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Senior Spotlight: Benjamin David Naumann

James: When and where?

Ben: Ketchikan, Alaska, on July 7, 1999

Jon: How many places have you lived?

Ben: Three places: Fon Du Lac for 11 years, Clarkston [WA] since then. [And Ketchikan]

James: Are P-K’s (pastor’s kids) superior to non-P-K’s?

Ben: Obviously

Jon: Favorite high school memory?

Ben: There’s too many good ones.

James: If you could do one thing on campus with no repercussions, what would you do?

Ben: Demolition derby with the would be really fun. Just drive around campus, run into buildings and whatever else.

James: Would you rather kill a buck with a bow or a gun?

Ben: A bow. It’s more honorable.

James: Which prof would you be for a day?

Ben: Prof Sullivan. Just hand out a whole bunch of detentions. It’d be fun.

James: If you could live as the main character in any movie, which would it be?

Ben: Wolverine, in literally any of them. Basically the coolest guy around.

James: If you could only eat at one restaurant for the rest of your life, which would it be?

Ben: Hu-Hot.

Jon: Advice for the younguns?

Ben: Don’t take anything too seriously. Try to be nice to people, it makes life easier.

Speed Round

Mickey Mouse or Speedy Gonzalez: Speedy

Hardee’s or Culver’s: Culver’s

Cheese Curds or Arby’s Curly Fries: Cheese curds

Forks or Knives: Knives

Zombies or Vampires: Zombies

Red lightsaber or blue lightsaber: Red

Football or UFC: Football


HS Class: Physics

Prof: Lau or Schierenbeck or Roehl

School Rule to Break: Curfew

Music Genre: Hip-Hop

Movie: The Vow

Lunch meal: Orange Chicken

November 11

College Visitor's Day

Band Concert 7:00

Fall Musical: She Loves Me 7:30

November 12

Student Performances 7:00

Fall Musical: She Loves Me 7:30

November 15

Girls BB vs Cadott

November 17

Girls BB vs Lincoln

November 19

Game Night 7:00

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