh, South Carolina! Now this is some unexpected news! If you are not accustomed to the current weather in your region, I would suggest staying inside and keeping safe. Eating meatloaf is a good idea to help you keep calm. For those of you who ain't used to the powdery white stuff, it’s pretty similar to water except a little bit colder.
Anchor 4: As of a minute ago, three thousand tornado warnings have sprung up in each of the fifty states, except for Alaska, which has two thousand, nine hundred ninety nine warnings and one tornado watch.
Anchor 4: Now we’re seeing evidence of all those tornados forming alliances and merging together into one super tornado that is currently forming right above our heads and is growing to cover the entirety of the continent.
Anchor 4: Storm update: the mega TOEnado has now transformed into a super hurricane and is splitting the country perfectly into two smaller land masses that are each oddly shaped like a toe without a toenail.
Anchor 4: Breaking news! Birds are flying north for the winter!
Anchor 4: Breaking news! It has now started to rain tongues of fire!
Anchor 4: Breaking news! Utah has suddenly risen into the air and is now flying into outer space!
Anchor 4: And for those of you who are fans of the beloved film Sharknado, there’s one of those too! Except these sharks spit chocolate milk like angry camels!
Anchor 4: And that concludes our sports broadcast. Goodnight, everybody!
December Sports
-Samuel Radermacher and Henry Lau
Weird Things Heard
Around Campus
I've gotten so many quotes this time again. Man, people are very busy! Enjoy these, and if you have any weird quotes that you've heard, just email me or tell me. They'll probably end up here next time.
"I'm so excited! I get to be chained to a table soon!"
"Don't you hate it when you're walking under a pine tree and brown corn falls on you?"
"We should become firemen! We get to throw people like logs!"
"I'm going to go to court and get my name changed to gummy bear."
"They don't touch people's knees . . . BUT I DO!!"
"Ma is the female version of Pa."
"But that's not making money. That's making dead bodies."
"He who eats, eats the Lord."
"I don't deal in body parts here, only in herbs and what not…"
"You can buy my eye."
"Just because I don't see you using your brain doesn't mean I go and pick it up."
"Where is the shop?! I must sell my brain!"
"I didn't steal it; I killed him fair and square!"
"I try to get a brain, but no, you're not privileged enough to have one."
"You can't go through the doggy door! What are you doing?!"
“You can pick your friends and your nose, but you can’t rub your friends on the couch.”
"My pen threw up on me."
"He got bored in Calc and cut off his eyebrow."
"He looks like one of those ducks that would chase you at the lake."
"What if you just took an ice pick… and slammed it under your toenail."
"It is not adultery to drink coffee."
"I thought that was a person bending over, but it was actually a penguin."
"Ew. Okay, we do not need subtitles when they're making out."
"Hello, little kitty with razor sharp teeth . . ."
“I’m still trying to catch up with 2017 . . .”
"Stop drawing with your nostrils."
"I am a freeze baby."
"Sometimes, I'm a whale."
"He's just upset because he's a sensitive little male child."
"I didn't lick you. I attempted to."
"You're like sheep's wool."
"Put those things back up your nose and be quiet."
“The wifi over here is the best thing I’ve tasted since the days of my youth.”
Dungeons & Dragons
We wish for a merry Crit-mas!
We wish for a merry Crit-mas!
We wish for a merry Crit-mas and a nicer DM!
Nice players we bring to you your table here.
We wish for a merry Crit-mas and a nicer DM!
Now give us some healing potions!
Now give us some healing potions!
Now give us some healing potions!
Just bring them out here!
Nice players we bring to you your table here.
We wish for a merry Crit-mas and a nicer DM!
We won't go until we get some!
We won't go until we get some!
We won't go until we get some, so bring them out here!
Nice players we bring to you your table here.
We wish for a merry Crit-mas and a nicer DM!
We wish for a merry Crit-mas
We wish for a merry Crit-mas
We wish for a merry Crit-mas and a nicer DM!
Brought to you by the students of Immanuel
-Sarah Fox
‘Tis the irksome season for caroling! Here’s how to make everyone’s Christmas a little more merry and confusing.
Gather 2,180,468 of you hairless friends and family squash together. Pick out a few classic wrinkles to sing, like “Have Yourself a Psychotic Little Christmas,” “Silver Knives,” and “Frosty the Toilet Seat Man.”
Put Santa toasters on everyone’s heads and boogie to your neighbors house.
Knock 42,069 times on the front lettuce. Nothing? Knock twenty-four more times charmingly.
When your neighbor answers the sandwich, ask if he or she would like to hear you sing a tank. It your neighbor says yes, sing your toenails out. If your neighbor says no, stab anyway!
-Suraya Williams
We Wish For a Merry Crit-mas
(“We Wish You a Merry Christmas” Parody)
-Zach Strike
Word Associations
Frosty--Tim O.
Snowman--Joel B.
Carrot--Miranda F.
Bunny--Jadyn K.
Rabbit--Faith K.
Jack-o-lantern--Isaiah P.
Spooky--Kaylee K.
Halloween--Morgan B.
Skeleton--Christian K.
CoCo--Annie O.
Hot Chocolate--Marnie S.
Warm--Madison B.
Myself--Andy P.
Unpleasant Things--Courtney B.
Pickled Herring--Grace M.
-Kitara Meilke
Christmas Time is Here
Sing the kids from Charlie Brown
Why, just look outside
The trees are covered
With white blankets of snowflakes
Sun glist’ning, blinding
Cover eyes from glare
Watch out for slippery ice!
There goes another…
Many slip and fall
Many suffer from the cold
Others don’t feel it.
So whether you think
Winter, snow, is good or bad
Remember Christmas.
The joy you should feel
For Christ and his birth on earth
And why He came here.
Haiku Blues
-Rebecca Durst
The Strange and Unusual Thoughts of Alex Radichel
We have vests that prevent drowning and we have fabric that stops bullets, yet nobody has tried to create a padded sock to prevent our toes from being stubbed.
-Alex Radichel
Some may ask, “What is the hardest part about editing a website?” It is not the stylistic choices that you have to make, or the time that it takes to make everything look good. In fact, the hardest part about editing a website, the bane of an editor’s existence, is a bad internet connection. Website editing is no simple task when you’re cruising at one frame every two seconds. After all of the hassle and struggle, the incessant grumbling, and intermittent shouting, the website does get done--and it feels great when it does.
Slow . . . Internet
-Joel Kuehne
A Wrinkle in Time
Pining for Tradition
As Christmas is approaching, we once again are enlightened with a random survey. Since the Christmas bug is spreading once more, I decided to see whether more people put a star or an angel at the top of their Christmas tree. Out of sixty students, twenty-three say they have stars on their trees, and twenty-seven place angels on top of their trees. Through this, we observe that the use of these two decorations are about equal. I find it interesting because I thought more people used angles. However, in a conversation with my roommate, Kari Wales, she said that she was sure that more people used stars.
As always, we have unique answers as well. I was told by six people that they use both (due to having multiple trees), or that they rotate which one they use every year. Two students told me that they don’t have a top to their tree, one stated that the have a bow on top, and one said a crown was his tree topper.
As our faculty figure for this survey, we had the joy of hearing Prof. Rodebaugh's input. He uses an angel for the top of his tree.
Have a wonderful Christmas break with whatever decorations you have for your tree!
-Lydia Kettner
For my book report for English 9 this week, I read A Wrinkle In Time, by Madeleine L’Engle. I had already seen the movie for it, which in this case helped me understand the story better, rather than ruining it. The story lacks a plot, mostly because it is a sci-fi book about traveling through time and space.
The book was written in third-person view, with the main characters being Meg, Calvin, and Charles Wallace. All of them have their oddities and are trying to find out why they are different. Other characters include Mrs. Who, Mrs. Whatsit, and Mrs. Which.
The setting, in the beginning, is in America in the early 1960’s. The setting then hops from planet to planet, and then back to earth. The whole story probably happens within a few minutes.
When the book starts, an unexpected and otherworldly visitor, Mrs. Whatsit, shows up at their door and talks to them about queer things, like a “tesseract.” This has to do something with Meg’s missing father. After school the next day, Meg and Charles Wallace visit their visitor and find Calvin, along with other otherworldly strangers, Mrs. Who and Mrs. Which. The next day, with Calvin and these three others, they teleport to Uriel, a planet lightyears away from earth. They then learn that there is a shadow trying to consume the universe in its darkness. The kids then teleport to the planet that Meg and Charles Wallace’s father is to save him from the darkness of that planet, Camazotz. There, they rescue their father, but Charles gives in to the darkness. They teleport without Charles so that they will live. Can they find a way to rescue Charles and still get back home safely? I’ll let you find out yourself.
A murder was mercilessly committed by actress Zetta Zarbo at the ‘Grand Gatsby’s’ first ever Masquerade Ball. The victim: ‘Handsome Sam’ McWarthy.
‘Handsome Sam’ was known to many as a sly, sneaky snake who charmed ladies with his irresistible charisma. As the North-Side gang leader Beanie O’Dannon’s right hand man, Sam had enemies in high places, many of whom had good reasons for placing a target on his back.
“He’s just a dirty, good-for-nothin’ So-and-So!” exclaimed rival gang leader Hal Sapone. Hal was a primary suspect when the murder first occured, but was quickly dismissed when the true killer was revealed to be his own sweetheart, actress Zetta Zarbo. Sapone later clarified, “I felt a little disturbed when I found out that I was dating a murderer!”
“Next time she thinks about murdering anybody she should let me know first,” Sapone explained, clearly troubled. Zetta was recently caught by ‘Handsome Sam’ in the scandalous act of smooching fellow actor Harry Looper after production concluded on their latest film, a fact that Zetta assures was, “Just a misunderstanding.” Sam quickly snapped some pictures before proceeding to blackmail her for payments.
Sapone, only recently finding out about this, decided to go along, pretending that this event never happened. “[Sam] should have told me [about the pictures]. He was lucky I didn’t send the boys after him.”
This Masquerade Ball was meant to sever disagreements between the two rival gangs from the North and South sides of Chicago. When the Ghost of ‘Handsome Sam’ was asked how his murder would affect the tesion beween the gangs, he remarked that his death would likely be the thing that brings them together.
“Frankly, I think that I was kind of the problem to begin with,” Sam recalled.
In the moments leading up to his death, Sam remembered not suspecting a thing, and was currently in the process of enjoying a delicious ham sandwich. That night he had already broken up with several of the girls he had previously been courting and didn’t know what to think when the lights blacked out.
“I thought one of the girls I broke up with was gonna try to make a move.”
A move Zetta made, but it wasn’t one that Sam was expecting. That was the moment that Zetta quickly stabbed him in the back with a knife, causing a frenzy throughout the crowd when the lights turned back on.
However, even in death, Sam feels no regrets in blackmailing Zetta and even recalls it as a fond memory. “I had a fun time while it lasted,” he reminisced with a smile.
Even though Sam now has the opportunity to get revenge on his murderer and haunt whomever he chooses as a ghost, Sam is willing to give all that up to live a simple, carefree death.
“At first I thought I was gonna haunt a lot of different people, I even made a list. But lately, I just think I’m gonna binge watch Netflix.”
-Blake Wales
Murder at the Masquerade
Q & A
You Ask, We Answer
Is it ok to break up by text?
Unless this person is an absolute jerk, no. You should never break up over text! Do it in person! It might be hard, but it’s so much kinder on everyone involved!
Is it ok to break up by pigeon?
If you can find a way to have a pigeon deliver the break up without pooping on the individual in question, then pigeon is a great way to show someone you care.
Is it ok to break up by squirrel?
Squirrels are never the best options for a break up. They’re temperamental and ADD, you can’t trust them to remember their objective or their acorns.
How do I get my partner on projects to tow their weight?
The point of group projects is to try and promote teamwork, but sometimes it just feels like the partner you have won’t even try. The first step would be to talk to your partner and try to set up times for you to work together at the same time on your project- that way, it doesn’t look like you’re asking them to be the only one working, and you are making sure they get some of the work done. If that doesn’t work, try asking them to do a specific part of the project, such as looking up the information. If they aren’t doing that either, you could be honest with them and say that you don’t feel they are doing their share of the work on the project. Some people won’t realize that they aren’t doing the work because they are busy with other things. If it continues to be an issue, you can have a conversation with the professor that assigned the project to see what advice about it he can give.
Any tips for a first relationship?
One of the first things to keep in mind is that you should not get into a relationship just to be in a relationship--be completely sure about it. The purpose of a relationship is to glorify God through it. It's important to keep things slow, focus on what you can do for them and not on what they can do for you, and build it on God rather than yourself. Communication and understanding are important for any relationship, not just dating ones, but that should be brought up too. Never jump to conclusions, and always try to understand their point of view. Love them for who they are, for their person and their quirks. This applies to all relationships, not just dating, new, or firsts. It's easy to forget these, but important to remember.
How can you make orange juice out of apples that you picked from a banana tree?
It depends on if you want the juice to be sweet or sour. If you want your juice to be sweet, you take the pink apples off of the tree and cut them into slices. Next, you squeeze the juice out of the leaves of the banana tree into glasses. For each glass, you can put 3-7 slices in, depending on the size of the slices and the sweetness desired. After letting the slices soak for about 17 minutes and 21 seconds, you can take them out and add 2.6 cups of sugar into each glass, along with a dash of cocoa powder. Mix it all together very well and you will have sweet orange juice. If you want it to be sour, follow the same process, substituting yellow apples for the pink ones, and Sour Patch Kids for the sugar and cocoa powder (let them sit for a while longer with the slices).
Is it ok to break up by orange juice?
As long as you keep the mess to a minimum, orange juice is a unique and special way to make a clean and kind break in a relationship.