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Senior Spotlight: Emily Zimmerman

Emily Zimmerman speaks for herself. There’s not much I can say in this interview that she hasn’t already shouted. Some people might think this is a bad personality trait, but it’s hard to come across someone so honest, opinionated, and thoughtful (but so stupid at the same time). When I sat her down to get this article done, she launched into her life story: “I was born on August 26, 1999, in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Middle name Anne. My parents are named Jason and Rebecca Zimmerman and Coach Tom Williams is my grandpa. I moved from apartment to apartment for awhile at first. . .” At this point she realized no one cared and got bored with herself. I decided to do my job and we actually started trying:

Flash: What do you think the most played song on your Spotify is?

Emily: “Sunday Morning” by Maroon 5 or “Down” by Jay Sean

F: Do you have pet peeves?

E: Oh, my goodness. Okay. Double dipping for sure. When I have earbuds in while I’m sitting in the library and people come up and talk to me. Slow walkers in the hallway. Every single couple at school.

F: What about your own most annoying habit?

E: Hmm… I’m just so obnoxious. Probably that I just don’t shut up, and I think I’m funnier than I am.

F: If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you’d buy?

E: College. Then I’d knock out all the places I want to travel.

F: If you could travel anywhere in the world, what’s the one place you’d pick?

E: Poland, New Zealand, Barcelona.

F: That’s three.

E: I don’t care.

F: On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you care about anything today?

E: Zero.

F: When you can’t sleep, what’s something you’d search on Youtube?

E: Prom makeup tutorials or anything from Buzzfeed. Or Button Poetry.

F: Favorite memories from high school?

E: During a Health lecture, I asked Rodebaugh for a pliers to fix Rose’s necklace. He immediately replied with “what size?” instead of yelling at me for not paying attention. Pretty much anything we’ve done in the dorms, or the night Rose, Alex, and I played in the snow and hung out in the gym.

F: Would you get too stressed out if I brought up plans for after graduation?

E: Nah. I’ll probably go to college. Travel a little. Get married eventually. Have some kids. Who knows?

F: Will you still be watching Immanuel baseball after you leave?

E: Yeah, Ryan’s playing. But baseball is life. If I was ever lost and anyone needed (or wanted) to find me, I’d probably be at a baseball field. So, yeah.

F: Give the people you’re leaving behind some advice.

E: 1) If school is selling a t-shirt, buy the t-shirt. Once everyone has it, you’re gonna want it.

2) Appreciate chapel. That’s all I really have to say


Poet: C.S. Lewis (if he counts as a poet) or Sarah Kaye

Food: Peanut M&M’s, steak, apple crisp.

Person: Lainy

TV Show: Grey’s Anatomy.

Brother: Ryan for sure.

Bible passage: John 14:27 or John 15:5

Where do you see Emily in ten years?

Jon: She’ll be married and living in Malibu, where she runs a chiropractor business for the rich and famous. On the weekends she indulges in her true passion, teaching young CIA agents about intel gathering.

Joci Gamble: She’s a successful businesswoman, but won’t tell any of her family/friends what the business is. She and her hubby and their 5 spazzy children all live in my guest house, so she and I are always close. Though she’s constantly stuffing her face with Almond Joys, and is a mother of 5 little children, she still struggles to keep her weight over 100 pounds.

Prof Rodebaugh: She’ll still be asking Sam Lisak, “How’s the potato salad?” in text messages.

Lainy: Living in a cave with me for the rest of our lives, probs.

November 11

College Visitor's Day

Band Concert 7:00

Fall Musical: She Loves Me 7:30

November 12

Student Performances 7:00

Fall Musical: She Loves Me 7:30

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November 17

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November 19

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