Senior Spotlight: Trinity Mayhew
Senior Spotlight: Kitara Mielke
I don't know of anyone who goes to Immanuel and doesn't know who Trinity Mayhew is. If you live in the girls’ dorm she has most likely come knocking telling you if you ever need anything let her know. If you've ever gotten a mystery note in your locker, chances are Trinity has struck again. When she's not using her beautiful voice to praise the Lord, or taking you to Walmart, she'll be inviting you to Ruth's Retreat and offering to drive you to church. Her beautiful name and smile is just a tiny glimmer of how helpful and kind she really is.
Q: When and where?
A: Cheyenne, WY, June 7, 2004
Q: Pet Peeves?
A: When people talk when I’m trying to show them a song.
Q: Best memory from high school?
A: All the adventures with Troyal, Jillian, Jadyn, Brynn, Megan, Mason, Ella . . .
Q: What do you want to do after high school?
A: Who knows, really? I think I’d like to become a teacher, but it’s also always been my dream to be an author. I want to write books at a higher level that are appropriate for younger readers. When I was younger, I really loved to read, but I couldn’t find anything that challenged me and was still appropriate.
Q: Advice for freshmen?
A: BE YOURSELF. Always. I spent the first three years of high school trying to be who everyone wanted me to be. They’re never satisfied, though, so you really just have to be yourself. Wear what makes you comfortable. Decorate your room in a way that will make you like to be in there. Try new things, and don’t get mad at yourself if you’re bad at them. Fall down. Get back up. But never let someone else dictate who you are.
Q: Favorite places in Eau Claire?
A: Banbury Place and the bridges around there. The Local Shop, Passion Board Shop, Phoenix Park, and Rod and Gun Park. The river trail down by the university. Anywhere I can be outside and surrounded by nature.
Q: Favorite places in Cheyenne?
A: Ernie November; that’s the record store. Lion’s Park, where my parents had their first date. The boba shop, and The Crooked Cup. The Botanical Gardens, Destination Taiwan. This isn’t in Cheyenne, but Vedawoo and Hidden Falls are amazing.
Q: StarCup order?
A: It’s called a “Love Potion.” Strawberry and coconut milk black tea with tapioca pearls.
Q: What do you drive?
A: Leonard, a Chevy Lumina, 1999 (and parties like it too), 6-cylinder. My dad and I just replaced the spark plugs and the spark plug wires and the battery. That old boy is going to live forever.
Q: What do you do for fun?
A: Write, longboard, paint, play piano, dance, things like that.

Time to shine the senior spotlight on the One and Only Kitara Mielke! Kitara is one of the nicest people I know. She is funny, awesome, and super nice to everyone. If you don’t know her already, you had better get on that!
When and where?
Eau Claire, WI
July 16, 2004
Favorite high school memories?
Ohhhhhh… Can we come back to that one?
(later) Freshmen nights in the gym. Those were pretty fun. (long pause) Oh, Prof. Sullivan’s English class.
(We come back again later) One time we went sledding with glow sticks down the hill and got cheap party platters from Walmart for a dollar.
(We come back to this for the last time) We painted rocks junior year right before SATs.
Advice for the freshmen?
Get involved and make friends with everyone...and participate in everything and THEN cut down on stuff.
Favorite pastime?
I like to read.
(whispers to herself) That’s so boring…
Plans for after high school?
I want to be a biomedical engineer.
That sounds cool. What is it?
Well…. I’m not exactly sure… maybe like prosthetics and stuff?
If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why?
Probably a sloth. I’ve never heard a bad thing about a sloth. They just get to do anything.
Color: Grey
Song: “So Will I” (Hillsong worship) or “Greater Than All My Regrets” (Tenth Avenue North)
Dessert: (The second I finish asking) Ice cream. Gotta be mint… or neapolitan, depending on the mood.
Class: I like chemistry. I like art. I like pre-calc. Depends on the teacher.
Prof: As teachers or as people? Both. As teachers… Weis, Sullivan, and Mrs. Gurgel, the new art teacher. Favorite person… Prof. Rodebaugh for sure.
(later starts laughing) Oh duh! Prof. Schierenbeck! I love his teaching! I don’t know how he does it!
Season: I like spring, if I had to pick. Otherwise, anything but winter.
Izzy Roehl
Color: Yellow
Band: Relient K
Flower: Daisies
Scent: Jo got me his perfume for Christmas called Pedal Away and it’s discontinued now, but it’s the best.
Movie: A Map of Tiny Perfect Things
Show: Manifest, The Mentalist
Bible Verse: Isaiah 44:6
Ella Bernthal
September 2021
Senior Spotlight: Andrew Lau
Whether he is out running, shooting hoops in the gym, or recovering from an injury, Andrew Lau is one of those people who is cool to be around. I really got to know him better this year, and found him to be pretty funny as well, with a good music taste. So what makes a Lau a Lau? I won’t be finding that question, as that is a mystery, but I will be finding answers to the questions I wrote to ask Andrew.
A - Andrew
M - Micah
M: When and where?
A: Ok, um, probably in the hospital. October 31, 2002, in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
M: What was your favorite memory here?
Laura: Probably when I first came.
A: Just times spent in sports goofing off, bus rides back from games, and the girls’ volleyball team making State.
M: Advice for Freshmen?
A: Do a lot of activities, talk to new people (you’ll make a lot of friends), and don’t stress too much about school.
M: How many times have you been injured before a sports season?
A: Once. Real injury, I promise.
M: What sports do you prefer and why?
A: (does two) I like cross country because it’s all about how hard you work and determination instead of pure skill. Basketball, because I’ve always loved it.
M: If you could relive one year here, which would it be?
A: Probably Junior year because it was weird with Covid, and I would want to do it without the masks and stuff.
M: If you were stuck on a deserted island with only three things, what would they be?
A: Bible, a monkey that is my friend who communicates through sign language, and a water filter.
M: What is your go-to song/s for running?
A: “I Love Rock n’ Roll” by Joan Jett, “No Chains” by KB
M: Can people call you “The Prince of Cross Country”?
A: If you want the Prince of Cross Country to be a slow person, then you can call me it.
Senior Music Recommendations
Andrew Lau
KB’s songs
-No Chains
-This is Life
Kitara Meilke
Meteor Showers EP by Andy Kong
Trinity Mayhew
Relient K
-Crayons Can Melt on Us for All I Care
-Hope for Every Fallen Man
-Hello McFly
-The Savannah Suite (Oasis, Savannah, Baby)
-I’m Lion-O
-In Love with the 80’s (Pink Tux to the Prom)
-Forget and Not Slow Down
Compiled by Megan Hammond
Where do you see Andrew in 10 years?
Blake: Married, still runs every day for just about thirteen miles, has a beard, and is pretty successful in whatever job he chose.
Laura: I see him being a hard worker,
(Andrew: Spider.)
Laura: Abusing spiders.
(Andrew: No!)
Laura: I see him thriving-
(Andrew: It jumped on me!)
Laura: and being terrified.
(Andrew: It has so many eyes and fangs.)
Laura: He could be starting a family.
Matt: Daniel! Where do you see Andrew in ten years?
Daniel: Still in Henry’s shadow
Matt: I think he’s going to lose one of his legs, because flies will lay eggs in his open wound.
Profs: Sullivan, Gullerud
CC course: AC Lincoln
Senior: My grandmas
Juniors: Max, Noah T, Cabel
Sophomores: Lydia, Laura, that one really fast kid on cross country that is also very handsome.
Freshman: Caleb E.
C-Team Volleyball
Micah Fossum
This year's volleyball C-team includes Lydia Lau, Salome Seibel, Riley Washburn, Bethany Schmid, Grace Larson, Violet Carstensen, Adalia Mielke, and Charlotte Vaver. The coaches for C-team volleyball are Erica Oster and Kari Wales.
The first game of the season was on September 2nd. We lost 3 out of the 4 sets, but we learned a lot and had a great time. We also practiced hard for our upcoming games. We have a quad on the 7th which we hope to enjoy. As well as the game, there is a tournament coming up on the 11th of September. We all hope to have more fun with our team and coaches then.
We all appreciate our coaches for helping and teaching us in our volleyball journey. We have already learned a lot from our mistakes in volleyball and hope to have as much fun next season as we have had so far this year.
An important thing we have learned is that winning can always make the experience more exciting, but it is important to have fun and enjoy our time together in volleyball, too.
Violet Carstensen, Bethany Schmid, Charlotte Vaver
New Art Teacher: Mrs. Gurgel
Ladies and gentlemen, ILC has a new art teacher! Mrs. Gurgel is a funny, quirky, awesome person who is going to make a great art teacher. Here’s a little bit about her so you can get to know her a little better.
Why did you take this job?
I have a background in the arts, and I loved the idea of being able to work with this age of students. I also loved the idea of being able to work in a Christian high school. A bigger answer is that I love visual arts. I’ve always been pulled towards it, first as a hobby, and then as my college major.
Favorites for fun:
Animal: Frogs and deer
Food (not dessert): Nachos, for sure. I'll always take nachos.
Dessert: Tiramisu
Season: I guess I would have to say I love summer. (Maybe now that I’m a teacher I shouldn’t say that anymore)
Color: Navy
Word: Family. My family makes everything better.
Flower: I really do love roses.
Fast food place: Panara (Is that fast food?)
What made you want to major in art?
I remember in 4th or 5th grade I loved art, visual art. As I got older, I took as many opportunities as I could to do art. I always knew that I gravitated towards art activities. The reason I was drawn to art was the process of creating it, the perspective, and seeing things come together.
What is your favorite kind of art?
I will always put photography first. Photographs take me back to a place and a memory. Specifically, portraits are what I have been drawn to. They can capture emotions and a memory.
Do you think the students enjoy art class?
I hope so! The goal is that they have fun and learn something. I want them to be able to recognize and embrace their God-given talents. Art should be enjoyable, too.
Do you enjoy teaching art class to the students?
Yes, Absolutely! We’re only on our 2nd project, but it’s exciting to see everyone’s creative take on a certain idea. I also love interacting with the students. They are a great group of people.
Izzy Roehl, Grace Larson
Ben & Me
I’m sure most of you have read the book Ben and Me by Robert Lawson, about a mouse named Amos and Benjamin Franklin. However, this article is not about a mouse and a man. Instead it is about two siblings, one being Ben and the other myself. Upon arrival at ILHS most people have been flabbergasted to discover that I am in fact Ben’s sister. After this initial shock, I am then consistently asked what it's like to be his sister. This is the question I will now be answering for you all. Some may assume he is really weird, but in reality he is pretty normal for an older brother. He talks a lot about his computer stuff and likes to show it off to anyone and everyone, but in order to see it you have to directly ask him. Ben does like to play board games and/or card games with his family, so he does in fact interact with his siblings despite what he may say. Keep reading for an exclusive one on one interview with the one and only Ben Haslett.
Rachel: What are you doing now after graduating from high school?
Ben: I live in my parents basement and go to work. Oh, and I’m in college too.
A Spot of Randomness
Paedophobia is the fear of children.
In most advertisements and newspapers, the time displayed on a watch is 10:10.
Four out of five children recognize the McDonald’s logo at three years old.
If Barbie were life-size, her measurements would be 39-23-33. She would stand seven feet, two inches tall.
The "pound" key on your keyboard (#) is called an octotroph.
Only 1 in 2,000,000,000 will live to be 116 or older.
The average person's left hand does 56% of the typing.
The word “mattress” is Arabic in origin.
Two Domino Pizza’s employees in North Carolina were arrested in 2009 after a video surfaced on the internet that showed one of them putting cheese up his nose while preparing sandwiches, passing gas on salami slices, and blowing his nose on the food. The second employee filmed the video.
Micah Fossum
Rachel: What are you doing in college?
Ben: School stuff.
Rachel: What are you studying in college?
Ben: Computer programming.
Rachel: Where is this college?
Ben: In a place called Earth.
Rachel: How about a town?
Ben: Maybe.
Rachel: What state?
Ben: Illinois.
Rachel: What city?
Ben: What is a city or what city?
Rachel: What city is the college in in Illinois?
Ben: I think you should be asking what county it’s in first.
Rachel: You don’t even know, do you?
Ben: Dewitt County?
Rachel: I think it might be Effingham County.
Ben: I don’t know. I tried.
Rachel: What’s the city?
Ben: Matton, Illinois.
Rachel: What is it like having two younger sisters?
Ben: I don’t know; it's fine, I guess. I don’t interact with them a whole lot. I actually don’t even remember how old some of them are sometimes.
Rachel: How do you bond with your sisters?
Ben: Usually I just ignore them, except when I need them to do something for me. Maybe I occasionally play a game with them.
Rachel: Why do people say you're weird?
Ben: Umm, that’s a good question. I don’t know. I don’t know what I did from a distance that made people say I was weird. That is a good question; I don’t know that honestly.
Rachel: What would you like to say to these people who think you are weird?
Ben: I don’t know what I did that was weird and that offended you in any way, but I am sorry if I weirded you out. That was not my intention. Yeah, that’s all I got.
Rachel: Is there anything you are enjoying about not being in high school?
Ben: The workload is so much easier in college. I just do it whenever I want. I don’t have to worry about anything.
Rachel: Is there anything you miss about ILC?
Ben: The boys' dorm.
Rachel: Would you like to give a shout out to anyone that is still there?
Ben: Hey guys, how’s it going? Miss you guys; you know who you are.
Rachel Haslett
Hola, Paul Agenten
(JS) = John Sprengeler
(PA) = Paul Agenten
(JS) Tell me a little about yourself:
What part do you want to know? Do you want to know my background, about my interests, anything and everything? Do I dare say how old I am? I am 44 years old and I guess this happened a few years ago already, but I made a midlife decision to go back to school to be a pastor. I grew up in Minnesota; Goodhue, Minnesota and my family and I have been members at Our Redeemer in Red Wing. I have an interest in theology because I'm striving to be a pastor so that's always been an important part of my life. As I mentioned in the Spokesman I have hobbies and I like to stay active so I like running, biking, rollerblading and doing things to stay in shape and stay in a place where I can play with my children. As I am 44 and have young kids, I don't want to be too far behind them for the next ten years, so you know it's kind of nice to stay active so you can keep up with your children so it's good being active in the end. Fitness is a big part of my life. Courtney and I have been married for 10 years. We actually lived in Montana for 12 years. Both of us were there for 12 years. We weren't married that whole time. We met while we were there, so we have an affinity and a love for the West. Courtney is originally from Colorado, so she grew up in the mountains and then I moved out there after college. I really fell in love with the mountains and that's where I got into doing fitness stuff. I loved running around in the mountains on the trails up there.
(JS) What so far do you like most about ILC?
I really like the homie feeling at the campus. You know, it's very welcoming, very warm, very beautiful, and I love the oak trees, and all of the students. We've felt very welcome. It's the Christ-centered foundation here that is very evident on the campus, in the people and everything that happens here. That has been a very big encouragement. It’s just a very nice thing to experience. So I guess it comes down to: it's a Christian environment within a Christian family and it's just been a really joyful year so far.
(JS) What do you want to accomplish here or what are your goals?
I want to be a good dorm Dad. This is actually for me. I really enjoy this. I'm still kind of learning and figuring out how to do it and how to relate to all the students in a way that's a good way, I guess. I want to be available to help those in need without getting too much in their business. I want to be a servant, just like in the ministry. I'm already a parent, so I feel like I have some sense of parenting, even though I don't have teenagers. I also want to accomplish getting through seminary and be sent out to a CLC church somewhere.
(JS) What do you like to do in your free time?
I don't have a lot of free time if I'm going to be honest. I either want to spend time with my family or I like to be out running or doing something active. I'm looking forward to my daughters getting a little bit bigger so they can actually run with me. I think that'll be a neat experience when I can take them out and they can actually run alongside me. I'm a big reader as well, so if I’m not doing homework, I will be reading. I usually read the Bible and theology books. Next to exercise, it is my next favorite thing to do.
(JS) Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Well, I don't know, quite frankly, because I could get sent anywhere. Lord willing, I see myself in a parish as a pastor of a church somewhere within the CLC. I'll just have to be patient to find out. I suppose I'll have three children in five years for sure. Lord willing, we're hoping to have at least one more. I don't know if we have time for any more than four.
(JS) Who has the messiest room so far out of all the dorm students?
How do I word this? As one would expect, the freshmen struggle a little bit.
John Sprengeler