Senior Spotlight: Riley Naumann
Senior Spotlight: Charis Gantt

Question: When and where were you born?
Riley: Eau Claire, April 29, 2004
Q: Which is better, basketball, track, or volleyball, and why?
R: Basketball has always been my favorite and I have been playing it since forever. But I am better at track, and I have gone to State twice.
Q: Advice for freshmen?
R: Take 5th period Study Hall if you can, and don’t stay with the same friend group every year; the more friends you make the more fun your experience will be.
Q: Which year was overall your favorite?
R: Junior year would have to be my favorite because of all of the new friendships I made.
Q: What are you planning on doing for your career?
R: I am planning on becoming a teacher.
Q: Dogs or cats, and why?
R: Dogs. Cats are gross, dogs are superior.
Q: Favorite high school memory?
R: I can’t just pick one favorite, but going to State for track my freshman year was pretty cool.
Q: What was your favorite musical/play to watch?
R: I don’t really know. I have enjoyed helping with makeup and hair though.
Q: Favorite Starbucks drink, why?
R: Black tea, no water, with mango and dragon fruit base. It sounds a bit odd but it's really good.
Prof: Weis
Season: Fall
Class: Geometry, the people were great.
Food: Zupa soup and salad
Animal: Polar Bear
Sport (team): Football; Seattle Seahawks
Music: I listen to a lot of genres but I can tell you my favorite song, “I Want You Back” by Jackson 5
Trinity Mayhew
Question: When and where?
Charis: I was born in Hettinger, North Dakota, February 6, 2004
Q: Favorite part of the dorm?
C: Being able to go into my friend’s room whenever I want.
Q: Favorite sport (either to watch or play)?
C: Basketball
Q: Favorite meal at ILC?
C: At home fried chicken, here soup and sandwiches
Q: Advice for the freshmen?
C: Don’t listen to Prof. R. Stay in high school, it’s fun.
Q: What’s your favorite season and why?
C: Summer, because I hate being cold.
Q: If you were stuck on a deserted island, what three things would take with you?
C: A boat, sushi, and Julia because she is sitting right next to me.
C: What’s something you like about Eau Claire that you don’t have in Georgia (or vice versa)?
C: Eau Claire, leaving.
Movie: Tangled
Prof: Weis
Class: Art this year, and overall, Spanish I
Animal: Dolphin
Song: “All Too Well” by Taylor Swift (TEN MINUTE VERSION)
Clothing item: My big black champion sweatshirt that Ryan Zimmerman said I looked huge in.
Where will Charis be in 10 years?
Julia: With Dwight, she goes to the gym every Saturday and plays badminton. She still wears her claw clip every single day. She has started her very own dairy-free Starbucks. She is dating a very strong man. I meet with her on Mondays, Riley on Tuesdays, and all of us on Wednesdays.
Sheridan:You’ll become a crazy cat lady. Don’t worry, you'll get married eventually. Just maybe to one of your cats.
Sophia Carstensen and Audrey Ardnt
Rene Orozco Diez
Sophia Carstensen and Audrey Ardnt
Senior Spotlight:
Joel Kuehne

When and Where?
-June 23, 2004, somewhere in the Twin Cities. Some hospital.
High school memories/Favorite things about high school?
-I should’ve been thinking about this through my whole high school career, it would’ve made this easier…
-Yesterday, Prof Schaller called me “Chief.” Now my choir folder says, “Chief Joel.”
-A few of us went sledding down the hill on these plastic platters and I think I might’ve sprained my knee, or done something to it that made it hurt for a month. I also pushed JB down the hill.
-Joel Bernthal and I dressed up as the Ganga girls and the black face paint was so bad, it looked like we’d been crying in the bathroom for a half an hour… which we practically had been.
What were you involved in while in high school?
-Pretty much just robotics, and a couple plays, a couple musicals. And Tour Choir. And I also played soccer for a few weeks. But yeah, basically robotics.
What do you do when you’re not at school?
-Not much. I play some games, program way too much. I don’t get out much.
Plans for after high school?
-Go to the U of M Twin Cities for some sort of engineering.
-Color: Blue or something, maybe.
-Hymn: Chief of Sinners Though I Be
-Bible passage: 1 Corinthians 10:13
-Prof: There is a war between both Schiernbecks and Prof Schaller… i don’t know who is winning
-Book: the Bible
-Cafeteria Meal: Cajun chicken/shrimp. I don’t know what they put in that sauce…
-Advice for freshmen?
-Don’t date anyone until you are at least a junior. You’re not smart enough yet.
Joel in ten years?
Henry-kidnapped by elves and playing organ in the forest.
Kitara-the elves he was kidnapped by weren’t actually elves, it was Prof Schaller dressed like an elf and he and Joel planned the kidnapping. Like when Luther got kidnapped? Like that.
Evan- he created his own multi-million dollar business, and is living with Kitara on an island he bought.
Sam-still running for his life from a fearsome Garebear, who is still fruitlessly chasing him.
Luke-I see him locking himself in a room with nothing but a computer and his immense brain, coming out only every so often to share some imponderable thought or new line of code. And coming up with division by zero.
Rodebaugh- the CEO of some tech company, probably called Joelsbook or Joogle or Japple. Probably the CEO of some technology giant.
Zachary&Suraya: hacking the Pentagon with Sherman.
Trinity-The next Prof Schiernbeck (they have the same birthday).​
Recently, there have been many sightings across Immanuel of an unknown man in a yellow jacket. As it turns out, Rene Diaz can quickly shed his mantle of mystery with a torrent of cheerful conversation, and he was happy to shed some light on his background.
Where were you born?
-In Mexico, the state of Durango, in the city of Tepehuanes. It’s a small ranch town. And we didn’t have a hospital, it was a little emergency clinic. I grew up mostly in Schiller Park, IL, but would spend most of my summers in Mexico.
Where did you live before coming to ILC?
-I lived in Goose Creek, SC.
What’s your family like?
-I’m the baby of the family, I have three older brothers and an older sister. Two of us were born in Mexico, and the rest were born in Chicago. My oldest brother was a Marine and the one under him, in the Army.
What was your military career like?
-It was filled with a lot of ups and downs. It started with a few failures. I learned manythings. My Air Force experience was different since I already had done basic training with the Army/National Guard. Physical/survival training was a big part of my Air Force training. I was a Staff Sergeant and a member of the Security Forces Squadron. Most recently I was a team leader for the Phoenix Ravens (similar to an air marshal). My unit specialized in aircraft and asset security. Whenever aircraft went out of military installations, we would go with them. We were directly involved in Operation Allies Refuge.
How did you find out about the CLC?
-During my most recent deployment, there was a chaplain from the Missouri synod that I talked to every day, asking him questions and so forth. While I was talking to him, it came to my mind that I would like to be a chaplain, so I began looking at different seminaries. I found the CLC and thought it looked like a kind of cult, but I found that the doctrine was solid. I then came into contact with John Ude, and we talked quite a bit. He introduced me to Pastor Pfeiffer, and Holy Trinity in West Columbia, SC became my first CLC church.
What do you like to do in your free time?
-I like to hang out at coffee shops and drink coffee. Black, no sugar. I like to work out. I also enjoy listening to theology podcasts, especially Bryan Wolfmueller and Jonathan Fisk.I also enjoy playing hockey.
What’s your opinion of ILC so far?
-I’m enjoying the academics and the theology, and I like the cold weather up here.
Other things he enjoys:
-Class: Symbolics with Prof Ude
-Food: Steak with raw horseradish.
-Bible verse: Judges 16:28
What’s something about you that not many people know?
New Kid on the Block
Our dorm parents, Courtney and Paul, were blessed with the gift of a baby girl on January 25, 2022. Laila Grace was born at 4:02 AM. The Agentens were already in the hospital because of Hallie’s pancreas condition and the baby decided she wanted to make an appearance . . . A week early! It was a very fast delivery; Courtney delivered and caught her own baby (by herself!!) before the nurses even got to their room. And Halllie’s wish came true, she got to see her baby sister be born.
Be sure to ask Paul and/or Courtney for full details sometime; it is an amazing story and they would love to tell it to you.
Lydia Strike
I have another compiled list of weird things heard, this time a lot longer (Which is good? Who doesn’t want to hear strange things people have said?). Enjoy!
"I hate it when I accidentally commit arson."
"Suraya! The mops are naked!"
"No! Don't die! Not in my room! I'd feel so guilty."
"Annie, the world does not revolve around you. It revolves around the sun. You are just a traveler on this big blue marvel."
“I’m afraid to go through here; it’s like a cult.”
“Don’t touch my noodles.”
“You just covered yourself in oil so that it looks like you’re sweating. Shush.”
“It’s my body. You can’t tell me if it hurts or not. “
“You didn’t do a single thing! I had to lift my whole chunkus self up by myself.”
“Pushing a table with your stomach is a good ab exercise.”
“It feels like you’re brushing my hair with your chin.”
“Children are most comfortable when they resemble food.”
“Ice cream is more logical at ten o’clock at night than chicken nuggets, it’s a fact.”
“Dear Dwight, I will stab you.”
“Oh dear, the whipped cream is constipated.”
“No face? Fine. Then you just get utter blackness.”
“I’m digesting, ok?”
“My, what rectangular biceps you have.”
“That cat just looked at my soul and memorized every detail. And promised to devour it.”
“Cheyenne, you are the world's most beautifullest potato.”
"Don't dis ma box."
"There's a box of music in that closet with the word 'singles' written on it. I should go sit in that box."
Valentine's Word Associations
Valentine’s Day
John Sprengler
Lydia Strike
What is Love?
Micah Fossum
Valentine’s Day is upon us now and I have been asked to share my thoughts on love. Where do I even begin? There is so much meaning to this one word. I’ll just start with the origin of love. God.
God is the epitome of love. Sparing the Israelites numerous times after they had disobeyed Him, turning his judgment from Nineveh, and of course sending Jesus, our Savior, and His own Son to die for our sins.
Martin Luther wrote in his Small Catechism, “In order that I might be His own, live under Him in His kingdom, and serve Him in everlasting righteousness, innocence, and joy" as part of the explanation to The Second Article of The Apostles Creed.
Without God’s love, there would be no Valentine’s Day, as stated in this passage: “We love Him because He first loved us”-- 1 John 4:19.
The worldly view of love has been corrupted over time. Today we live in a world where people think homosexuality and adultery are okay, among other misconceptions and sins that the devil, the father of lies, has created.
Of course, there are many good views of love in our world today. Take the love a husband and wife have for each other, and if they have any, their children.
Love can be one of the most powerful emotions. In my opinion, one of the most powerful forms of love is friendship. If you’ve read my poem about it in this edition, then you can see the thoughts of some of you guys and me, as well about what friendship is.
These are some of my personal thoughts on love.
John Sprengler
A Friend
John Sprengler
What is a friend?
Someone I can enjoy being around
Someone I talk to and spend lots of time with
Someone I enjoy the company of
Someone whom I can call just because
Someone after many years I can pick up with as if it were yesterday
Someone I can connect and share with, good or bad
Someone who makes me feel I belong
Someone whom I can be myself around
Someone who builds me up as a person
Someone whom I can depend on, and trust
Someone who cares and listens to me
Someone who is smart, loyal, and funny
Someone I can confide in
Someone I can go to when I feel down
Someone who supports me but points out when I’m wrong
Someone who can help me out in times of need
Someone who is a companion on the road of life
Someone who celebrates when I gain a victory, but also comforts me in times of defeat
Someone who can handle my highs and lows
Someone who is there for me at my worst times
Someone who stands beside me in rough times
Someone who is truthful
Someone who forgives
Someone I can have a laugh with
Someone who gives back to me
Someone who defends me against those who speak ill of me
Someone who doesn’t leave me alone when I’m hurting
Someone I can do all these things for
And someone I can be all these things for
Someone who is someone because they are my someone
Someone who has been and done all these things for me
Someone like you
A companion . . . a buddy . . . a comrade . . . an ally . . . a pal . . .
. . . A friend.
Groundhog's Day
Trinity Mayhew
February 2nd has come and gone, and Punxsutawney Phil has seen his shadow. Many despair believing that it forebears bad weather, but it doesn’t matter either way for Wisconsinites. If Mr. Phil doesn’t see his shadow, we receive an early spring. If he does not, we only have six more weeks of winter!
Punxsutawney Phil is named after a town in Pennsylvania, allegedly the first place in the U.S. Groundhog Day began. It’s based on the German tradition of “Candlemas,” which celebrates the halfway point of winter. They predicted the weather occurring for the rest of the season. If the weather was poor, it was believed that it would only get better from there. This was indicated by the lack of a shadow cast by the groundhog, due to overcast skies. If there was good weather, however, the people anticipated a turn for the worse. The groundhog, casting a shadow due to the sunny skies, was considered a bad omen. However, history has shown that this prediction is only right about 40% of the time, so perhaps it would be a more accurate prediction if we switched our guidelines for it.
Cold Blast from the Past
Prof. Joe Lau
Believe it or not, I was once young. I was a dorm student at ILC the first year that North Hall opened. In the winter time it was the job of the male freshmen to shovel snow before the school day began. The guys’ dorm supervisor would wake us at about 5:30 am and we would have to get up and clear a path to all of the buildings on campus before breakfast. The path did not have to be wide, but if there was a big snowfall it could take a bit of time. This was back when breakfast was served in the cafeteria in Ingram. I vividly recall the nose icicles on cold mornings after shoveling snow. I think the caretakers must have widened the paths later in the day.
Which reminds me, we should be very grateful for the caretakers we have on campus today. They often get up long before we do in order to make our sidewalks safe and clean. They give up weekend time to plow if the weather warrants it. I’ve been to many campuses over the years and not one has been as proficient at snow removal as ours. So next time you see a caretaker, let them know you appreciate their work, especially if you are a male freshman.
Whitewater Camp
To end a wonderful January, a group of Immanuel students traveled over to Whitewater State Park in Minnesota for a weekend of worship, fellowship, hiking, and enjoying the outdoors. The theme this year was “Our Citizenship is in Heaven!” based off of Phillipians 3:12-21. We discussed striving past the past, maturity, harmony, godliness, and citizenship. We sang hymns and worship songs, and hiked through God’s beautiful creation, including night hikes to see the magnificent stars.
This was an extremely refreshing experience, despite the terrifying incident of a camper running into a tree during sledding. God was with him, and he made it off the mountain with only a few bumps and bruises, making jokes the whole time. Several good friends helped the EMTs find him and bring him back down.
Friends like these are a wonderful blessing and I am so glad that I had the opportunity to meet these great people. This bond over a weekend of fellowship over the “One Thing Needful” is something that I will never forget.
Trinity Mayhew
Trinity Mayhew
The Witness is starting up again after being dormant for a few years. Jaqi Gerbitz has taken charge in revitalizing the project, an online newspaper for young Christians in college. These articles are devotional in nature and on a variety of topics. The first edition is arriving soon. If you are interested in writing for the Witness, email me at Otherwise, check it out, and let your hearts be encouraged by the words of your fellow Christians based on the Word, the Rock, our sure Foundation.