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Ask a Prof.

Question: If you had to witness one of the following fights, which would it be and why?

Prof Rodebaugh vs. Prof Roehl

Prof Naumann vs. Prof Ude

Prof Gullerud vs. Prof Schierenbeck


Prof Lau- Rodebaugh vs. Roehl

Strongest forearms of the group.

Prof Kranz- Nauman vs. Ude

Teachers of Hebrew would fight from right to left.

Prof Ude- “I definitely wouldn’t want to watch myself get beat up.”

Prof Sullivan- All three

“I would tell them to all break it up and not let them leave until they shook hands.”

Mrs. J.- Naumann vs. Ude

Schierenbeck and Gullerud would do too much analyzing of each move. Roehl and Rodebaugh would walk around each other trying to get the other one to laugh. If I want to see a real fight, I would choose Ude and Naumann.

Prof Schierenbeck- Rodebaugh vs. Roehl

It would be the most action- packed. Both have good stamina and neither would give up, so it would go for a long time.

Rodebaugh- Gullerud vs. Schierenbeck

They would be the least likely to find themselves in a fight.

Prof Roehl- Naumann vs. Ude

It would be the fight of the century. It would be for supre

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