Indie Anna
“She Moves in Her Own Way” by The Kooks “My Moon My Man” by Feist “Drive” by Oh Wonder “Beach” by Will Joseph Cook “Let Me Go” by Cake...

Top Tips for Watching Movies
If you have not seen the movie, DON’T BE ON YOUR PHONE. This is number one for a reason. The worst thing you can do is just be scrolling...
Valentine’s Day
Aah, Valentine's Day. Some people dread it, others eagerly wait for it, and some don’t even remember what month it’s in. But I think we...
Dear Freshman...
Every year a new group of freshmen comes in and has some things to figure out. Every year it seems that by three quarters of the way...

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice
Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn (more like Yawn) of Justice SPOILERS! (It came out almost a year ago; it is your fault you haven’t seen it...
Mini-Classes in Review
Well, mini-classes have come and gone once again. From life skills like “Home Wiring” and “How to Side a House” to more laid back classes...
A Farewell (Good Riddance?) to… Everything I Can’t Stand
I cannot stand many things at this school. Things that irk me. Provoke me to anger at times. In this article, I will bid good riddance to...
New Student!
Perhaps you have noticed a new college student on campus since second semester began. His name is Isaac Allenbrown Schmitt, a 22-year-old...

Random Facts
If you were to stretch a Slinky out until it’s flat, it would measure 87 feet long 95% of people text things they could never say in...
10 Top Tips for Buying Shoes
Ten tips on shoe selection Find a pair you like and will wear. Choose a brand you trust. Find an affordable shoe that’s a good deal. Make...