Senior Spotlight: Daniel Mayhew
Isaiah Plath
Daniel Mayhew is probably one of the funniest people you will ever meet. He will always greet you with a smile and a quick joke to light up your day. He has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. So buckle up and sit tight for Daniel Mayhew’s senior spotlight.
Question: Three things on a deserted island, what would they be?
Daniel: I’ll take you ‘cause you know what you're doing. Hmm, give me a sec. Can I take fictional things?
Ipp: What type of fictional things?
Daniel: Nevermind. You, a microwave that can run on the power of the sun, and a lifetime supply of pizza rolls or mozzarella sticks.

Senior Spotlight: Isaiah "Ipp" Plath
Daniel Mayhew
Daniel: You can have three things on a deserted island. What would they be?
Ipp: A massive book about this size, (makes big hand gestures) hollowed out, with a knife, a tarp-
Daniel: Hold up. That's not how this works. You can't just put a bunch of stuff in a hollowed out book.
I: Okay, fine, just a hatchet, a tarp and . . .
D: And me, right?
I: Yeah, that sounds good. We can survive with a hatchet and a tarp.
What are your plans after high school?
I: I’ll probably go to CVTC for criminal justice.
Question: Plans after high school?
Daniel: CVTC criminal justice program.
Question: If you were an animal, what would you be?
Daniel: Ummmm,
Ipp: I would say a silverback gorilla.
Daniel: I’m trying to think of something that's really nice on the inside but super ugly on the outside. Got any ideas? I'll just ask Josie.
Josie: Probably a Chinchilla
Daniel: No, a Meerkat.
Q: Advice for the freshmen?
D: Oooh um, don’t be stuck up, and Prof. Rodebaugh probably won’t like you till you’re a junior at least, so quit trying.
Question: Advice for me?
Daniel: Stop being so hot.
Question: Favorite memory of high school?
Daniel: When Erica hit you with her car, and soccer van rides.
Question: Biggest regret?
Daniel: Dating.
Question: What are you gonna miss about high school?
Daniel: Dorm showers.
Ipp: Hey, don’t forget the locker room showers.
Daniel: Dorm and locker room showers.
If you were an animal, what would you want to be and why?
I: I would wanna be an eagle because they can fly and stuff, but I would probably be a monkey if I’m being honest.
Advice for freshmen?
I: IDK. Don't be like me; get good grades.
I: And listen to your parents; they know best.
What’s your favorite memory from high school?
I: Oh boy, there are so many good ones. Probably when I was in the porta potty and you started shaking it; then the bottom cracked. Then we tipped Hein to a 45 degree angle after I got out. That was fun.
Biggest regret?
I: Just all of sophomore year.
What’s something that you'll miss about high school?
Ipp: Probably just basketball; there's really nothing else. Oh, and the musical.
Ipp: Oh boy, that's a hard one; let me think.
Daniel: I'm just writing my name down
Junior: Daniel Hein or Matt
Sophomore: IDK, George or Aly or Kirsten
Freshman: Probably Ben, Vance, and Julia
Song: “Summer of ‘69” by Bryan Adams
Class: Definitely 10th grade PE, no no no 9th grade PE because of basketball with Byron
Sport: Basketball
TV Show: The Office
Prof: Roehl or PG
Where do you see IPP in ten years?
Ryan: Starring as Troy Bolton in the next High School Musical.
Ethan: He’s going to be the first person to star in a Broadway play and have his own landscaping company.
Isaiah: Probably dead.
Tyler: Playing D1 basketball as a sixth year senior and still trying to get his diploma.
Doctor Dan: As a star on Broadway.
Paul: He's gonna be like Paul Blart the mall cop and that dad that goes to his kids’ basketball games and yells at all the refs.
Color: Pink
Prof: Rodebaugh or Doctor Dan; they're both pretty legendary.
Class: (Ryan: It's gotta be freshman and sophomore year P.E.) Yeah. 9th and 10th-grade P.E.
Sport: Football
T.V. Show: Pysch- no, change mine. Bachlorette.
Hobby: Nerf or nothin.
Motto: Nerf or nothin.
Person from each class: Freshman is Vance, Sophomore is Caleb Arndt, Junior hands down Kevin Kern, Senior Isaiah--wait no, I mean Randi.
Movies on Disney+: 1-Remember the Titans 2- all the Thor movies 3- Return of the Jedi.
Cereals: 5-Lucky Charms, 4- Cookie Crisp, 3-Captain Crunch Peanut Butter, 2- Reese's Puffs, 1- Captain Crunch Berries.
Food: Daniel: Pizza rolls or mozzarella sticks.
Ryan: Broooo.
Daniel: Mozzarella sticks are so good.
Ryan: Maybe with ranch dressing.
Daniel: No. They’re so good.
Where do you see Daniel in ten years?
Adrie: In his parents’ second basement.
Erica: He has 2-3 drug dogs, and still listens to his ADRIE playlist when he is depressed.
Hannah: I see Daniel surrounded by family, and people he loves, doing his dream job of being a police officer.
Andrew: He’ll have the perfect dad bod and everyone will love him.
December 2020
Haiku Blues
Christmas time is here…
Hold on, I used that last year
It still applies though
With the season comes
Sleigh bells, tinsel, and the lights
Strewn across the house
A festive season,
Celebrating our Lord's birth
With gifts and carols
Merry Christmas, then
To all who are near and far
And Happy New Year
Rebecca Durst
Senior Spotlight: Kari Wales
or "This Girl Deserves a Spotlight to Shine on Her"
Have you seen a beautiful and talented girl walking around school? Too broad? How about one that is amazing at all forms of music, especially violin, an awesome teammate on VB and SB, and is willing to help anyone with school? If you thought of Kari Ruth Wales, you would be correct. As her roommate (Lydia Kettner) of four years, hopefully I can bring a little insight into this amazing person. She may be shy on the outside, but I promise that once you get to know her, she is extremely crazy and funny. Beware, she is also the most sarcastic person I have met.

Where did you fall from? “uh . . . heaven? Unless I can fall in reverse.” *Looks confused at herself.*
-Born November 22, 2002, in West Columbia, South Carolina.
Best thing about having the same roommate for 4 years? “I can borrow all of your clothes. You’ve been there for me throughout the years.”
Worst thing about having the same roommate? “Feeling bad when you (Lydia) get up early and I’m still lying in bed.” - I would like to state that I also feel bad when I wake her up when I am being loud in the morning.
Why do you like naked mole rats? “No! Why is that a question? They are cute and I relate to them. Small and ugly.”
Favorite sport? “Curling.” Nough said. “Does eating count? Tie between VB and SB.”
Do you wear grey or gray more? “Grey with an “e” because it is fancier because it is British.”
Plans after highschool? “Getting a bachelors in nursing, finding a good job, getting a cat, living somewhere preferably, learning how to surf, and travelling the world. Not necessarily in that order.”
Favorite memory? Both of the Tour Choirs.
Favorite TikTok dance ‘that you definitely haven’t learned’? “All of them; I like all of them.”
Dream for a relaxing vacation? “On a beach, somewhere warm, drinking something fruity, maybe with a book.”
How many times did you not spill water on yourself during study-hall freshman year? “Three?” -this is correct, I kept track. Don’t worry, she is doing a lot better now.
Advice for other highschoolers? “Don't spend too much time worrying about what other people think of you. They are usually self-centered. Don’t focus on the little things.” -she starts choking . . . maybe I was wrong about what I just said about her being better.
What was your pig's name in Biology? “Ooo, um, Three Fifty Degrees Febreze Oven. I got lots of pictures.”
John Sprengeler
Ten Year Predictions
“Oh, let’s see. She’d for sure be running the entire Chick-fil-A franchise. Oh, and she’d be running the biz happily married to a man as snazzy as number 6 from Kimberly Papermakers (boys VB team) with a few little eggs (children) of their own.” - Erica Oster
“Somewhere tropical living her best life as a strong independent woman.” - Hannah Ohlmann
“Professional violinist in a Parisian opera house.” - Tyler Radichel
“Married, 3 kids, not sure what she wants to be but probably living on church’s property, Sunday school teacher.” - Ella Bernthal
I decided to ask Sherman Kettner (my brother and a senior from last year) where he saw Kari in 10 years and he replied with, “You really think you are going to get one?” So for everyone who knows Sherman, he is still being argumentative.
Prof - “Schierenbecks”
Color - “Any shade of blue/yellow”
Flower- “Sunflower”
Movie - “Les Miserables”
Person - “Myself for my stunning personality and dashing looks. Does my sense of humor count?”
Lydia Kettner
Weird Things Heard Around Campus
Sorry for the shorter article, guys. But enjoy what I have, and thank you to all the people who submitted some to me. Keep it up, please - I’ll be sure to include them!
"Let's turn this horse into a Christmas band."
“So it’s like Monopoly but with guns.”
“Where do you see me in ten years? Dead or dying are acceptable answers.”
“Think about how much energy can be stored within a bookshelf.”
"Can you fit a chopped up human body in a shoebox?"
"I think you and Chuck Schumer have similar mouths."
Suraya Williams
Proverbs from the Kitchen
Working first cleanup twice each week, you get to learn a lot about other people and their habits in the lunchroom. Hence, I have created a short list of proverbs from the useful knowledge I have learned from this wonderful job.
Those who sit with friends make none.
Those who eat alone make the best company.
Those who eat the messiest are those you least expect to.
The simplest meals attract the most eaters.
A dry spot is an unpopular one.
Those who wait for seconds delay firsts.
The Super Secrets of Bookkeeping
"You egg!"
-from MacBeth
As Christmas gets closer, I wanted to see how many students on campus like eggnog. Let me first say that 13 (20%) out of 64 have never even tried this so-called drink.Two students stated that they kind of liked it and one replied with, “I don’t know.” Amazingly, it was an exact tie between a strong yes and a definite no. Twenty-four students were on either side of this debate. I found it very interesting that both sides are extremely biased. When I looked up the stats for how many people like eggnog, it also said that about 50% of people like it. So I guess that ILHS students represent the majority of people quite well. I pray you all have a wonderful Christmas and drink eggnog if you like it, or stay away from it as I would suggest.
Lydia Kettner
Trinity Mayhew
Ok, now I know what you’re thinking; bookkeeping is so boring. But I’ll let you in on a little secret, it is one of the most interesting, stressful, and high paying jobs in the world. It can be really tough work, but it is definitely rewarding. I bookkeep for the Immanuel Lancers. I’m sure you’ve heard of them, super famous worldwide. Anyway, you wouldn’t believe how much they pay me, and what benefits I get out of it. All I have to do is bring a pencil and use my amazing smarts, recollection, and observation skills. But don’t worry, you don’t have to be a prodigy like me to become a bookkeeper. You can just train all your life, and you’ll eventually get to my level. However, there is no need to fret. It really isn’t as bad as it sounds or looks. You just have to watch and write down every single detail that happens during a game at all times. See, it’s easy peasy. Sure you’ll be writing furiously every single second and you can’t take a break to rest your aching hand, and sure if you screw up even a little, the coaches will come down on you with the hammer of justice, but it’s great. But not everyone is up for it, and that’s why I’m the best.
Ciao. See you later for more updates in my amazing, professional, superstar life, and how you can achieve that lifestyle.
Sarah Fox
Advice from Profs: High School Regrets
Prof Kranz
“Win the state basketball tournament.”
Prof Lau
“I would have wanted to get to know more people because later in life I would have liked to have them as friends.”
Mrs. Beekman
“I would have made a better effort to visit older people because now I realize how much they like seeing younger people.”
Prof Gullerud
“I would have liked to learn German.”
Prof Schierenbeck (Jeff)
“Believe it or not, I would have wanted to study more.”
Prof Roehl
“Learn to play an instrument. Maybe guitar.”
Prof Rodebaugh
“I wish I’d studied more so I could be more successful.”
Prof Weis
“I wish I’d studied harder in high school so that I wouldn’t have had to study so hard later.”
Steve Sydow
“I wish I could have been more considerate.”
Laurie Lau
“I wish I would have taken US history during the school year, rather than take it during a summer session. I wanted to take Driver's Ed in school, and in order to do that, I had to take US history in summer, where it was a longer class each day but only lasted 8 weeks. I don't remember much at all about our country's history.”
Prof Sippert
“I would have liked to have played competitive soccer for ILHS. But they didn't have a team back then.”
Prof Schierenbeck (Dan)
“I wish I could have played in the baseball playoffs. Back then, we weren’t allowed to compete past the end of school.”
Prof Naumann
“I never flew a kite on the athletic field in the spring.”
Prof Ude
“Sail through the Caribbean.”
Karen Johannes
“I wish I would have worked on the school yearbook (The Lance) in high school. I waited until I was in college to work on it, and it was SO FUN!”
A Spot of Randomness
- If you open your eyes in a pitch-black room, the color you’ll see is called eigengrau.
- A group of hippos is called a bloat.
- The average adult spends more time on the toilet than they do exercising.
- You can’t bring a Furby to the Pentagon.
- Many oranges are actually green.
- You are 13.8% more likely to die on your birthday than any other day.
- Montpelier, Vermont, is the only U.S. capital without a McDonald’s.
Micah Fossum
The True Meaning of Christmas
We have been in school for a little less than four months now, not counting the time off for Thanksgiving break, and I know that I am ready to go back home. I have many friends back home that I will possibly see face to face finally.
Christmas is coming very soon, and people are or will be making Christmas lists and finding a Christmas tree before all the good ones are gone. Kids will be making their annual Christmas letter to Santa Claus. Joy will be spread in one way or another, even in the midst of this pandemic.
But as much as giving presents, putting up lights, and sometimes visiting family are very joyous things, many people forget the true meaning of Christmas, the entire reason “Christ” is in Christmas. Christmas’ entire meaning revolves around Jesus Christ, even if people refuse to see it or accept it.
So hold on to your faith and let it grow. Never be discouraged and have faith in God, even in these trying times.