Senior Spotlight: Jacob Maynard Hammond
Senior Spotlight:
Aric Rollin Reim
-Christian Kazemba
-Trinity Mayhew
Jacob Maynard Hammond (though you didn't hear his middle name from me) is my cousin, but before coming to ILC I don't think we'd spoken more than ten words to each other, even with numerous family gatherings. Since I came here, however, I've found out how awesome Jacob really is. Even though it doesn't happen often, he has quickly (or, I suppose, slowly, considering the years) become one of my favorite people to have a conversation with. When he asked when he got to have his Senior Spotlight done, I leapt on the opportunity.
Trinity: What are your plans for after high school?
Jacob: UWEC, and hopefully get a degree in ecology and Conservation Biology.
T: Describe yourself in one word.
J: Oh. Hmm. Sporadic.
Mel: I would say witty, but sporadic would fit too.
T: How would you say you've changed throughout high school?
J: I don't know. I put more of an effort into talking to people, I think.
T: Where is your favorite place to fish?
J: I can't say that.
T: Advice for freshmen you?
J: Make sure you keep talking to the friends you make over the summer.
Jared: Bad advice. Friends are weaknesses.
Jacob:Your mom's a weakness.
T: Favorite memory from high school?
Jacob: Car sledding. If you need to know more, just ask me. (I don't condone this, and neither does Gus.)
T: Tell us about the Saturn.
Jacob: Alrighty. She's not that old, 2002, Saturn SL1, blue, kinda slow, I mean really slow. Great for the gas economy. She's got a lot of character. You’ve got to be close if you want to ride in the back together. Better than Toby's Dart.
Color: Both grey and gray
Food: Burgers (you can never go wrong with burgers)
School food: Chicken fried steak
Prof: Sullivan
Class: Art
Fish to eat: Crappie
Fish to catch: Northern pike
Season: August
Sophomore: Austin Williams
Hymn: “Children of the Heavenly Father”
Bible Passage: Psalm 119:105
Where do you see Jacob in 10 years?
Hope: A marine biologist discovering brand new species that Darwin tried to kill off and protecting them with his fishing pole staff of honor.
Jared: Alive.
Jo: I dunno, fishing. Anyway . . .
Claire: Still driving the blue thing.
Morgan: He got lost in Alaska with Jared.
Mel: Wittier.
What is your favorite . . .
Type of cheese: Brie
Hymn: “For All The Saints,” “Before the Throne of God Above,” “How Firm a Foundation”
Hobby: Playing Cello
Holiday: Easter
Decade: “The first, because I would want to see the world close to Creation.”
Color: “I don’t know, can we have Anthony answer this one?” -Anthony- “Bluish-green, but not like magenta. Like light-blue, but dark blue.”
Facts about Aric:
Place of Birth: The hospital
Countries Visited: The United States, Canada, Costa Rica, the UK, Spain, France, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Austria, Japan
If You . . .
Could change your name, what would it be? “I’m good with my name, but Hezekiah Reim.”
Were famous, what would you be famous for? Queue Anthony- “Okay, so one sermon, he starts playing the cello like a violin to make a point, but there is a news reporter there, and he got really famous when he started playing behind the back. Oh, and he had a very good sermon...” Queue Aric- “... then I saved the President from a gunman, I swam across the Atlantic 2, no 3, times.” There and back? “Nobody knows…” Queue Anthony- “And then he ate dirt real quick.” Queue Aric- “And then I invented shoelaces and-” (I cut him off there).
Could add anyone to Mt. Rushmore, who would it be? (Anthony shouts - ‘Prof Sullivan’) “Yeah, I can’t beat that . . .”
Could bring back any fashion trend, what would it be? “Ascots. And not wigs.”
Were a fruit or vegetable, what would you most want to be? “Watermelon.”
This or That:
Coffee or tea? “Tea in most cases, unless I was at Caribou or had a gift card or was in the mood for coffee.”
Teleportation or Flying? “Teleportation, because it’s cooler. Airplanes can fly, but not teleport. You could make more puns with the word teleportation.”
If you had a time machine, would you go back in time or into the future? “Back in time because if I went into the future, I could miss Judgment Day; but, if I went into the past, I could meet people. Like Anthony when he was little, or Martin Luther, Paul, Abe Lincoln, Churchill, C. S. Lewis, Bach . . .”
Would you rather live where it is always snowing or where the temperature never falls below 100 degrees? “Snow.”
Left or Right Twix: “Silly rabbit, Twix are for kids”
Name a Yellow Fruit: “Orange”
What color do chickens talk like yes or no? “Beware the Ides of March”

Senior Spotlight:
-Grace Meyer
February Articles
Morgan Eileen Bobek. The farmer girl of our class. Believe it or not, though, she's one of the five seniors in Calculus, and she's an amazing basketball player. I asked her a few of my "usual" unconventional questions, and here's how it turned out:
Sarah D.: When and Where?
Morgan: October 8, 2001, in Berlin, Wisconsin.
S: What kind of tree do you compare yourself to and why?
M: Maple trees because I like maple syrup.
S: What superpower would you choose and why?
M: Flying, because I think that'd be really cool.
S: What animal do you think are most similar to?
M: A dog. Like, I'm really a little puppy because I have a very short attention span.
S: What do you think about when you're alone?
M: Probably basketball. I don't know, I think about a lot of things.
S: Any advice for freshman?
M: Be nice. That's all.
S: Funniest High School memory?
M: That one time with Brynn. That's all you need to know.
S: What do you want to be when you grow up?
M: I want to be a veterinarian. It sounds so little kiddish, but that's what I want to do.
S: You are a new addition to the crayon box, what color are you and why?
M: I am maroon with hints of purple because I just like the color. I don't know.
Class: Calculus and Art
Prof: Jeff Schierenbeck
Food: Fries
Drink: Lemonade
Color: Blue
Fandom: Don't have one
Hobby: Cow shows
Disney Movie: Bambi

Ladies and gentlemen, the following article about a girl I know I have underrated completely throughout a lot of my high school career. She certainly is the loudest quiet person I know, and I’m sad I don’t know her better. However, what I have learned about her, especially after this interview, and from the memories I have made with her, I can say she is so, so much more than some average girl. She’s lovely and unique, and she has more than you could possibly believe going on up in her pretty little head. Love you, Linsey, and I pray everything is bright in your future. Thanks for all the good times.
Born, when and where? I was born in Burnsville, Minnesota.
A story from your childhood, embarrassing or super funny: My brother and I had a basketball hoop in our basement in the old house in MN, and I was 5 years old, and I wasn’t tall enough to reach the rim but Bryan could so I was jealous. He lifted me up to hang from the rim, and Bryan went upstairs and I was too scared to let go and land on the floor. My hands started to hurt from hanging on the rim, so my 5 year old self thought it wouldn’t hurt if I hung by my teeth from the net. So I put the net between the spaces of my teeth and hung there and then obviously started screaming.
If there was a set of glasses that would give you some kind of magical sight, what would it be? I would love a pair of glasses that would let me see how other people see/view me.
Something about yourself you wish more people knew: I don’t know, there’s a lot actually. I’m more of an introvert than an extrovert, I’ve been told that I am really good at giving advice about many things, even though no one would expect me to be. Also, I LOVE documentaries about serial killers and creepy people.
Describe your favorite color without using the actual word: The best flavor in the regular kind of Starbursts, or the color I wear the most.
If you could be a candy, what kind of candy would you be and why? If I could be a candy I would be Skittles, because they are small, like me, and have lots of colors, which is like my moods because I have a lot of random moods.
Favorite memories in high school: Anything and everything that Mrs. J taught, many coffee runs, detention with all my friends for ditching class, volleyball, driving around and doing things I shouldn’t be doing. I don't know, too many.
How do you think you have grown or changed the most since freshman year? I’ve changed a lot since freshman year. I’ve matured, and mostly learned to do whatever makes me happy. Oh, and I dyed the ends of my hair blonde.
What made you love volleyball so much? I’ve played volleyball ever since I can remember, since 2nd grade. I played 3 sports my freshman year and made varsity my freshman year. Volleyball is the only sport that has ever stuck with me, I don’t know why. I love playing with the girls, and just everything about that sport and the many memories it’s brought me.
What are some of your favorite things to do in your free time?- Some of my favorite things to do in my free time are watching Tiktoks, watching “ The Bachelor,” hanging with my close friends, and going shopping, because there’s not much to do in the town.
Give me your top three songs to make a playlist for each of these moods:
Sad Songs:
“Happier” by Ed Sheehan
“Graduation” by Juice World
“All I Want” (tik tok) by Olivia Rodrigo
Happy Songs:
“Sunday Best” by Surfaces
“Magic In The Hamptons” by Lil Yachty
“Another Day in Paradise” by Quinn XCII
Chill Songs:
“La La Land” by Bryce Vine
“8teen” by Khalid
“Paradise” by Bazzi
What is your favorite Bible verse and why? Joshua 1:9, “Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” It's a good reminder that God is with you whenever and wherever we are.
Favorite Starbucks drink--Iced white chocolate mocha
And finally, what do you want to be when you grow up?--I want to be a criminal psychologist, but probably not a psychologist because that’s A LOT of schooling. Maybe anything to do with mental health. I love watching criminal documentaries, so I would love to work with them, even though I’d be scared all the time.
Senior Spotlight: Morgan Bobek
-Sarah Durst
Weird Things Heard
around Campus
I'm not sure what was going on lately, but people said some WEIRD stuff. If you have any quotes you want in an article, just tell me or email them to me, please. Enjoy!
"I'm going to cough up a lung."
"She was crying under the bed because her imaginary boyfriend broke up with her."
"Honestly, having big nostrils is the best thing in the world."
"They say you are what you eat. Why am I not a human?"
"I am a stick and I just touched all the utensils in the room."
“Stop dying. It’s bad for your health.”
"There's litter in the shower! What is your process?"
“Let’s do this! Eh, maybe tomorrow actually . . .”
“Why are there footballs and celery on your socks?”
“It’s an intense love story with a woman named Turtle.”
“I want to be in a pocket.”
“I could have sworn I didn’t have any kids when I went to bed last night.”
"Thou shalt not place pantaloons on thy rabbit."
"That's not Bob Ross; that's Lord Voldenort with an afro."
"How do you get ready for church? I throw a printer down the stairs."
"Let's get the bathtub full of sweat. And I'm talking jungle sweat."
"What is the whitest state?"
"My name's Dr. Acula"
“I want to go to Communism Mountain . . .”
“How many people can we cram into one room? And I’m talking about closet space here.”
"I am against premarital hand holding."
"Latin? I can speak Latin. Frenchie one frenchie two frenchie three. Oh wait, that's French."
"It's not robbing if it's free. Which means everything is free if you rob it."
"What's the difference between dog food and a peanut?"
"Stupid people! I should have just taken their fingers and left!"
"I am the most useless hunk of cells to walk upon this earth."
“Does anyone have mint chapstick that I can put on my eyelids?”
"You seem like the type of person that scientists would put in something and study."
"These are surprisingly well-protected sticks . . . "
"What are you doing?” “I'm poaching muffins."
"If you want to be my friend, get in my belly!"
"So you successfully converted the dragon turtle to Islam . . ."
"Oh, that's a whimple for sure."
"I'm NOT reading the dictionary . . . yet."
"That's what I used to wear when I went down to the beach and got attacked by all the children."
"Give me some carpals."
"I know I'm going to sound like Pharoah here, but . . ."
"I used to think water towers were filled with milk."
"Why don't they make mittens for your face? Wait, they do; they're called facemasks."
"Don't snort hot chocolate. It's bad for your health."
"We're heathens on Fridays."
-Suraya Williams
Linsey Sydow

Valentine's Playlist
-Trinity Mayhew
My father and I have been working on a playlist for you all to discover the different variety of love songs. This February we have a mixture of some of our favorite songs. Enjoy!
“Give Until There's Nothing Left”--Relient K
“Sonata for Cello and Piano in G Minor Op. 19 III. Andante” --Sergei Rachmaninoff
“Beyond the Sea”--Bobby Darin
“The Carnival of the Animals, The Swan”--Camille Saint-Saëns
“Dichterliebe, Op. 48: I (Im wunderschönen Monat Mai)”--Robert Schumann
“A Teenager In Love”--Dion & The Belmonts
“Salut d'Amour, Op. 12”--Edward Elgar
The Strange and Unusual Thoughts of Alex Radichel
But Written by Joel Kuehne
Alex Radichel, the modern world’s greatest logician, the man who brought us his deep insightful thoughts, has sadly refused to write a sequel to his popular article, The Strange and Unusual Thoughts of Alex Radichel. We at the Flash decided that the absence of this wonderful article would have been an unbearable tragedy. Therefore, we tried to write his article for him. But alas, we were unable to do this. If we were to write an article of this nature, we would have to put ourselves in the mind of Alex Radichel. We . . . very quickly found this impossible. This could be because the thoughts of Alex Radichel are far too complex and numerous for us to understand, but it is probably because putting ourselves in the mind of another person is quite impossible regardless. This is why we formally ask Alex Radichel to write more about his strange and unusual thoughts so that we don’t have to.
Dungeons & Dragons
Mini Class Reveiw
-Zach Strike
For a mini class, I ran a unique D&D session with six willing players. I wrote up six characters for them--a tabaxi rogue; aasimar warlock; half-elf monk; yuan-ti sorcerer; human ranger; and a ghoul void walker--but none of them knew which one they would get. They all started with blank character sheets, and I gave them bits and pieces of information as to what their characters looked like, could and couldn’t do, and what equipment they started out with. Only by doing certain actions were they able to learn more about their own characters.
These six adventurers were all sent through an abandoned, cursed mansion. As they searched the rooms, they found themselves in different rooms, and each time that they walked through the same doorway the rooms kept switching themselves.
Both the unknown characters and the switching rooms were very difficult to keep track of. However, these two factors made for a unique session. It was very different from regular campaigns when players knew what kind of characters they would have and how to use them. It also made a good challenge for the players, making them expand their knowledge of the different races and the different classes in the game.
Inspirational Quotes from Villains
Sam Radermacher and Grace Meyer
Haiku Blues
-Rebecca Durst
What a Febr'ary
With tryouts and Valentine's
And miniclasses
All were very fun
(Some maybe more than others)
But now here comes March
Beginning of spring—
Or so they say, we shall see
If it's warm . . . or cold.
Many things to come:
Spring break (and tour choir),
Robotics competes,
Spring sports will begin,
More activities with friends,
And spring play practice!
Grey v.s Gray
-Lydia Kettner
We are going to mix the answers of the last survey to get some grey results. Or is it gray? Is this word spelled with an ‘ey’ or an ‘ay’? Out of 60 students, 32 (53%) wrote it with an ‘ey’ while 22 (36%) said it was spelled with an ‘ay’. The other 6 (11%) declared that they used it in both of its forms. According to google, “'Grey' is the preferred spelling in British English, but 'gray' is more common in American English.” So according to the statistics of my studies, the students at ILHS are more British than American. Many asked if one spelling was more correct than the other; I believe that the answer is no. There are some very hidden differences, but in everyday life do not worry about which one you use. Some of the students I asked had a reason for using the different spellings depending on what they were using it for. For example, one said that grey as a color is fancier than gray. A few of the students said that if it was a name they would spell it with an ‘ay’ but for a color they would use ‘ey’. There were also two gentlemen who told me that they spelled it with an ‘ay’ but their street was spelled with an ‘ey’ (they stated this in almost the exact same sentence, and I asked them at completely different times). I find it quite interesting that the faculty member that I ask is always in the minority. This time it was Mrs. Johannes who answered that she spelled it with an ‘ay’. I would like to thank you all for answering my questions and being polite.
Are you lacking motivation in life? Can you just not find the will to get anything done? Do you need a wake up call? Worry not; we have you covered. Below are a selection of quotes from the most overlooked of sources. We didn’t scour the motivational and self help section at Books-A-Million, oh no. You’ve heard those before, and you need something fresh to really get you going. Here are some quotes from your (least) favorite people--villains.
“You don’t always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go and see what happens.”
--The Joker
“The mind is not a book, to be opened at will and examined at leisure.”
--Severus Snape
“It’s the only way. Go in, or go back.”
“Hitting doesn't solve everything.”
“Be careful not to choke on your aspirations.”
--Darth Vader
“The hardest choices require the strongest wills.”
“Our teeth and ambitions are bared. Be prepared!”
“Wah waaah wah wah waaaah wah waah wah waaaah waaah waaah wah wah wah.”
--Charlie Brown’s teacher
“Grow stronger from the pain, don’t let it destroy you.”
“Do it.”
--Emperor Palpatine
"I find your lack of faith disturbing."
--Darth Vader
"Fine . . . I’ll do it myself."
"Be the change you want to see in the world."
"You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take."
The Search For a Teacher
-Trinity Mayhew
Redeemer Lutheran Church in Cheyenne, Wyoming, has been trying to re-open their parochial school for three years. They opened in 1955 and closed in 2008 due to low enrollment, and they are picking up the project again after an addition of many young members in the congregation. It ran for three generations before its closing. My grandfather, Robert Ruegge, was the first to graduate eighth grade. My mother, aunt, and uncle all went there, and it closed with the graduation of my oldest brother, Austin.
Winnifred Schaller was the first teacher, and Sylvia Schwarting-Sprengler came shortly after. At that time, they had 15 to 20 students. Some past teachers also include Shirley Wendland, Seth Schaller, Kathy Gilbertson-Markus, Nancy Burndt, Carla Thurow-Pelzel, Grace Meyer-Schreier, and Judy Greening-Henzel. They often had help from members teaching other classes, and some years they even had a member-run school with members coming at different times of day to teach. My grandmother, Barbra Rutz-Ruegge, came in 1964. She taught a classroom of 30 pupils after taking the “Emergency Teacher Course” that was put in place due to the extreme shortage.
They have called a total of four teachers, and have recently called yet another after a short interim. The Redeemer Church is equipped with a classroom, a playground, books, desks, and housing for a teacher whether they have a family or not. Finances aren't an issue either. The teachers we have called have been unable to take the calls due to a shortage of teachers in their own congregations. Advertising has been held off until they can find a teacher, but several non-members have shown an interest in enrolling.
Senior Tea
-Sam Radermacher
“Welcome to the party, Mr. Baboon Keg. We’ve been expecting you,” said Mr. Ashen, showing his guest through the door into the foyer.
“Thank you, my dear Mr. Ashen, I have brought us the big jell animal from the store as you have asked.”
“Ah! How scrumptious of you! I boast that we call our dear Hand Mom to bring your gifts into the house from your Hazy Car.” Mr. Ashen suddenly turned and called upstairs, “Hey Maw! Can you come on down here and show our friend some hospitality?”
“Coming!” called a voice from the ceiling, sounding so hoarse an air police officer would’ve deemed the sound waves traveling through the air to be an air crime.
“So, have you heard the news of poor old Ed Jar?” Mr. Baboon Keg inquired of Mr. Ashen as they set themselves down on two of the grey tin chairs by the window. “I hear that Mr. Eye told him a mean lie, saying that last time we had Jan Workday, he was hit in the face by an airy bag.”
“Outrageous!” Mr. Ashen cried, “He is indeed a very terrible, evil being. It’s about time someone gives him a rash!”
“I agree, but unfortunately can belt tag even give you a rash? I once had to run away from a man nun who was trying to do just that.”
“I don’t know, but if this situation is anything like what happened to good ol’ Nick Breeches, I think it could turn out to be a cell rash.”
“Wow, I didn’t think it would get that severe,” Mr. Baboon Keg turned and gazed thoughtfully out the window, where several snowy yields were blowing in the wind. He hastily changed the subject. “My dear charmer, I do believe it is time to pour an ounce, try this slice of the big jell animal I brought us today."
Seen in the Safari
-Trinity Mayhew
The mysterious and wondrous Joel Kuehne can often be heard making strange noises through the highlands of the hallways. You may be able to catch snippets of his cry of "Chess! Chess! Chess!" while chasing the terrified Aric Reim, or mimicking a voice crack to avoid the ridicule of the Kitara Mielke. He also sometimes says "mmhmuuhmhmuhmumm,” as a way to tease others and "ahumnyum, zjabueyee," when he doesn't feel like making sounds that can be comprehended by human minds. The Joel Kuehne may confuse many, but he is a wonder to be cherished.
You're Going to LOVE this Article
Now, I know Valentine’s Day has come and gone. Your lockers have all been filled with lovely love notes and scrumptious desserts made with love by those lovely Banquet Committee people and from other people that love you. (I just used “love” in one sentence five times, wow.) However, the concept of Valentine’s Day as a whole is just bizarre to me, and I feel this pressing duty to inform you why you receive chocolates and stuffed bears and why couples HAVE TO GO OUT ON THIS DAY, and why all these things are done to show your love on the day a priest from the third century was beheaded. Hopefully, by the end of this, I will have answered at least one of those questions.
All right, hop in your time machines and yeet-skeet-skeedaddle all on back to the time of the third century. Already, the legend of Saint Valentine is difficult, especially because no one can agree on a set time when our true love Valentine did his dues, as well as the fact that the Catholics acknowledge at least three saints named Valentine or Valentinius and all of them were martyred.
One way the legend goes is that Valentine, a priest who served during the third century in Rome, went against the current emperor’s orders and was then executed. Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families; he outlawed marriage for young men. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, deified Claudius and continued to perform marriages in secret for young lovers. When Valentine’s actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death. Still, others insist that Saint Valentine of Terni, a bishop, was the true namesake of the holiday. He, too, was beheaded by Claudius II outside Rome. (I see a pattern developing about guys whose names are Valentine and those guys losing their heads . . . rough.)
Other stories suggest that Valentine may have been killed for attempting to help Christians escape harsh Roman prisons, where they were often beaten and tortured. According to one legend, an imprisoned Valentine actually sent the first “valentine” greeting himself after he fell in love with a young girl–possibly his jailor’s daughter–who visited him during his confinement. Before his death, it is alleged that he wrote her a letter signed “From your Valentine,” an expression that is still in use today. Although the truth behind the Valentine legends is murky, the stories all emphasize his appeal as a sympathetic, heroic and--most importantly--romantic figure. By the Middle Ages, perhaps thanks to this reputation, Valentine would become one of the most popular saints in England and France.
The actual celebration of “Saint Valentine’s Day” originated in pagan festivals. While some believe that Valentine’s Day is celebrated in the middle of February to commemorate the anniversary of Valentine’s death or burial--which probably occurred around A.D. 270--others claim that the Christian church may have decided to place St. Valentine’s feast day in the middle of February in an effort to “Christianize” the pagan celebration of Lupercalia. Celebrated at the ides of February, or February 15, Lupercalia was a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture, as well as to the Roman founders Romulus and Remus. The entire celebration/ritual/thing was just weird. It involved Roman priests, goats and dogs being sacrificed, and girls’ names being drawn out of a box for a set up date.
Modern traditions have thankfully evolved from . . . whatever that was before, perhaps in some part because of the Roman Catholic Church. The good ol’ RCC, always trying to combat those pagan holidays but still can’t seem to teach proper doctrine . . . Well, we take what we can get. Anyway, Pope Gelasius deemed Lupercalia “un-Christianlike” for SOME REASON at the end of the fifth century and officially declared February 14 as Saint Valentine’s Day.
After that, Valentine’s Day took off. St Valentine's name started to be used by people to express their feelings to those they loved. And, why not, I guess? Valentine is a pretty cool name. Soon, traditions began to arise and love notes were penned out. Valentine greetings were popular as far back as the Middle Ages, though written Valentine’s didn’t begin to appear until after 1400. The English poet Geoffrey Chaucer was the first to record St. Valentine’s Day as a day of romantic celebration in his 1375 poem “Parliament of Foules,” writing, “For this was sent on Seynt Valentyne’s day / Whan every foul cometh ther to choose his mate.”
Nowadays, however, since we as humans always have to do more, more, more, and since we as Americans have to do more, more, the absolute most, Valentine’s Day is not limited to only love notes in Old English. Oh, no, you have to spend way more money than that to show someone you love them, and teddy bears better be involved. According to recent surveys, an average American young adult/adult plans to spend at least $153.00 on food and experience on Valentine’s Day.
If you are the kind of person that really is not in favor of Valentine’s Day, just remember Lupercalia and be thankful that it isn’t like that anymore. Lots of Love!
-Grace Meyer
For this month’s devotional, I would like to start off by telling you all a story. Think back to July of last year and imagine a newly licensed girl standing in front of her new car she just bought. He, the car, is a white 2012 Dodge Avenger SE, and though he drives a little like a boat and is rather dirty on the inside, the girl loves him. His name is Benedict Emeritus Sardothian-Traviata, or Ben for short. She loves him very much.
Now think back to January 13 of this year, and imagine a girl newly arrived to school standing in front of her newly totaled car. She loved him, and now he was broken beyond repair.
What I have just described to you was me. I was involved in a car accident the day after I got back to school, after driving nine hours through wintery roads and weather with no incidents. That was easily one of the worst days of my life. I was far away from home, I had to go to school and work. I hate asking people for help, and now I have no car. I was completely helpless, and, to put it simply, a total mess. I cried and cried over my car and that whole situation, because no matter how much I wanted to, I couldn’t go back and change anything. I couldn’t go back and tell myself to stay a little longer at school, I couldn’t make that black truck go away, I couldn’t do anything. And throughout all of it, everyone kept telling me, “Be thankful that no one was hurt,” and, “It was only a car.” And I knew all that, and I was thankful, but I was still angry and frustrated at my situation, because I was stuck, and I don’t like feeling stuck.
Now, I want you to imagine another instance. A girl is, in a sense, stranded, far away from home. She now has to be driven anywhere and everywhere she wants or needs to go. But, there is something else to realize from her situation: she has people in her life that are willing to do that for her.
What I have again told you is what happened to me. Despite how upset I was about my car or lack thereof, there was something God put on my heart to focus on. However much I might not like to ask for help, I had to, and I was shown how many people God placed in my life to love and take care of me. I was given rides to and from work and school without question or bother. I was even given a car to borrow until I could find a way to get another car of my own, which my parents and family succeeded in doing for me.
Why am I telling you all this? Well, a few days ago, I was doing my morning Bible study, and I let my Bible fall open like I always do, and it opened to Romans. And on the page, amidst all my highlights, drawings, and notes on the page, the endlessly familiar verse sprang out at me. “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” We have all memorized that verse and recited and referenced it countless times for countless reasons, but that morning, after everything that had happened, it hit me. How much of this good has God worked for me in this situation? How much love has He shown me I have in my life from the people around me and from Himself directly? His mercies truly are new every morning.
Now, please, examine your own lives. How much has God already brought you through? How much has He already worked for your good? Look back on the days you thought were the worst, the times you thought you would never work through, listen if you are experiencing them now, and hold this dear for the trials ahead: no matter the trial, the mistake, the consequence, or pain, God is greater than it all, and He will, without fail, work it all to your good.
“Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!”