Senior Spotlight:
Titus Radichel
One of the jolliest fellas you ever did meet, Titus is usually full of energy. Whether it’s playing basketball or leading the banana cheer in VB, he seems to be smiling and having a good time. I’ve enjoyed getting to know him better over the last several years, and finding out that he is my relative. Here’s the inside scoop on what makes Titus, Titus.
A = Andrew
T = Titus
A: When? Where? Why?
T: April 1, 2006. In Eau Claire, WI,
because my parents wanted to have
an awesome kid.
A: Starting off with a banger, what
was your favorite high school memory?
T: Hmm, we’re going to have to come
back to that. (some time later) I think
my favorite high school memory is
definitely all the shenanigans that
happened in the boys’ dorm. Just to name a few, when Chris and I stole a lightbulb from the 2nd floor, or when I spoon-fed Ben whipped cream and he spat it everywhere. Also, when my phone went off during Religion class playing Clash Royale music at full volume.
A: Advice for the young lads and lasses?
T: Definitely try as much stuff as you can, and hang out with your friends as much as you can.
A: What about school? Should you spend time on that?
T: Do school if you want, haha.
A: If you could be a freshman knowing what you know now, would you do anything differently?
T: Probably. I would have done Track and Field since my Freshman year, and actually continue XC for more than one week.
A: What is your favorite part of the basketball season?
T: I’d say the games are always really hype, and going out to Texas Roadhouse with the boys is always fun.
A: Zombie apocalypse. You get to pick five Immanuel people to survive with. Who's your squad and what campus building are you holding?
T: Ok, I’m definitely taking Jesse Cornish. Hmm, let me think about this. (Deep in thought, scratching his chin wisely). Not Prof Lau; definitely not Prof Lau. I’d have to say Carter, Isaiah, Joe LeDuc, and Joe Cornish for my last four. We’re definitely taking the Commons or the boys’ dorm for our spot to hold.
A: What is your favorite sports memory here so far?
T: My favorite sport memory would probably be the Spring Valley varsity basketball game, or when Andy and I almost cleared 6 ft for high jump. That’ll change this year, though, because I’m going to clear it.
A: Desert Island. Three things. Don’t mess this up.
T: Three things on a desert island, hmm. I probably have to have an ax. And probably a fishing pole, because I don't think I can make that by hand. Ugh, this is so difficult!
*Unfortunately I never got a third item because we got distracted and started talking about how this sounded like Minecraft.
A: What is [at least] one of your bucket list items?
T: I want to go to Canada.
A: Any place in Canada in particular?
T: Just Canada. Canada sounds dope. Too scared of Australia; that’s where all those scary monsters live. And I want to skydive. Oh, and surfing!! I want to surf at least once in my life.
A: If you were a pizza topping, which one would you be and why?
T: Definitely cheese. Because everyone loves cheese. Or pineapple, because it’s a little zesty.
Where do you see Titus in 10 years?
Andrew L: In my basement.
Vance H: Probably still going to be single because he can’t date Sophia yet. And he still won’t know what he wants to do with his life.
Chris K: Still waking up at 4:00 in the morning to go work out.
Logan T: He will move to Yucatan and teach little kids how to dunk like him. He will also be bald with me. He will be in the professional Yucatan basketball league.
Gabi R: I don’t know; still living with Mom probably
Prof: Dr. Dan, aka, Dr. Forehead
Juniors: Logan, Caleb, Jesse, and Sophia
Sophomores: Who’s in the sophomore class? OH, my sister!!
Freshmen: Sawyer and Tanner Quade
Restaurant: Fazoli’s or Red Robin
Movie or TV show: Spiderman: Across the Spider Verse or The Super Mario Movie
Food: I like Italian, especially good fettucini.
Campus Meal: Barbecue Meatballs or Hot Ham + Swiss. Orange Chicken is also pretty good.
Bible Passage: Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace you are saved through faith, not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast.”
-Andrew Lau

The denizens of the dorms known as dormies don’t always confine themselves to the grounds of ILC. They often like to escape the drabness of campus and pay visits to locations in the Eau Claire area (and beyond). What are these locations? You’re about to find out.
One location is the shiny, new Eau Claire Chick-fil-A. Ever since it first opened, students have made the several-mile trek just to taste the chickeny goodness. From their iconic chicken sandwiches to their irresistible waffle-fries, Chick-fil-A is a great destination for ILHS students.
In the same general area of Chick-fil-A are a number of other businesses, including a Walmart, a Goodwill, a Panera Bread (Prof Lau’s favorite), and a mall. Goodwill is excellent because you never know what treasures you may find. Within the mall there is everything an ILHS student could ask for, from shoe stores to ice cream parlors.
By far, the most popular of these local businesses is the legendary Kwik Trip, the gas station/grocery store that contains everything an ILHS student could ever need. They have glorious Glazers, which are glazed doughnuts. They have soda, ice cream, and snack foods galore. On top of all of that, Kwik Trip is only about a fifteen minute walk from ILC.
The dormies of ILC have a wide array of options for whenever they would like to leave campus.
-William Sydow
New Year, New You?
I noticed this interesting phrase written on my friends’ whiteboard on their dorm room door. This message just happens to be the title of a horror film, but it also means something else. Many people see the new year as a chance to start over, to learn from their mistakes, and be a better person. We as Christians should also see this as a chance to live the new year in faithfulness and love to glorify God and out of love for our Savior. Here, I've compiled a list of ILC students’ goals (resolutions?) for 2024.
Not die (yet)
Eat healthy
Stay safe
Get a boyfriend/ girlfriend
Get to know people better
Read God’s Word more often
Value God most
Get better at sports
Have more C-team wins
Maintain high GPA
Do better in school
Be positive
Write books
Read more books
Do more art
These goals, whether big or small, give us a purpose. And our biggest purpose is to follow God and His Word, always prepared to reach our final goal: heaven.
-Aurora Willitz
Struggles of Managing
Guys' Basketball
Would you ever think of managing boys basketball? Managing the guys basketball teams can be a struggle sometimes. For example, there is always that one person who doesn’t put their jersey in the pile with the others, so it has to get washed separately. We also have to take time out of our day to stop doing homework, or whatever we are doing, to make sure that the jerseys are ready for the next game. All the water bottles also have to be cleaned. Another thing is that we don’t always know ahead of time which players will be suiting up for which team, so we have to make sure we have enough jerseys ready. It is also a little challenging to give the players their water bottles during a timeout, especially when they are angry. One thing that we really hate, though, is sitting on the bleachers. Every single game our backs are in so much pain, and all we want to do is stand up. Although there are struggles managing guys basketball, there are some things that just make it all worth it. We get a free pass to watch the games, we get to cheer on the teams when they really need it, and we even get to listen to their singing on the way back from away games. The main thing, though, is when they have good manners, and say thank you.
-Kenzie Koenig and Katie Kloke
When and Where?
S: I was born in Ridgecrest CA, November 1, 2005.
What are you planning to do
after high school?
S: I’m taking a gap year,
I don’t know what I’m doing.
How many siblings do you have?
S: I have nine siblings, Jake, Riley, Jesse,
Stacey, Job, Josiah, ME, Becky, Alex,
and Josh.
Favorite year here at Immanuel? Why?
Probably this year, ummmm because I have adapted to it here a little bit better.
Favorite Color?
Either sunset orange or a color, need them both.
Favorite type of food?
American food, specifically hamburgers.
Favorite Prof?
Rodebaugh, he’s cool
Favorite superhero?
Batman, yes I love batman, all of them, except the ugly one.
Favorite freshman/soph./junior/senior??
Freshman: Alex, Sophomore: Becky, Junior: Audrey ( I don’t know any juniors), Senior: Lydia
Favorite animal? Oh ummmmmm, hehehe. maybe … idk… a fox. They are pretty. Pretty foxes are my favorite
Favorite sport? Basketball
Favorite place to be when cold?
On the slopes, skiing. Or my bed, honestly not gonna lie
Favorite thing to eat for lunch? A hamburger or cheeseburger literally from anywhere, I am obsessed.
Your Favorite memory growing up?
S: Probably, just California summers. We moved when I was three but we would keep going there every summer after that.
Recommended place to eat in town?
S: Oohh McDonalds, oooooohhhh noo no no no wait Culvers. That’s the one, Culvers
Hobbies or things you enjoy doing?
S: Ummmm I enjoy hanging with my friends, zooming in the fastest car, and eating.
Weirdest food combinations you have tried and enjoyed?
S: Corn Bread muffin and ice cream. I guess it’s not too different.
What would your dream vacation look like?
S: Beach, literally just beach, with my two friends and dog.
What type of music would you be listening to on a rainy day?
S: Probably Piano Guys, or is it men, I don’t really know.
What is your go to get ice cream? What flavor?
S: Ummmm probably Olsons, and I always get the chocolate cookie dough.
What’s the most outrageous thing you want to do once you get out of
high school?
S: I want to ride a buffalo.
Advice for freshmen?
S: Do your own thing I guess. I’m bad at giving advice.
Where do you see Gecko in ten years?
Lydia: She definitely lives by the beach and somewhere hot. It never gets cold there. I think she would definitely go swimming every day
Becky: She is definitely single, running her own business, and selling things that she makes on Etsy. She has her own shop downtown, a cool shop. She keeps buying weird pants and has two cats because the first one is lonely. She lives in her apartment and makes weird things out of fruit. He has a very warm, large apartment over her business. And traveling as much as she can. She’d definitely do that. Oh and she’d live somewhere warm.
-Audrey Arndt

Have you ever heard of the name, Bryce Sydow? If you haven't, maybe you’ve seen him around. He’s kinda tall, he has super curly hair. Maybe you’ve seen him on the basketball court, or on the baseball field, pitching, catching or in centerfield. Or, perhaps you’ve seen him perform in a play, or musical or sing in tour choir. He’s a very talented and smart person, and I hope you get to know him a little better in his Senior Spotlight!!
S: When and where?
B: November 6. 2005 Eau Claire
S: Advice for the freshman?
B: Ummm, get to know your classmates early
Julia: Oh!! He’s talking about me!!
B: Umm, no
J: That’s so sweet Bryce!!
S: Favorite memory?
(one from each year)
B: Freshman year, building forts
in the lounge. What even happened
sophomore year? I don’t remember. Ben what happened..?
Ben: Geometry?
Bryce: I don’t remember anything from sophomore year. Junior year? Probably hitting that half court shot. And, Senior year, car rides back from girls volleyball and basketball games.
S: Favorite play and/or musical? Why?
B: Probably Music Man. I just got to sit in the locker room the entire time and hang out with people.
S: If you could do one thing from high school differently, what would it be?
B: Probably spend more time on campus, especially freshman and sophomore year.
S: Favorite prof, why?
B: Jeff Schierenbeck, because I’ve had him in a lot of classes and he’s a really good teacher, and he explains things really well.
S: What are some of your hobbies?
B: Ummm, sports
Vance: He studies really hard
Titus: He destroys Catholics
Bryce: I listen to music
S: Favorite memory growing up?
B: Well, when I was younger, I’d watch the same movie every day while Sawyer was napping because my mom wanted me to be quiet, and I never finished it.
S: Favorite sport at ILC, why? Memory from that sport?
B: Basketball. Making the half court shot.
S: Favorite place you’ve visited?
B: Umm, Sedona, Arizona.
S: If you could pick one place to travel, where would it be?
B: Switzerland, because of the mountains.
S: Plans for after high school?
B: Go to UW-EC, start pre engineering there, and possibly moving on the aerospace engineering, but I don’t know for sure right now.
S: Favorite food?
B: Burgers
S: Do you think any of your brothers could beat you in one-on-one right now?
B: I think I could beat them all.
S: What’s your favorite sports team?
B: Vikings
S: Where do you see Bryce in ten years?
Ben: Ok, so I think that in 10 years Bryce will be trying to get higher and in an engineering company but is always one step ahead of his peers. He will also run a VBS and try to be every kid's favorite. He religiously supports the various Minnesota sports teams which slowly cause him to die on the inside. He also might be married with a kid on da way.
Julia: I see Bryce with some kind of mechanical engineering degree, he’s married. Some lucky girl finally found out that he’s actually awesome and married him, and he has a kid. He’s working on his presidential campaign so he can run for president in the year 2032.
Titus: Probably like the president of the United States, and he’s gonna have me over for movie nights to watch Bob the Builder. And, he’s gotten even smarter, making us all sound stupid.
Vance: I see Bryce working on a spaceship because he’s going to be an aerospace engineer. He and his wife are going to go to Mars.They’re gonna be the first people to colonize Mars with his high tech spaceship and Martian babies, and his farm that he built. With his two fluffy cows. Then he also brought some food to grow. I don’t know what kind of food. Just food.
Class: Intro to engineering
Senior: Ben, oh switch senior to Julia actually. Actually, Julia, Ben, Titus, Vance
Junior: Logan
Sophomore: Do I even know any sophomores?? I’ll go with Mark.
Freshman: Tanner
Color: Blue
Song: Happier by Marshmellow
Smell: Bacon
Sport to watch: football
Drink: Dr. Pepper
Bible Passage: Psalm 119:105
Number: 7
Movie: Titus, what’s my favorite movie??
Titus: Probably Thomas the Train, or Bob the builder
Bryce: Those are shows, not movies
T: Define movie
B: Forget I asked. Avengers Infinity War.
-Sophia Carstensen

Weird Things Heard Around Campus
Finally, another "Weird Things Heard". It's a pretty long one to make up for the missed ones. Enjoy this one or don’t. I’d rather you enjoy it, though.
"If you took off your shirt during Spanish, PG would get so mad."
"You're pretty whether I have brain damage or not."
"He likes spaghetti; of course he's Italian!"
"Who else is nervous for Prof Lau to start matchmaking?"
"We gotta save this ICEE juice and use it as lipstick!!"
"You'd get kidnapped easily ‘cause you're pretty."
"Bro looks like an oompa loompa."
"Eyes don't define you."
"I like the men on your pillow."
"I love the way you're twitching."
"Jesus slays all day, guys."
"It corrected your name to asthma."
"I got creamer shots."
"She'd be crying and drown herself faster."
"You know what else is proven by science? That you're hotter than the sun."
"I'm so glad the Titanic sank, ‘cause I couldn't live without this movie."
"They always think life gets easier, but it never does."
"If there is Capital punishment, is there lower case punishment?"
"NO! We don't do 'practically dead' here."
"What?! Cheesecake is good, not cottage cheesecake."
"You look so much more beautiful when your face doesn’t hate everybody."
"Aw, man, I hate it when I can’t defibrillate my acquaintances."
"Some people can’t just sit still and quiet and eat their rice cakes."
"Also, your door ate my foot."
"Little does he know that I have the metabolism of a young leopard."
“Just take a bird and stick it in your pocket.”
“Doctor Dan is the definition of zest.”
“I have a petulant pinky? Thanks!”
“Yeah, my first boyfriend was Hitler.”
“They're not slaves if you eat them.”
“Umm, actually Dimmesdale is constipated.”
“I hate the federal government.”
“But what if we don’t want to be bread?!”
“I’ve never heard the word ‘notorious’ used to describe a mushroom before.”
“White socks are harsh on the eyes.”
-Micah Fossum
Advice Column
How do I get a person I like to notice me?
Good question. This question has been asked by young people for generations. I can offer a few suggestions, and some advice on what not to do.
First, be yourself. That may sound obvious, but too often people change who they are in order to impress those they like. Surely there is nothing wrong with presenting the best version of you when you are around them, but pretending to be someone you are not is not a long term recipe for success.
Be kind. In spite of those who may say that, “Kindness gets you nowhere,” the people whose attention you should want will appreciate someone who looks out for others, even at the expense of themselves at times.
Be humble. Give credit to others for your successes. Don’t brag about your accomplishments. This doesn’t mean that you should lack confidence. Confident people can be very attractive to others. Just don’t come off as a know-it-all.
Keep things in perspective and have a sense of humor. Having a sense of humor does not mean cracking jokes all the time. It is the ability to see humor in life situations. It is the ability to laugh at oneself for doing something “stupid.”
Be a good listener. Don’t be someone who feels they need to dominate the conversation. Show you are interested in what the other person has to say. Maintain eye contact and ask a lot of questions.
Be prepared to move on. If, in spite of following these tips, the person you are interested in doesn’t seem to show the same interest in you, don’t be afraid to develop a new interest. Perhaps that person wasn’t meant to be “the one.,” or perhaps the timing just wasn’t right. Find someone who appreciates you for you. After all, that is the only person you can be.
Broken People
This whole year, people have been tottering around on crutches, wrapped in casts, and limping with braces. It’s hard to keep up! Here’s a quick refresher on some of the injuries the members of our campus have gotten so far.
Joel Bernthal
What injuries did you have?
A broken thumb (healed) and a dislocated knee (needs surgery).
How did you break your thumb?
Flag football, running into Titus.
What was the biggest struggle?
Getting dressed.
How did you dislocate your knee?
Basketball. It came out midair, and I landed on it.
What was the biggest struggle?
Putting on a sock.
Did you learn anything from your injuries?
I expected less of myself in regard to being healthy and realized I shouldn’t play sports.
Will you continue to play sports after surgery?
Yes, but then I’ll regret it when I break something else.
Do you have any advice for others struggling with injuries? The more times you break it the easier it gets.
Mrs. Johannes
What injury did you have?
3” break in the lower fibula
How did it happen?
I fell.
What was the biggest struggle of your injury?
Having a cast and crutches and not being able to play the organ pedals.
How is the healing process coming?
The cast is off, but I’m still in a boot for two weeks. It’s still somewhat painful.
Did you learn anything from your injury?
To ask for help because people are willing, especially my husband.
Do you have any advice for others struggling with injuries? Patience is a virtue.
Sophia Carstensen
What injury did you have?
I was concussed during our basketball game against AC Lincoln.
How did it happen?
I don't really know. It kinda happened really fast. I got the rebound, and then I was squished in between two AC Lincoln girls, and I tripped, and couldn't catch myself, and I whacked my head on the floor.
What was the biggest struggle of your injury?
I wasn't able to go to games for the first week, and then I wasn't able to practice fully for a while after that.
How is the healing process coming?
Yes, I am 100% better now.
Will you continue to play sports after your injury is healed? Yeah.
Did you learn anything from your injury?
Head injuries are something you don't mess with. If you don't let them heal properly, they can lead to other injuries.
Do you have any advice for others struggling with injuries? Let it heal. Don't push so hard that you injure yourself again. Things take time.
Austin Lien
What injury did you have?
I broke two bones in my leg.
How did it happen?
I was playing pickup basketball, I went for a block and landed wrong somehow, and it just kinda popped.
What was the biggest struggle of your injury?
Remembering to take my meds.
How is the healing process coming?
Not healed yet; the bones still need to grow back together.
Will you continue to play sports after your injury is healed? Of course.
Did you learn anything from your injury?
Not at all.
Do you have any advice for others struggling with injuries? Shock and adrenaline are your friend; you won’t feel the injury for a while. Just try not to look.
Keep all the people with injuries in your prayers, and let’s hope there are a lot fewer injuries left ahead of us.
-Ellie Daub
Blast from the Past
I’m Sorry I Burnt Your Food:
The Life of Student Cooks
by Cassidy Noeldner
Morgan Bobek, Julianna Hein, Stephen Krause, Megan Johnston, Brynn Schierenbeck, and myself . . . Weird group, right? Wrong. We are the campus’s only, the elite, Student Cooks.
You may not have noticed us; we sneak around quite stealthily, preparing foods in the early morning hours and occasionally the evenings for you dormies to devour at the break of dawn. We figure out recipes, yell at kitchen workers, forget about and burn almost anything put into the ovens, lose sleep, and miss a chunk of our social lives.
But what makes all this worth it? Is it the slight pay raise? Not at all. Personally, that gets sucked up faster than the students eat the food. It’s the one compliment you get from the one person that didn’t get a burnt something, telling you that you are a phenomenal chef and should pursue it as a career (even when you definitely shouldn’t because you used powdered sugar instead of flour).
So what kind of mishaps happen in the kitchen?
Here are some mis-bakes that might make you do a double take before taking another bite.
“I accidentally melted a whole plastic container of cheese because I left it on the stovetop. There was only a small flame.”
- Me
“I grabbed the wrong box and made real corn dogs for breakfast instead of pancake wraps once.”
- Megan J.
“One time I lit a whole bag of bread on fire trying to
thaw it in the microwave.”
- Stephen K.
“I had to have Sunday breakfast ready at 7:30
and I woke up at 7:31.”
- Megan J.
“One time I served raw chicken tenders.
But don’t worry, I fixed it.”
- Julianna H.
“I don’t really make mistakes.”
- Brynn S.
Rose Schierenbeck used salt in French toast bake instead of sugar and no one noticed until the first pan was gone.
Ways to Save Money
for ILC Tour Choir
Returning the choir robes! That money could be put towards this years’ expenses.
Building a cheap teleportation machine to cut travel costs.
Renovating the green bus to make the trip; maybe by attaching a Porta Potty to the back and adding bunk beds.
Using apps for gas stations and restaurants and stuff.
Make the basses carry us around to congregations that are closer together instead of spending money on gas, or running between churches.
Freeze time and then walk to the congregations.
Bringing personal tents along to pitch on the side of the road instead of staying in hotels.
Everyone drives separately, or squeezes into Prof’s minivan.
In all seriousness… We pray that the needs for additional funds are met so that the Tour Choir is able to go on their mission trip. This is a special experience that is a blessing from the Lord, and we are thankful for all of the effort put in!

Hockey P.E.
Now that the second semester has started, a new sport is beginning for the freshmen and sophomore boys: hockey. This sport in Physical Education is being led by Prof. Lau, as usual. Many of the competitors really enjoy playing, because this sport relies on good teamwork, but also has a good balance with individual skill. We can mostly agree that it is a fun way to start winter, because we all like to play sports. For some, it is a fresh and new experience. Some of the players have a few small issues with it, such as it being very chaotic. But the pros outweigh the cons in most peoples’ opinions.
The PE games are being played on the lower parking lot by the storage garage, so there is usually plenty of space to have a full game. A couple minor rule changes exist. The main one is that each player must stay on one side of the parking lot for a “half,” which is replacing the three periods in a normal hockey game. There are a couple problems that some of the more experienced players don’t like. The main one is that the playing surface is quite rough and many shots are difficult to pull off. However, play can still be moving at a good pace and most of the other players with less development in the sport don’t need to worry about this. Also, on the lower lot are a few patches of ice, which have caused a couple tumbles to occur during the middle of the games, but with no major injuries so far. There is not much risk of something happening out there beyond a couple of jammed fingers and broken sticks.
Another part of this quarter’s sport is that the competing players have the opportunity to go see a real hockey game being played in Eau Claire. This happens during the weekend of the Whitewater outing, so some people may miss it. But it will still be an enjoyable experience for most. Some of the current juniors and seniors also remember this quarter being especially fun, because hockey is an original sport with some unique mechanics. As the quarter continues, there is sure to be a lot more games, some fun and interesting experiences, and maybe a few more injuries, as players grab their hockey sticks and gloves to partake in street hockey.
-Uriah Wales