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Top Tips for Watching Movies

  1. If you have not seen the movie, DON’T BE ON YOUR PHONE. This is number one for a reason. The worst thing you can do is just be scrolling through twitter while some apparently boring scene is happening. There is a reason that scene is there, and you missed it.

  2. If you are watching a movie with people, and none of you have seen the movie, don’t ask questions about the movie. Everything will be explained at some time, and if not, you can talk about it after the movie with everyone else, who most likely are also confused.

  3. Talking is allowed, but try not to talk when someone in the movie is talking. Dialogue is important, and even with subtitles on, you miss how the lines were delivered, which matters.

  4. If someone predicts something about the movie, and they are right, give some respect.

  5. Watch with friends. This can increase your enjoyment of the movie by huge amounts, unless your friends are annoying, in which case, get new friends.

  6. Food is good. Food makes you happy. If you are happy, you will enjoy the movie more. Bring food.

  7. If you have seen the movie already, but other people have not, don’t spoil anything. We all know someone like this. Someone who says stuff that you wish you could unhear. There are just some movies where knowing what is going to happen ruins it. If someone guesses that something is going to happen, don’t acknowledge them. Let them see for themselves. (If you are planning on seeing a movie at the theater, and are really excited for it and don't want it to be spoiled, do not check social media. People are the worst when it comes to spoiling on social media.)

  8. If you brought food, be willing to share some.

  9. Don’t demand food from someone who brought food. Wait for them to be kind enough to give you some.

  10. Humor is almost always the best way to watch a movie. Just make sure you do it at the correct time. (An example of an incorrect time is Old Yeller dying.)

  11. Don’t judge a movie until you make it all the way through.

  12. The Ben Rule. If you are watching a movie you haven't seen, and you have to take a break, do not, I repeat, do not look up the ending of the movie during that break. You just ruined the movie for yourself.

  13. is your friend. If you have already seen a movie, you can look up interesting trivia about the movie, or if you forgot a quote you can look that up. You want to see what other movies that actor is in? Go to IMDb. They

also have a pretty dope app.

  1. If you are alone, only 1, 6, 11, and 12 apply.

  2. Do whatever you want. These are just suggestions. I probably have no clue what I’m talking about.

November 11

College Visitor's Day

Band Concert 7:00

Fall Musical: She Loves Me 7:30

November 12

Student Performances 7:00

Fall Musical: She Loves Me 7:30

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Girls BB vs Cadott

November 17

Girls BB vs Lincoln

November 19

Game Night 7:00

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