Me: When and where were you born?
James: Sioux Falls, South Dakota, June 24, 2001
at like 11:07 PM
Me: If you had to describe your childhood in
three words what would they be?
James: ummm…. Moving, schooling, and booling
Me: What’s the strangest thing you did as a kid?
James: Well, I don’t know if this is the weirdest,
but one time I picked up the phone at my great-
grandma’s house and dialed 911. The cops
showed up and everything.
Me: Do you miss bread?
James: At first I missed it, but you get to the
point where you just don’t anymore.
Me: If you had to eat one thing for the rest of
your life, what would it be?
James: Spaghetti with garlic toast, gluten
free, though.
Me: What’s your favorite memory from high school?
James: Driving up in Seth’s car from the bonfire
just chilling. A ton of us just piled in and jammed
out for a quick little second.
Me: What have learned while at Immanuel?
James: You are bound to grow as a person, mistakes will be made, fun times will be had. Enjoy it, just enjoy it all.
Me: What are your plans after high school?
James: Move to Sioux Falls for school and live with Carter. Then just making the most of life and focusing on my future.
Me: Where’s your ideal place to live?
James: Definitely somewhere with mountains; that’d be kinda sick. And somewhere close to the sea.
Me: Random question: Do you get sunburned easily?
James: Oh yea, I do not tan. It’s white, red, peel, repeat.

By Jillian Gamble
Grace: *trying to think up other questions*
Oh! Spirit animal, what is your spirit animal?
N: Wha-what? What is this?
G: I’m kidding, I’m kidding.
*Daniel and Alex throw in: Yeah, Noah!
What’s your Chinese
animal? What’s your Zodiac sign?*
G:NO! NO, just stop.
Grace *trying to figure out how to phrase
the favorite prof
question without offending other profs* What
were your favorite classes?
N: Probably Physics or Chemistry, Calculus…
No, no, Intro. Definitely Intro. So, basically any
of Prof. Schierenbeck’s classes.
G: Favorite Bible verse.
N: Proverbs 3:5-6 - Trust in the Lord with all
your heart, and do not lean on your own
understanding. In all your ways acknowledge
him, and he will make straight your paths.
G:What is some advice for those freshmen
you never talk to?
*Katelyn- Stay fresh, cheesebags!*
N: Well, I don’t really not talk to them.
G: Okay, how about some advice for the ones
you do talk to.
N: Umm, don’t just stay in the dorms the whole
time. Get out and do stuff.
Future Noah: Where do you see Noah in 5-10 years?
Katelyn: On the moon.
Noah: I don’t want to be on the moon…
Katelyn: Fine. Probably doing some hard math problem.
Alex: I see Noah… in Dasker’s basement.
Dasker: Hmmmm...
*Alex- In your basement! In your basement!*
Dasker: Still in college.
Ethan: Uhhhhh. Building a rocket. Then he tries to ride that rocket, but then it explodes… or something.
By Grace Meyer
Okay, whew. Senior spotlights are always hard, because I always think up better questions after I’m done interviewing the senior. Plus, having continual interruption from Daniel, Alex, and Prof. Lau doesn’t make it easier. Funnier, but not as productive. However, after several minutes of delayed interviewing because of Alex and Dasker’s insistence on helping Noah answer the questions, and my faulty ability to properly think, and think up questions, I finished it. So, here we go.
Grace: When and where were you born?
Noah: August 23, 2001, Eau Claire, WI
G: One of your favorite memories as a kid?
N: Going to the apple orchard in preschool
G: Some of your favorite memories from high school?
N: Walking to Taco Bell; Dasker was probably with me
one of the times. And walking up the creek.
G: Walking UP the creek?
N: Well, walking in the creek.
G: Favorite food and why.
N: Pancakes. Just from good memories of my mom
making pancakes on Saturday mornings
G: How many instruments do you play?
N: Just the trombone.
*Dasker- He can play the TUBA!*
G: You can play the tuba?!
N: No, no, I cannot.
*Alex- he can play the recorder!*
N: Well, everybody can play the recorder.
G: What are your college plans?
N: Planning to go to UWEC for my generals, then
possibly transfer to the University of Minnesota for
aerospace engineering.
G: And what do you want to do with that?
N: Build rockets and satellites
G: Private or government company? What would
you prefer?
*After much prompting and input from Dasker about
the pros and cons of each*
N: Probably private
G: So, in that private company, are you going to put
people on Mars?
N: Yeah, that would be pretty cool.
G: What activities were you involved in?
Noah: *gives a list that includes basically everything*
and Prof Lau’s study hall.
G:Have you been in any of your Uncle Steve’s courses?
N: No…

Prof: Sullivan or Schierenbeck
Colour: Orange. Yellow. Blue. Happy colours and nature.
Food: Sushi
Pastime: Piano. (Julianna looks at her angrily) “You’d rather play piano than spend time with us!” Fine, you guys. And running, and long walks on the beach (wink wink).
Form of Transportation: Skates (Like a true Canadian)
Where do you see Megan in 10 years?
Cassidy: “Making really big breakfasts to start off your day after you go for a run, and you’re in Canada somewhere protecting people. Oh, and you catch criminals by making them laugh.”
James: “Off frolicking in the British Isles with Ben. Haha, I tease, you’re probably taking your younger siblings on a tour, like you’re on a trip, and you’re in France, and you have to show them French, and prove you’ve still got it.
Ben: “Oh boy. . .probably dropping some hot tracks with Post Malone.” M: “I thought I was Post Malone?” B: “Yes, shoot, that won’t work, A happily married mother of five, living in Canada on a lake.”
Julianna: “Um. Living in Eau Claire. *Laughs hysterically* I’m just kidding. At your house in Canada, with four kids already making them watch Harry Potter while you talk to me on the phone and drink wine. And your knitting is on the counter.” M: “Are you sure you’re not the one drinking wine?”
Dannie: “Sunbathing on some hill in Canada.”
Mackenna: “On P.E.I and crashing on my couch, *laughs* nah man, I see you kicking bum in court just like our beloved Kenneff. And Jesse says you’ll be in a hobo box.”
At first she was the foreigner, but now she’s everyone’s best friend. Whether it’s her “killer” dance moves or her loud voice, she always manages to bring some sort of liveliness to any environment. I had the pleasure of interviewing the Flash Editor herself, with a little help from Julianna as well.
C: When & Where?
M: April 2, 2001, Armstrong, British Columbia, Canada
C: Spirit animal?
M: Those killer whale things, orcas. I did a project on them in grade two. I also did a project on raccoons in grade five though...
C: Who’s going to win the Bachelor?
M: (Doubts self so looks at Julianna for help).......Cassie?
C: Best thing about living in Canada?
M: My family is there, home is where the heart is, babyyy. Oh, and it’s pretty.
C: Biggest lesson you’ve learned from HS?
M: Your hair doesn’t matter, your clothes don’t matter, because people will still call you George Washington and Post Malone.
C: If you were to trade wardrobes with one male at this school, who?
M: (.1 seconds later) Kevin.
C: Why?
M: Just cause I love Kevin.
C: Stress relief tip?
M: Going for a run.
C: Advice for freshmen?
M: Don’t be intimidated by new experiences, because those are the ones you’ll remember in 20 years.
C: Stupidest Trivia Crack question?
M: Anything about baseball.
(Megan and Julianna start planking. Megan starts eating a cookie at the same time.)
C: How important is fitness to you?
M: Let’s just say I’m gonna be a hot mom (drops cookie), but snacks are a weakness.
C: Three things to take to a deserted island?
M: Kevin. Water, wait no, there’s coconuts, I’m good. A deck of cards. Um, maybe you two? In case I get hungry, ya know?
US State: Wisconsin ?
Phrase: C’est la Vie
Tea: Oh, this is SO HARD. Peppermint. Followed by Chamomile.
School Meal: Grilled chicken patties on a salad. Or taco salad. I like salad.
HS Memory: Our mud fight, Cassidy! Or that snow day sophomore year. Or that time I ripped my jeans playing four-square.
By Cassidy Noeldner & Julianna Hein
There once was a whole lot of snow–
I know that it’s winter, but, woah.
Have we got enough
Of all this white stuff?
My hunch is that March will say, “No.”
By Aric Reim
Addictions. They’re terrible. You probably have one. It might be minor, such as overusing phones, eating too many potato chips, or window shopping. Whatever it may be, this is worse. It’s an addiction few know about, but everyone has. Millions of people die because of it every year.
It’s an addiction to oxygen.
Also known as Oâ‚‚, this dangerous substance pollutes the atmosphere and wreaks havoc upon millions as it tears bodies apart, cell by cell. Breathing oxygen is like rubbing very fine sandpaper over the throat and lungs, with granules infiltrating the body and slowly destroying the walls of blood vessels and muscle tissue. Over the years, it slowly wears one down until he can’t take anymore and succumbs to death.
However, even with these devastating effects, the euphoria that comes with breathing is hard to turn down. Oxygen eases stress, reduces panic, and increases the heart rate. The perceived benefits are so great that once an addiction starts, it becomes nearly impossible to overcome. The sudden removal of oxygen causes death within minutes.
But where does oxygen come from? The obvious answer, taught to you from childhood, is trees. Trees put in place by governments across the globe. The facts all check out: people are told from birth that oxygen is necessary to breathe, there are laws in place stopping people from creating unaddicted children, and massive areas of forest protected by governments are removing harmless COâ‚‚ and replacing it with poisonous Oâ‚‚.
As bleak a picture as these facts create, there’s still hope. You, your friends, and your family can slowly cut oxygen out of your lives. Simply follow the exercises listed below, and you will see just how easy it is to reduce Oâ‚‚ consumption and allow your body to heal. Soon, you will find enjoyment in living a healthier and happier life.
Steps to Reduce Oxygen Intake
Every thirty minutes, hold your breath for one minute.
Repeat for one week.
Now add thirty seconds to the time you hold your breath.
Repeat steps 2 - 4.
In a little over a year, you’ve become oxygen free!
If you’d like more information on oxygen, join us at
Life-saving secrets: Oxygen is poisonous
By Daniel Masker
February 17th is National Random Acts Of Kindness Day. It’s dedicated to just being kind to people. That’s all fine, but I thought we were supposed to be kind to one another every day. Ephesians 4:32 tells us to “be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ has forgiven you.” So why, do we need a day for showing kindness to people?
If you didn’t know about this Random Acts Of Kindness Day, or just forgot about it, it’s okay. We shouldn’t need a special day to remind us to smile at strangers or to treat others like human beings. We can come up with our own ways to be kind to people every day. Anything from picking up trash off the hallway floor, leaving kind notes in people’s lockers, or helping a struggling individual with whatever heavy object he or she is attempting to carry is kind and costs nothing. If you do have a few spare quarters lying around, however, you could tape them to one of the vending machines in the dorm for whoever might come by next. A letter to a soldier overseas or a visit to an elderly person in a nursing home can brighten his day, week, or sometimes even his whole month.
There are so many ways to show other people that they matter. Kindness works wonders on the heart of any individual and builds where malice destroys. Random acts of kindness shouldn’t occur only on February 17th--instead, we should show warmth and affection to all people, every day.
National Random Acts Of Kindness Day
A Look Into 7 Schools Across The Country
Cozy Hollow is opening a school for a single student living in rural Wyoming next fall.
A bill is in Florida’s legislature to put cameras on school buses to catch drivers who illegally pass.
Two males who identify as females are dominating girls’ track in Connecticut.
Anacortes School District is making its schools start later next year, requiring schools to start between 8:05 and 9:00.
A Middletown student was arrested at school after admitting to stealing $73 from Taco Bell.
Carson Foster broke the National High School Swimming Record in the 100 yd freestyle, swimming it in 1:32.99.
After flooding in Knoxville from the Tennessee River, a Bearden High School student paddled home in a canoe, taking with her a couple frozen pizzas.
By Dannie Gamble
By Trinity Mayhew
By Julianna Hein
The Article About The Weather
As I write this article, the day is drawing to a close on which, for the first time anyone I’ve asked can remember, Messiah Lutheran Church canceled its Sunday morning service because of the extreme weather. This followed a month of record-breaking weather all around. According to the Leader-Telegram, Eau Claire’s newspaper, the city has received 57.2 inches of snow this year, a notable 22.2 inches above our yearly average for this time. This is not to mention the record-breaking cold of the end of January, with wind chills, I recall, dropping to sixty degrees below zero, breaking records, and, among a slew of other notable accomplishments, causing Immanuel to close its doors for two whole school days. In a row. Why has this winter been so extreme?
The cold may be the easiest to explain. explains that usually, the northern Polar Vortex, which is a large, very cold air mass in the Arctic, is strong, forcing all of the cold air in it to stay put. Recently, however, the Polar Vortex collapsed, due to shifting air masses, and pushed a whole lot of its cold air south. The upshot of all this is that at one point, according to the Weather Channel, it was warmer in Barrow, Alaska, the northernmost city in the United States, says Business Insider, than it was in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
But the fact that February of 2019 was the snowiest month ever recorded in Eau Claire--and records have been kept since 1893 (Leader-Telegram)--is harder to explain. Sometimes snow is just snow, I guess, and there has simply been a lot of it this year. Maybe it’s just one of God’s reminders for us–“‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow . . . ’” (Isaiah 1:18).
And, as we can attest, that’s very white.
Whatever the reasons may be, the Midwest has inarguably experienced very severe weather lately. But spring is just around the corner.
By Aric Reim
Valentine's Day Perspective
Hearing the words “Valentine’s Day” can put a sour taste in many people’s mouths. It is a holiday celebrating love. So, naturally, those who aren’t in love don’t always love to celebrate with those who are. Valentine’s Day can be a painful reminder to single people that they are single people. If they were in relationships beforehand, Valentine's Day can remind them of what that felt like. However, to those who are in a relationship, it is a day to celebrate their love and to show what they mean to each other. Nevertheless, no matter if he or she is in a relationship or not, everyone has a perspective on Valentine’s Day.
The Flash staff took a poll of ILC students’ perspectives on Valentine's Day. Several students stated that they thought it was overrated. Others were neutral on the subject. Only a few students, however, said that they liked or disliked the holiday. Suraya Williams said, “I think it's a nice holiday, but people take it too far. Plus, we should have a second Thanksgiving instead.
There are other people, even single people, who like the holiday, too. It provides everyone with chance to dress up, hang out, and relax. It gives couples a chance to treat each other to something special. Furthermore, Valentine's Day can give people the chance to express their love to someone. It can be a great day to tell someone how you feel. It can give courage to someone who is on the fence about asking.
Hannah Ohlmann loves Valentine's Day. Her family has had several traditions that made it fun. Her dad always made a big deal since he is from Valentine, Nebraska. She and her siblings always made a fancy breakfast for their mom. They made cards for the whole family, and her parents gave them chocolates and flowers.
On the other hand, some have said that Valentine's Day is just too overrated. One student asserted, “Romance is for the weak.”
Valentine's Day is about cherishing loved ones, but many people argue that instead of having just one day dedicated to love, people should love each other every day.
But no matter if you like Valentine's Day or not, it is a day that can give you an excuse to hang out with friends or family or your special someone. Go out and use this holiday as a chance to tell someone how you feel; enjoy the day.
By Sarah Fox
Big Game
By Samuel Radermacher and Henry Lau
Twas the afternoon of Saturday, February 16. The Immanuel Lutheran Lancers trudged through the icy fields of corn and despair to arrive at the destination of Alma High School. Their foe not being the notorious Alma-Pepin Eagles, but rather the malevolent Gilmanton Panthers. The Lancers, though worn and battle-scarred from two previous back-to-back conflicts, pushed onward through the raging, freezing winds to face the foe they had been training to overcome their entire lives.
Spectators from far and wide traversed to Alma to witness the epic battle, filling the grandstands to their absolute maximum capacity. The band played an uplifting battle cry that made the soldiers thirsty for action and sweet victory. General Williams and General Radichel, leaders of the Immanuel Lancers, rounded up their troops to give them the pep talk their longing ears had been eagerly waiting for. Hearts were broken, tears were shed, but nothing could have prepared the Lancers for the trials they would have to face. The Panthers glared across the colosseum at the Lancers, gnashing their teeth and spitting saliva all over the soon-to-be ruined floor.
At precisely 12:30 PM, the festivities began. The game started out just like any other regular game: with Noah Sydow pushing, shoving, rebounding, scoring, and doing everything within his immense power to give his team the victory. His teammates also did their part, unleashing their innermost fury upon the enraged Panther named Tanner Hovey (aka Leviathan). As the struggle reached the midway point, it became clear to all present that this would be no ordinary battle: blood, sweat, tears, and all other bodily fluids were not lacking on the battlefield.
Halftime was declared at the sighting of a meteor on a course straight for the stadium. Carter Rud, distracted momentarily by the looming space rock, collided with his relative Jarin Rud, causing a chain reaction of players tipping each other over like dominos. The meteor struck the earth right at center court, propelling the players all over the gym. They bounced off the walls several hundred times before finally losing momentum and coming to rest on their respective benches.
Even more weary and worn than they were before the confrontation began, the players managed to get their ten short minutes of rest before heading back into the thick of the fight. The ancient gong (consisting of 22 parts tin to 78 parts copper) was rung, and the game resumed.
The moment the ball was passed back in bounds, a mysterious humming noise filled the air. Isaiah Plath paused with the ball in mid-dribble, taking a moment to scratch his head in confusion. There was a brilliant flash of bright light, replaced a moment later by a peculiar-looking machine resting underneath the Lancers’ hoop. The lights dimmed as the door of the machine slowly opened, spewing a large quantity of fog out over the surface of the court. The crowd gasped as an army of short, slimy aliens crawled out of the capsule. The one in the lead stood up on his tippy toes so he could look as intimidating as possible and squeaked, “You are all under our control! You humans will now be our slaves!”
Just when it seemed all hope was lost for the battle-weary Lancers, the floor of the arena opened up and out crawled a behemothic brachiosaur, upon whose back rested the king of the strings himself, Anthony Garebear. The roar of the beast combined with the sound of the cello to create a perfect harmony never heard before. The glorious battle cry gave the Lancer warriors just what they needed to finish the fight.
With the game forgotten due to the rampaging aliens and a wild Garebear riding a behemothic brachiosaur, Noah Sydow lunged for the ball. Trying not to slip on the goo left on the court by the slimy little aliens, Noah weaved through all the commotion toward the opposing hoop. There were five seconds left on the clock, and the Lancers were behind by one whole point. Noah had no other choice. He quickly ran up the tail of the brachiosaur, struggling to keep his balance whilst maintaining a constant dribble. He vaulted over the wild Garebear and began ascending the dinosaur’s long neck. When he reached the brachiosaurus’ head, he saw that he had a clear shot toward the basket. Noah went for the dunk.
The following words could be used to describe the dunk: Glorious. Superb. Dazzling. Magnificent. Disastrous. The moment before Noah brought the ball down through the hoop, Panther Ryan Clouse came out of nowhere, slapping the ball right out of Noah’s hands! The referee, angry that he didn’t get to witness the play of the century, called a foul on Clouse, giving Noah the opportunity of two free throws. There were 0.03 seconds left on the clock. The entire assembly grew silent, not even the aliens or the dinosaur-riding Garebear made a sound.
Noah squared up to the basket and took his first shot. Swish. The crowd went wild for several precious seconds before hushing again. The game was tied. Noah eyed the basket with a determined gaze. Pretending the rim was a giant donut, and the ball was his finger reaching into the center to pick it up, he took his second shot. As the ball left his masterfully trained fingertips, Noah paused to look around at all of the faces in the crowd, all of their emotions resting in his hands. As the ball swooshed through the net, the crowd stormed the court in the form of a frenzied mob.
Being a humble fellow, Noah avoided the praise and attention of his peers, and sought the nearest vending machine to quench his growing thirst. He was quite disappointed to find that there was only water inside, and as the hero breathed his last, his final words were heard only by those nearest to him: “Why no soda?”
Note: The Lancer boys are 8-12 (4-9 conference) and ended their season with a regional loss at Owen-Withee. The JV and C-team are done for the year. The Lady Lancers are 5-14 (3-11 conference) and ended their season with a regional loss at McDonell.
Tell Me Something I Don't Know- Mental Disorder Edition
So, most often, these articles are on the funnier side (at least, I attempt to make them so), but I’m going to try for something different this time. The topic I have chosen for this article is rather extensive, and it greatly affects the world’s population. This article is one of what will be at least a five part series. I may divide them up and release some of the serious tension with some other articles, but keep an eye out.
There are all sorts of mental illnesses and depression disorders that plague the world, but I’m going to pinpoint some of the more prominent and well-known disorders. I am by no means an expert. But, who knows, perhaps something you read here can allow you to better help someone else, or even yourself. If not, I hope you can at least find something interesting.
I’ll share some general facts about mental disorders before we delve deeper into some of the individual types. The following statistics are from the National Institute of Mental Health:
In the U.S. alone, nearly one in five adults suffer from AMI, Any Mental Illness (great acronym, I know). This refers to any such illness recorded, ranging from minor to severe.
Young adults aged 18-25 years have the highest prevalence of AMI (22.1%) compared to adults aged 26-49 years (21.1%) and aged 50 years and older (14.5%).
In 2016, there were an estimated 44.7 million adults aged 18 or older in the United States with AMI. This number represented 18.3% of all U.S. adults.
Now, these statistics may mean very little to some of you, but they were impactful to me. And the age for severe mental illness is getting younger, while suicide and self-harm rates are also climbing in younger ages. With that information, let’s continue.
Anxiety Disorder--now, there are times in your life in which you are going to feel anxious; that really is just part of living in the sinful world. But there is a big difference between occasionally feeling anxious and having an anxiety disorder. Some specifics:
Generalized Anxiety Disorder--Many are familiar with some symptoms of this disorder. They include trouble falling asleep; muscle tension; increased susceptibility to feeling tired easily; and having difficulty thinking or concentrating.
Panic Disorder--This disorder is often confused with Anxiety Disorder, but they are not the same thing. They are, however, related and often occur simultaneously in one person. Symptoms of panic disorders include increased heart rate, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, feeling of no control and helplessness, sweating, and trembling. It often happens that people with a panic disorder worry about when the next attack may occur, causing further anxiety and a worsened attack when it does happen again.
Anxiety or Panic Disorders Related to Phobias--You guys know what phobias are, right? Like, claustrophobia, a fear of enclosed spaces; hemophobia, the fear of blood or of the sight of blood; acrophobia, the fear of heights; and so on. Anxiety is often caused by irrational phobias, and then can lead to anxiety or panic attacks. A widely recognized kind of anxiety-causing phobia is social phobia, more commonly known as Social Anxiety Disorder. People who have this disorder generally have an intense fear of, or anxiety toward, social or performance situations. They worry that actions or behaviors associated with their anxiety will be negatively evaluated by others, leading them to feel embarrassed. This worry often causes people with social anxiety to avoid social situations.
Now, what can you do with all this information? I’m assuming not many of you that are reading this have the medical training or authority to prescribe medication or behavioral counseling, but you can do something, either for yourself or for others. You can seek the comfort that is the best in this world: Jesus and His ultimate victory. Just start with that and see how much it helps. Dig your heels in to what is real, and then remain planted within Him. Having God as your foundation is an incredible treatment. Seek healing from the Perfect Physician and go from there. God also provides those people who can help you deal with mental disorders. Have the courage to ask for help when you need it.
I hope you guys got something beneficial from this article. If you have any recommendations for further articles on this topic (or Tell Me Something I Don’t Know in general), feel free to send them to me. Until next time then.
By Grace Meyer
D&D #6
Lesson for Beginners: Now That’s Effective!
Playing D&D is like a grid of dots in which your job is to connect the right dots to make the outline of an amazing picture. The more experienced you are at D&D, the easier it will be for you to do this. This article will be showing some very effective combinations that people did to make their characters extremely powerful.
In certain D&D scenarios, it is the player himself and not his character which is challenged. In one campaign, the party was faced with a magic door which could only be broken down in a specific way. While the players conferred as to how to open it, one suggested that they attack it with a spell from each of the different schools of magic. The rest of the party didn’t agree and further argued with each other for another two hours. By the time they had broken down the door, it had been the first member’s suggestion which was correct after all.
Normally when a character falls from an extreme height, he will take severe damage from the fall. However, monks have an ability which allows them to ignore damage up to certain heights. If you took this ability of theirs and multiclassed into an assassin, you could fall onto someone, dealing extra sneak attack damage plus assassinate damage from your rogue features. Your target would also suffer the damage of the fall while you remain unscathed.
While in caves, it would be no surprise to find plenty of bats clinging to the ceiling, out of the reach of danger. Luckily for you, there is a way for you to do this as well. If you have access to magic items, put the Cloak of the Bat with the Slippers of Spider Climb, and you can fly up to the ceiling of the cave, turn upside down, and stand on the ceiling without falling, safely out of reach of most attacks. Just be sure to bring something up with you that you can throw down at the enemy.
Rogues are stereotypically quiet and stealthy thieves that do the behind-the-scenes mischief in the group. However, not all rogues have to be this way. A goliath rogue was created once--all of his ability was put into his charisma. Instead of sneaking through the front gate, he got such a high intimidation skill check that the guards were too terrified to stop him or report him.
Small, stout, and downright burly: even with an average size of 3’5”, a goblin conquest paladin is an eccentric mix. With the ability to disengage as a bonus action, this character is able to run around the entire battlefield, being the smallest party member but dealing some of the heaviest damage.
By Zach Strike
Questions & Answers
K: How do you win a game of checkers?
One tip to help you win at checkers is to keep your back row of checkers there as long as possible. When you do that, the other person can’t get his checkers crowned, you can’t get yours taken, and you can get in a better position to take your opponent’s checkers. Another tip is to adjust your checkers so that there are two or more in a row (diagonally) so that they can’t be jumped and taken by your opponent. A third tip is to start letting your checkers be taken in return for taking your opponent’s checkers if you are ahead, because eventually you can get down to a 2:1 ratio that will really help you win.
Do penguins have knees?
Yes, penguins do have knees, though short and invisible they may be. Much like a human’s, penguin’s knees are comprised of a femur, tibia, and fibula. Because the upper part of the leg is covered in flesh and feathers, however, the penguin’s possession of a knee is frequently called into question.
How does one milk an almond?
You milk a cow and a goat for milk. So where does almond milk come from?
Despite popular belief, you cannot actually milk almonds. Instead, you soak them in water
(and other things, for your Almond Silk brands) and then blend them to achieve optimal almond milk conditions.
K: What should I do if I’m bored?
Take a nap
Sort through something in your room
Write a letter to someone (parents, grandparents, or even your friend that you see every day)
Go to Duolingo and learn a new language
Make a new playlist (or two . . . or five . . .)
How can a Christian attend a party involving underage drinking and other unchristian behaviors?
This is a really difficult question to answer because I have never been to such a party. So I’m going to turn to the Bible for a couple of answers, and for the rest, I’ll be relying on some experience a few friends have related to me.
Ephesians 5:18 NIV says, “Do not get drunk on wine which leads to debauchery.” Well, it might not be wine, but what about beer? Spiked punch, perhaps? It’s obvious in other such passages that God doesn’t approve of such things.
But if you’re asking this question, then you already know that. How can a Christian attend such a party? You can’t. Or rather, you shouldn’t. The Bible tells us to avoid temptation several times.
Say you find yourself at one of these parties or gatherings. How do you leave? A good idea is to have a special phrase or word you can use to snap or call someone who can come pick you up without anyone knowing any better.
Talk to someone you trust about things like that. Talk to an adult if you can’t reach your friends. You’d be surprised about how willing people would be to come get you from something like underage drinking.
K: How do you make friends/be included?
The first thing to making friends is to branch out and talk to more people. You will probably have to take the initiative and start the conversation, but if you find the right person you won’t always be the one continuing it. You will want to find people with the same interests that you have, people you find interesting, and people you’ll want to spend time with. Once you make new friends, you’ll also have to make sure that you are trustworthy and reliable, especially if you want them to be the same for you. To be more including, you just have to be open to new ideas and people, and make sure it shows.
Does he like me or is he just being nice?
Everyone wants to know this, especially after another Valentine’s Day spent with your favorite quart of ice cream and The Holiday with Jude Law. What better way to answer this question than to interview real live boys from Immanuel?
I took one lunch period to ask multiple boys in different relationship situations to give us ladies some insight into the workings of the male mind on the topic of doing nice things for a girl vs. doing things for a girl he likes.
Some readers will be happy to know that several of the interviewees responded with statements such as, “He probably likes you. Guys are dumb. Seize the opportunity.”
“‘Nice’ and ‘I like you’ are generally the same thing.”
“We aren’t complex, we’re stupid. We like girls.”
A few more specific answers suggested that,
“It’s all about body language. There’s a book in the library; read it and find out for yourself.”
“If he spends money on you and doesn’t ever ask for it back, he likes you. You might have to wait a month to find out, though, because if he wants it back, that’s the longest amount of time he might forget to ask you for it.”
After these responses, I was hoping that “does he like me or not” would be just as easy as those first couple of statements and the latter two simply were meant in jest. But as I talked to more people, I found that such things were not always true.
One source told me, “All guys should be nice, but not all of them are. So if he’s being nice, generally he has a crush.” This suggested that, shocker, all boys are different at heart. Yes, they’re all male, but they are all their own people too, ladies!
“I wanna be around her all the time,” replied one boy with his significant other at his side. “If he goes out of his way to make time for her, then he likes her.”
“If he buys her food, then he likes her,” suggested another.
A few of my sweet freshman friends agreed that he wants to spend time with her if he likes her. One told me that if, by chance, a girl asked him some questions for the school newspaper, he was just being nice by answering them. Thanks, man.
“You try to talk to her a lot,” said one of the boys. “Like, a lot.”
One of my closer male friends, when approached with this topic, expressed his exasperation that one of our first questions for this column was about romance. He proceeded to tell me that, “You should just wait. See what happens.”
Among the final of my embarrassed repliers, one sophomore said, “I don’t know. I’m probably the last person you should ask.”
Ladies, this is a lot of information from the current male suitor pool at Immanuel. But I like to think that even though our place is small, we are all so different still. The answers I received spanned from humorous to thoughtful to honest.
The problem is that every guy is different, and depending on the guy, he might just be acting as a friend. My research has led me to believe that though boys and men are a bit more one-track minded, they can still not know how to approach liking you any more than you can try approaching him.
Our boys at Immanuel would generally like to let you girls know that you shouldn’t overthink it. Do you like to be around him? Does it seem like he enjoys being around you? Then talk to him. It is the most simple complicated thing you can do.
By Courtney Behlmer & Kitara Mielke
By Aric Reim
What is a friend? Sometimes you have to ask yourself this question when evaluating your positivity. There’s no doubt the people you hang around all the time affect you, whether it be by building you up and retaining a joyful atmosphere or by turning you into a negative, cynical person. It happens often that you have to choose your friends wisely or end up with no friends at all. So what is a friend--a real, true friend?
First, it’s probably a good idea to ask what a friend is not. Ask yourself, “Do I feel safe around the people I call my friends? Do I trust them not to spread the things I tell them in confidentiality? Do they include me? Do I have to worry about what they might say about me to other people? Do they care when I am distressed or upset? If I am talking to them, do I feel like they are listening? Am I happy around them, or does being in their presence make me feel belittled, unimportant, and excluded?” 1 Corinthians 15:33 says, “Do not be misled; ‘Bad company corrupts good character’” Do your friends put you in danger of such things?
When you feel unsafe, unheard, and unhappy around your “friends,” it might be a sign that you need to find someone else. There are people out there who care about you, who love you, who want nothing more than to see you happy. Being around a true, good friend can work wonders--I find that when I’m around mine, my mood gets better, my smile gets bigger, and my happiness grows stronger.
Never forget that no matter what happens, you have one friend who is true to the very end. John 15:15 says, “No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.” Yes, we all have a friend greater than any, who is so great he was willing to give his life for us. That is truly something to be joyful about.
By Trinity Mayhew
You’ve seen him in the hall, his hair swooped and styled, his Vans pristine and swanky, and you’ve wondered, who is he? Where did he come from? Okay, if you haven’t wondered that at all, then you really are just plain oblivious. So, I’m here to tell you about him, whether you ever wondered or not.
Jacob Foeckler was born here in Eau Claire in July of 2001. He attended Immaculate Conception and a variety of other grade and middle schools before attending Bethel and then Immanuel. Jacob’s mother was a dental hygienist before becoming a stay-at-home mom, and his father is a tour guide. Mr. Foeckler apparently travels all over, and even has been to Australia multiple times. (It was very difficult for me to not either speak in an Australian accent for the remainder of the interview, or make Australian jokes, or both. However, I refrained, so, you’re welcome).
Jacob has a variety of interests and hobbies. He began playing the trumpet in middle school band and has stuck with it ever since. When I asked him if he liked the band here at Immanuel, he said it was actually pretty fun. When I told him he could say it wasn’t, he just laughed and told me it was cool. Jacob also loves rock music, like Green Day, and longboarding or skateboarding.
Jacob plans to work as a welder after high school, underwater or otherwise (which I think is super cool), and currently works as a car mechanic and welds in some of his free time as well.
It’s pretty cool that Jacob even came here to Immanuel in the first place, but he says he likes it and gets along well with the professors and such, which is already kind of tough when you’re new, but even harder when you’re new and aren’t related to or really know ANYBODY. So, don’t use this article as an excuse to not get to know him better, but rather as maybe a way to relate to him. You never know what might come of it.
Thanks for coming to Immanuel, Jacob. We are happy and thankful to have you!
Jacob Foekler Interview
By Grace Meyer