Senior Spotlight: Levi Wittorp
Senior Spotlight: Hope Mayhew

If you’ve ever seen a guy walking around campus in a safari hat and cargo shorts, heard a lone voice shouting at the volleyball games, or heard “SENIOR SPOTLIGHT” being hissed down the hall, you’ve probably experienced the one and only Levi Mark Wittorp firsthand. I had the privilege of interviewing him not one, not two, but three different times, each one with more useless yet interesting information than the last.
Kitara: “When?”
Levi: “November 1, 2001.”
K: “Plans after?”
L: “You’re supposed to ask where!”
K: “Oh right, where?”
L: “Niles, Michigan.”
K: “Ok, plans after?”
L: *laughs*
K: (after giving up on getting an answer out of him) “Advice?”
L: *thinks for 9493 years* “Floss twice a day!” *begins to floss*
K: “Memories?”
L: “Anthony breaking the volleyball net.”
Everyone in the computer lab: “How?!”
L: “He tried to jump over the net as it was on the ground . . . we didn’t get to play volleyball that day. Oh, and Romeo and Juliet with Brynn.”
K: “What’s your biggest regret in high school?”
L: “Not learning to play the trumpet.”
K: “One word to describe high school?”
L: “No dancing.”
K: “Anything else?”
L: *shouts* “I WANNA TACO--T-O, C-O!”
(Levi also came back the next day with some very thoughtful advice for the freshmen--and by thoughtful, I mean he spent all night thinking about it--“Don’t take your friends for granite.”)
Color--Dark white
Spot on campus--Softball field
Committee--Banquet Committee
Where do you see Levi in 10 years:
Avery (after a very long pause in which she mutters “I don’t know” repeatedly under her breath): “Probably running a successful car company and owns the Red Wings, claiming they’re good when they aren’t.” (Lydia added, “and still talking about Trump when he isn’t President.”)
Charis: “Host of a comedy show, like Steve Harvey.”
Jo: “Moves to Detroit, is part of everything Detroit sports, and owns the Lions but then gets fired.”
Anthony: “In his garage working on his car while his wife makes him
a sandwich."
-Kitara Mielke

I think that I can safely say that I’ve known Hope longer than almost anyone else at this school--and I have to say, she’s one of the most wonderful people I have ever met. This girl is an actual superhero. If anything is wrong, if you’re sad, or if you need help, Hope will notice more quickly than anybody else. She’ll be by your side in an instant, ready to dry your tears and listen to all of your problems. Hope always knows the perfect thing to say or the perfect Bible verse to share, never failing to remind you just how much you’re loved by the Father above.
Trinity: What advice would you give to yourself as a freshman?
Hope: The more you weigh, the harder you are to kidnap, so eat pizza and be safe.
T: What’s your favorite high school memory?
H: Nothing that has to do with ducks.
T: What are your plans for after graduation?
H: I want to be an oncologist. I have no idea where I'm going to go or how I'm going to do it, but I want to be an oncologist.
T: Describe yourself in one word.
H: Uhrm . . . I have no idea. Do you have any ideas?
T: Well, you've got Superman senses.
H: Then Superman, except you'd never find me wearing a red diaper outside my pants. Okay, wait, no. This is two words, but 'succulent killer.'
T: What were the names of your favorite succulents?
H: Creed and Socrates, who lived from July of 2019 to September of 2019.
T: How would you say you’ve changed throughout high school?
H: I've gotten a bit more salty each year. That, and I think I'm a little taller.
Color: Yellow
Hymn: “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”
Bible verse: Lamentations 3
Tea: Chai
Cousin: Trinity, Andy, IPP, and George
Book: When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead
Prof: Kranz
-Trinity Mayhew
Grace Elisabeth Meyer
Senior Spotlight

S: When and where?
G: I was born in Rapid City. I think, like, Rapid City Regional Hospital or something like that, on July 8th, 2003, at 8:08 in the morning at 8 pounds and 8 oz.
S: What kind of tree would you be and why?
G: Either an aspen because it's asp and I like that sound, or a willow tree because I would love to be tall and willowy, but I can't because I'm short instead.
S: Which superpower would you choose?
G: Definitely not able to read people's minds because I feel like I would just be terrified constantly if I could read people's minds. Probably the ability to turn invisible because then I could creep up on people and be like “boo” and I could really actually scare them.
S: What animal do you think you’re most similar to?
G: I think definitely a hedgehog, because I can be prickly sometimes, but then I can be like really fluffy and happy to be around other people and I want to be held and hugged and stuff, but then I can get really standoffish to people sometimes. Plus, I'm round, and hedgehogs are round. I think hedgehogs are adorable. I want to be more adorable like hedgehogs.
S: What do you think about when you are alone?
G: The sad but true answer is what I should have said in certain conversations, puns I really could have made, and things that I could have said better, but also really random stuff such as: how did a certain color get named that color, or why do we say a word the way we say a word? I focus a lot on grammar things; I spend too much time thinking about words and where they came from. It's a little scary actually.
S: Any advice for the freshman?
G: Okay, here's the hot stuff. Do not be afraid to ask seniors for advice. They're not as scary or cool as you think they are. Please, please, please do not fall into the trend of being an annoying freshman because you think that's what you need to be. Be your own person and stick with it all the way through high school. Let yourself learn from mistakes. Don't just do what everybody else does, just cuz they're doing it.
S: Funniest High School memory?
G: Can I have several?
S: Yes.
G: OK, cool. Freshman year would be forming the sheep cult with Christian. Sophomore year is getting to be Diana and Anne with an E and pretending to be drunk because that was super funny, and also doing many impersonations and funny things with Hope as a roommate (she'll know what I'm talking about). [Junior year] Generally just inside jokes with Trinity, but mostly, like, specifically if we were talking about shoes--I'm swimming in mine, and it's a 50/50 raffle, and Prof. Schierenbeck's Beethoven demonstration. And then Senior year, I'm sure there will be many yet to come, but mostly screeching with Christian in Art class, and generally just Art class all around. And Doc Schierenbeck. Just Doc Schierenbeck.
S: What do you want to be when you grow up?
G: LOL, grow up? Who said anything about growing up? I'm kidding, I can't wait to grow up. Right now I feel like God is leading me to be a pediatric oncology nurse, which means I want to [work with] kids’ cancer, so I want to do nursing, and I also want to minor in Spanish so I can do nurses without borders to help children in third world countries.
S: You're a new addition to the crayon box. What color are you and why?
G: I think I am one of those like sparkly crayons, not because I really like sparkles (because they're the HIV of the craft world), but I I think I'm a darker color, so maybe a really deep dark blue, like a really good navy blue with some sparkles chucked in there, because I have my deep dark days, but I also like to be happy. So, yeah, a sparkly navy blue.
S: What is a secret you're now willing to share?
G: When I was being potty trained, I used to put the toilet seat on my head and call myself the Potty Queen. I don't really know why or where I got that idea, but if that tells you anything about me it's that I would love to be a princess and I like to be silly sometimes.
Class: Overall? From any year? Probably a toss-up between Brit. Lit. and Art. I don't know if you can really call Art a class because it's just like a happy place, but Art or Brit. Lit.
Prof.: That's cruel ¡Qué cruel! Well, my boyfriend's dad is Prof. Reim, so that makes it tough. Umm . . . I have to go with Doc. Schierenbeck or Prof. Schierenbeck. I don't know, 'cause that's very difficult. We'll say one of the Schierenbecks or PG.
Food: dessert, or appetizer, or main course? (S: Any of them?) For main course, either my mother's lasagna or fettuccine alfredo 'cause that's super good. For breakfast it's my mom's pancakes or biscuits and gravy. For dessert, either blueberry pie with crumble topping or Mrs. B's apple pie with crumble topping.
Drink: Probably, peach iced tea. Probably.
Fandom: Oh, harsh. Leigh Bardugo, the Shadow and Bone and Grisha universe, also Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments series.
Hobby: Probably painting, but I also just love any kind of craft, really, especially crocheting. I can get into such a zen mode when I'm crocheting, it's crazy.
Disney Movie (animated): Big Hero 6, Lilo & Stitch, Mulan
Weird Things Heard
Around Campus
Okay, this was really fun to put together. I’ve heard some really good ones this time, and there were more I wanted to put in but forgot. Oh well. But that’s okay! This one worked out pretty well anyways. Hope you all enjoy!
"If you want to pick up a hundred pounds, you do not use your feet."
"I have been deprived of all normal childhood experiences and would like a piggy back ride."
(Exasperated) "I can't find the bottom of my belly button!"
“No, no-no-no-no-no, we are not leading a revolt against our parents!”
“Taco! T-O-C-O!”
"I've got a moist shoulder! YA BOI’S GOT A MOIST SHOULDER!"
"It smells cold outside . . ."
“. . . And it’s all because of Hillary Trump—wait, did I really just say that?”
“I want to drown in a bowl of syrup . . .”
"Everybody loves having their own personal stalker."
"Tall people are vertically thicc. That's 'thicc' with two c's."
"We're all immortal because we haven't died yet."
"If you want to play 'My Life' you need to pick the stupidest decision to move on . . ."
"Whenever I'm in bed, I kick my feet around ferociously and the friction warms my blankets."
"You know I'm a hairy person!"
“I have a very important question--do your eyebrows count as facial hair?”
“Why are eyelashes not called eye hairs?”
“What if your sweat smelled like bacon?”
“Suppose Sarah is in an alleyway, and the other Sarah has a lead pipe and wants Sarah’s kneecaps . . .”
-Suraya Williams
Word Associations
Leaves--Britten R.
Orange--Charis G.
Fruit--Natalie S.
Apple--Austin W.
Isaiah--Daniel M.
Plath--Erica F.
Plank--Marisa K.
Wood--Lucas Q.
Forest--Rebecca D.
Troll--Josie V.
Hair--Levi W.
Long--Noah B.
Face--Andrew L.
Eyes--Joel K.
Blue--Cal M.
Avatar Movie--Ian B.
Wheelchair--Cainnin L.
Why are you people asking me that--Ben H.
Haiku Blues
Most have settled in
Back to the routine of school
With all the homework,
And with it comes stress
But you can't forget about
Depression, yes, that.
Although horrible,
You can fight through it, you can.
I believe in you.
Many others do,
You just may not see it through
The veil it lowers
Over your sense of
Others and relationships
That you have with them.
Just know that they are,
Though not so obvious, there.
You just don't see them.
-Sarah Durst
-Kitara Meilke
-Rebecca Durst
Grace Elisabeth Meyer: the friendliest, most extroverted introvert you'll ever meet. You've seen her face everywhere and if you're new, she was one of the first people to talk to you. This young lady has had such an impact on
so many lives, and I am proud to call her one of my best friends.
Dungeons & Dragons
When you are learning to play D&D, you are taught to work with your party and use your character’s class abilities to benefit the party. However, you just might run into somebody who doesn’t care about that and tries to “do his own thing” (a.k.a. get into trouble and more than likely have to get bailed out of jail or be saved from possible execution or other means of death) and cause a headache for the party. As an experienced player, I can agree with this idea: you may have to bail one of your friends from jail (or break him out, whatever you define “bail out” as) once or twice. If it becomes a habit with that person and you want to preserve your character’s life, you are better off leaving that character to be “That Player” and not risking the rest of your party to get him out of intentional trouble again.
I know that it is possible for the Dungeon Master to split the party (though it can be a big headache) or for the party to get split by accident, but if you intentionally leave the party with the sole purpose of getting into trouble, it is very doubtful that your character will survive (with the exception of well-built barbarians, monks, rogues, warlocks . . . actually, it is with the exception of just about any well-built character that is played by someone who knows exactly what he’s doing and exactly how to pull off before taking action). Being labeled as “That Player” will also more than likely make your party less willing to help you, and you may at some point be attacked by them if you push your reckless actions too far.
In summary, when you are in a D&D party going through a campaign, common sense and loyalty are everything--you don’t have to outrun the dragon, just the guy in your party who has a base walking speed of 20 ft. (for those of you who don’t play, the average base walking speed for most races is usually 30 ft.).
Don't Be "That Player"
-Zach Strike
To the professors in various stages of retirement, Prof. Paul Sullivan and Prof. Paul Schaller, we of the student body, the Flash, and I personally, would like to offer our heartfelt thanks for the many years of instruction and guidance you have provided here. What blessings you have brought to our high school experience! We will treasure all we learned from you, both academic and spiritual, as well as such fond memories as Prof. Sullivan’s infamous conjunction dance (“and-but-or-nor-for-yet-so!”) and Prof. Schaller's inspiring puns. More than that, I am forever grateful to the Lord and to our professors for the deep searching of the wonderful mysteries of God through which you both led us. May that same God be with you always, with His richest blessings.
Thank You!
-Aric Reim
Thumb Interesting Facts
BREAKING NEWS: In a special news report this issue, a new amenity is coming to the ILC campus, of which I learned in a passing conversation--the “academic centaur,” or something like that. Reports varied on whether or not this sensational idea has already been installed, and details are scarce, but whatever it is, Immanuel students ought to hoof it to the scene or we might catch the tail end of the action--the mane thing is keeping our heads with all this horseplay, and it will only take a little horse sense to do so. And if you think we’ll have had our foal of equestrianism, I say you neigh!
The Academic Centaur
-Aric Reim
Welcome back to the article on a random survey. In this edition, we are going to be enlightened on which thumb is usually on top when people fold their hands. Most people believe there is a correlation with what hand is dominant and how you fold your hands. However, this is false. Many studies have been conducted, and there is no connection between the two. Interestingly, there does seem to be something of a trend in children folding their hands the same way their parents do. This makes sense because, if you think about it, your parents were the ones who helped you learn how to fold your hands. According to some studies that I found, the right thumb on top versus the left thumb on top is usually a 1 to 1 ratio.
I guess ILHS students like to be different, because in the survey performed of ILHS students, 38 out of 50 placed their left thumbs on top while 12 out of 50 placed their right thumbs on top. Four out of the 38 were left handed, and 3 out of the 12 were left handed. In other words, 76 percent of the students surveyed fold their hands with the left thumb on top, and 24 percent had the right thumb on top. Also, about 10 percent of the left-thumbers and 25 percent of the right-thumbers were left handed.
I had 2 young men refuse to fold their hands, 3 students who folded their hands without interlocking their fingers, and 3 people that interlocked their fingers, but placed their thumbs right next to each other.
We were enlightened by Prof. Roehl. He clasped his hands with his right thumb on top. So once again, the professor sided with those of us in the minority. In conclusion, there is no real rhyme or reason to why people fold their hands differently.
-Lydia Kettner
Manuel V.S. Melvin
Man 2: Welcome everyone, on this fine summer’s day! We are gathered here in commemoration of the 1st Anniversary Celebration of Joe’s Toes! This is an event about which people will be telling their children and their children’s children!
Man 3: I am Man Three.
Man 2: Right you are!
Man 3: Now, back to the children. Carry on.
Man 2: On the left side, we have the Mighty Manuel in all his resplendent glory. On the right, we have the Massive Melvin. Look at them slowly trod towards each other. I wouldn’t want to get in between those fists!
Man 3: I don’t like going between fish either! Carry on.
Man 2: And now they’re squaring up, each one’s eyes piercing deep into the other’s. Whoever wins this staring contest gets to strike the first blow.
Man 3: Staring contest! What a way to start the match! I remember when we was jus kids and we used to run off behind the barn at night and have ourselves some real fierce staring competitions. They never ended friendly, that’s for sure.
Man 2: It looks like Melvin is trying to stifle a sneeze! OOFTA!!! There he goes! Now Manuel is acting fast, he whips out his magic wand and is now reciting an incantation.
Man 3: Abra-kedabra Aleka-zoo, turn Massive Melvin into Raju!
Man 2: Wow! I can’t even see after that orange flash of light! I don’t even know how Melvin could’ve dodged that!
Man 3: My eyes hurt more than they normally do! Mother, is that you?
Man 2: Wait a second, I can see again! Melvin is back on his feet, and he still looks like himself. He must have deflected the spell with the lightsaber he’s currently holding!
Man 3: Lightsaber? Yeah, yeah. I remember when we was jus kids, I used to have one a those things. They ain’t toys either, ya know. Those things ‘el knock ya right outta your socks.
Man 2: I don’t know how Manuel is going to top that! Oh, I know . . . with his top hat!
Man 3: Hey, you’re pretty clever.
Man 2: Why, thank you. That’s right folks, Manuel just pulled a horse out of his hat and now he’s charging at Melvin with a lance in his hand and a fierce look in his eye.
Man 3: You’ve got my full attention. Carry on.
Man 2: Oh boy, but it looks like Melvin has one more trick up his sleeve, or should I say . . . YEET! A spaceship!
Man 3: Have you seen the last maple donut anywhere? I was really looking forward to it.
Man 2: Not now Man 3, this is the most interesting part of the fight. Try to act professional, I’m sure it’ll turn up somewhere . . . he he he.
Man 3: *under his breath* Why, you dirty, rotten, little . . . Carry on.
Man 2: Well, in a shocking turn of events, it looks like they’re both flying into orbit! Manuel just summoned a magical lightning hammer from the sky and now it’s raining lightning bolts!
Man 3: Maple is my favorite kind, too . . .
Man 2: I’ve never seen a crowd this exstatic since--
-Sam Radermacher and Henry Lau
October Articles
Physics Car Gallery
There was much anticipation and excitement in the Junior and Senior classes as 10/4/2019 approached. This was the day all their physics cars were due, and they could show off their hard work.
In the Junior class, 4 (Scott & Ashton, Tyler & Mason, Paul & Ethan, Jacob Fossum) groups made use of rat traps, 1 (Olivia) used a mouse trap, 5 (Isaiah & Daniel, Erica & Adrie, Lydia & Marisa, Emma M., Cal) had rubber band powered, and 1 (Kari & Rebecca) group had a unique idea of using a water wheel type car.
Scott & Ashton’s rat trap car traveled the greatest distance for the Junior class with 84 tiles. Their car made it all the way down the hallway in the Commons. It would have made it farther, but sadly it stopped when it hit the rug.
The senior class made use of 1 weight/rubber band car (Hope & Morgan), 7 rubber band cars (Grace, Josie, Sarah D, Zach, Brynn & Mel, Jacob, Aric, Jillian & Allison), 1 air/rubber band car (Jaydn & Avery), 1 air powered car (Toby), 1 weight dropping car that had 6+ feet diameter wheels (Sam & Sherman), 1 rat trap car (Christian), and 1 rubber band/rat trap/fishing pole car (Ben & Levi).
Ben & Levi had the farthest distance in the senior class with their fishing pole car. It also traveled the whole distance of the hallway (84 tiles), ending up hitting the wall next to the door.
There have been rumors that Sherman and Sam’s car caused Prof. Schierenbeck to add a new rule for future physics cars. Some of our questions can be answered by this quote from Prof. Jeff Schierenbeck, “I am thinking about a size limitation. There were 3 [cars] that were very large this year.”
At the end of the day, out of 25 cars, 11 exceeded the 21 foot maximum-point distance. Hopefully, all of the teams had some joy in making the cars, and seeing the results.

-Lydia Kettner